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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. No I wouldn't. What kind of person accosts a celebrity for their phone number? Isn't that kind of creepy to you?
  2. Current in this threads means new. So, new music recommendations. There.
  3. I'm curious when the new Orb album is going to leak -- don't they all at some point?
  4. BTW, thanks Jahfin -- there's a couple bands you've mentioned here recently that I really like, that I probably wouldn't have sought out if not for you.
  5. I agree.....they're great! I hope I can find their new album around here.
  6. Oooh, that's nice. Real nice, actually. Reminds me how much I love this part of the board.
  7. LOL. I like Pandora. I also like Spotify and Grooveshark, which is slightly different than the other two. It doesn't give you recommended artists/related artists, but it does give you better sound quality than YouTube videos. So if you wanted to listen to more of a band's material for example, you could search for them in Grooveshark and pull up songs. If you sign up for a free account, you can create playlists of your own, look at other users' playlists....it's great. I highly recommend it. And I've never had a virus problem!
  8. Yet Another Movie / A New Machine pt. 1 / Terminal Frost / A New Machine pt. 2 / Sorrow A Day In The Rain -- Oakland Alameda Coliseum, Oakland; April 22nd, 1988 Pink Floyd
  9. You play the flute? How very cool. My sister played the flute in middle school, before giving it up because she got too exasperated with it. Me, I was never mechanically-inclined to play an instrument. I'm always jealous of people who can.
  10. No it's not. Stop it. You're smart enough I would hope, to know better than to say something that ridiculous. This is getting embarrassing.
  11. My point still stands. You cannot accept other people disliking something that you like. And I don't even dislike The Who, I'm just "meh" about them. And that is both hysterical and sad.
  12. Behind Blue Eyes will always be my #1.
  13. I have never seen anyone get their underwear wedged in their ass over someone's opinion more than you. It's hysterical. I'm very "meh" on The Who. They did some songs I like, I have Who's Next, but that's it. They aren't a favorite, but they don't suck either. You can't handle that? Cry me a river, build me a bridge and then get over it.
  14. The Who are an alright band to me. They did some songs I like, but I'm not overly enthusiastic about them.
  15. I figured if you like them, they're worth a listen. So I checked out their website, listened to some songs -- not bad! I see they're a local (NC) band.
  16. Titter chez moi = titter from me = makes me laugh
  17. I don't listen to funny/comedy music. If a song makes me laugh out loud, it's because it's utter garbage. Kind of like this: They should be punched in the nuts for doing that.
  18. Some stupid song from Fatboy Slim. Ugh.
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