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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. I LOVE Live At Fillmore East. Imagine how much more great music that band could have put out if Duane hadn't died so young.
  2. It's no big deal. I don't discuss politics much here anyway, since it's not a matter of people not agreeing with me, in so much as there's not a lot of intelligent people to discuss it with, regardless of ideology. Joel's a piece of crap anyway. I'll help anyone take him down.

  3. He was absolutely a drunken, rambling lout, but his drunken ramblings were amazing. Not many people can pull that off. I do agree with you re: Ray Manzarek. He's always had a sky-high ego, and now that's he's appointed himself the curator of The Doors legacy, it's gotten worse. Talented keyboardist/writer, but that gets overshadowed by his mouth. BTW, one of my favorite underrated Doors songs is Soul Kitchen. Great bass work by Larry Knechtel.
  4. Bumping up this thread because hell, it should be on the main page. I've always been a huge fan of The Doors, and I go through these cycles where I listen to them a lot, then a little, then a lot, etc,. I pulled out my LA Woman vinyl I got from my dad, and damn if it doesn't sound good. If only Jim took better care of himself. I still say Riders On The Storm is one of the greatest rock songs ever written.
  5. I just logged into my Yahoo Mail account so either it just came back or the problem wasn't with the mail client itself.
  6. Never a dull moment at forums.ledzeppelin.com
  7. This just in, Bin Laden is still dead.
  8. You Showed Me The Turtles The Turtles Present The Battle of the Bands
  9. Burning Down The House - Talking Heads
  10. Watching the two of you go at it reminds me of a scene from South Park.
  11. YAY! My sister graduated from college with honors a couple weeks ago, so my parents understand the joy you feel right now. What college is she going to this fall?
  12. I love all those songs, and have them on my iPod. They're such great fun pop songs. I wish that kind of insouciance would return to pop music nowadays -- too many artists take themselves too seriously.
  13. An Open Letter To NYC Beastie Boys To The Five Boroughs
  14. When you consider who it's coming from though, it's par for the course.
  15. Knebby wasn't talking about the image Jafin posted, she was referring to something from earlier in the thread.
  16. I believe you mean "off-putting" not "off pudding".
  17. The Cleveland Browns do not reference Native Americans. [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cleveland_Browns#cite_note-4]
  18. Blaming Americans for everything is what a lot of people around the world do best.
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