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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsmaK03VfBo In the middle of watching the whole thing. I hope once Yauch is completely healthy, they get back on the road. I'd love to see them.
  2. I love the Allman Brothers Band. Love 'em. I have their album live at the Fillmore East, and it's phenomenal. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gP_QJJwYsEU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nt9-00zousA
  3. ^^You know, that would make a great Doodle for the front page. I'm surprised they haven't thought of something like that yet.
  4. Yes. His remains were never recovered, and his name is on the memorial there for the men killed during the battle.
  5. Guitarists: 1. Jimi Hendrix 2. Duane Allman 3. Stevie Ray Vaughan 4. BB King 5. Joe Walsh Drummers: 1. Ginger Baker 2. Neil Peart 3. John Bonham 4. Buddy Rich 5. Mitch Mitchell
  6. Psycho Killer - Talking Heads
  7. Never My Love - The Association
  8. Over You - Gary Puckett and the Union Gap
  9. She & Him cover Nicolette Larson who covered Neil Young:
  10. Isn't that what they all do?
  11. Not that often, unless it is in the context of a foreign policy debate/conversation. The economy and domestic affairs are the more pressing issue right now, and will be next year as well, not the death of Osama bin Laden.
  12. You had me right up until the watermelon juice. I think my stomach lurched a little.
  13. The eclipse is almost over -- it hit totality about an hour and a half ago or so. London is 5 hours ahead of my time zone, so it's already after 10 o'clock there. The moon was in fact, quite red. Which is normal. If it were black, that would mean there's a shit-ton of pollutants and such in the air.
  14. Funny you should mention Another Brick In The Wall. I loathe that song. God damn it's awful. The insipid lyrics, the disco drums......Pink Floyd did about a zillion times better work than that. Not even Gilmour's solo at the end saved it.
  15. Thankfully for me, I don't give a damn about your opinion on what makes or does not make a fan of Led Zeppelin, so you can continue talking to yourself, as far as that conversation is concerned. I know I'm a fan of the band's music, and people here who know me know that I'm a fan of the band's music, and that's all that really matters. The idea that you think you have the ability, least of all the authority, to go around dictating who is a fan, what fans are allowed to say and what they're not allowed to say.....it's asinine. To say the least.
  16. I don't "claim" to be a fan, I am a fan. Why else waste my time posting here both on this incarnation of the board, and the prior one, which I joined in January of 2004? I would think it makes little to no sense to post on a message board devoted to a music group you don't like. As to your assertion that you've never met a fan who hates Stairway To Heaven.......now you have.
  17. Yes, it's a serious comment. I know it's shocking that someone would dare step outside the echo chamber when it comes to that particular song, but you'll get over it. I don't like the song. To be honest, I hate it. I don't think it's the best song they ever did, I don't even think it's the best song on its album. I think Page did better guitar solos that get ZERO recognition, which is really sad. Led Zeppelin did a great number of incredible songs I enjoy listening to. That song isn't one of them. It's not the end of the world, it's not an insult, it's not anything other than my personal opinion and feelings on that particular song. No more, no less. If you can't handle and/or accept that this is my opinion, and that at no time have I ever nor will I ever try to persuade people to change theirs, well.....that's not my problem. I shouldn't have to say I like something that I don't to avoid people like you getting your shorts in a knot about it.
  18. That's utter pish. I wasn't aware that in order to be a Led Zeppelin fan, I had to like every single song they did.
  19. The only song on that list I like is Fool In The Rain. So, all of them but that one. Also, Stairway To Heaven.
  20. Classic Albums: The Doors. Great, great, great program.
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