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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. It's alright Sean. Del Brad has had a stick up his ass about me since the first day he joined the site a few years months ago. You should have read some of the garbage he said about me then. It makes the stuff he's said about me now seem tame in comparison. What's funny is that if I really *were* intolerant towards Christians, as Del Brad alleges, I wouldn't be speaking to my family anymore......or basically any of my friends on this site and off. See, what I hate is religion, not religious people. Just like I dislike football, but not people who like football. That's apparently a rather fine distinction he seems to be unable to make. Which isn't my problem.
  2. I love me some Beastie Boys. Just bought of all their albums today. "My man MCA's got a beard like a billy goat...."
  3. My sincerest condolences to you. I've lost a friend to suicide, and IMO, there is no greater pain that you can live with. Whether you believe in the concept of an afterlife or not, try to take comfort in the fact that your friend is no longer in any pain or anguish, physical or otherwise. It's not much to hang your hat on right now, but it's something. May your friend join the cosmos and become a star.
  4. I bought Joss Stone's newest album a couple of days ago. Very, very good. Different from her previous work, but still top-quality, IMO.
  5. He had two daughters, not four, but it's still tragic nonetheless.
  6. RIP Mr. Lane. Heaven will always be one of my favorite 80s guilty pleasures.
  7. Oh, he knows. The sad part is, Del Brad didn't watch the video he was talking about, or else he would have known the person was making fun of Sarah Palin, who is a nut job fundie. This person, in their portrayal of Sarah Palin, made the comment....and I thought it was funny. I don't even believe there was person called Jesus, so how could I personally make any assertions as to what his racial makeup was?
  8. Bat signal aside, if she painted Starry Night that well, that is extremely impressive.
  9. Favorite line: "This particular brand of flour is great, because it's white like Jesus!" Favorite line: "It's like the underground railroad.....OF SEX!" I should add that these videos are NSFW, as funny as they are.
  10. I'm glad you liked it! She has a ton of other funny videos; one of my Twitter followers got me hooked.
  11. You really should subscribe to her videos. She's hysterical.
  12. I was once a teenager with a Nikon. Then I became an adult and got me one of these: http://usa.canon.com/cusa/consumer/products/cameras/slr_cameras/eos_rebel_xs_18_55is_kit
  13. Coming back from the Farmer's Market loaded to the gills with fresh veggies makes me very happy. I picked up some squash, eggplant, zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet corn, cabbage, onions, Romaine lettuce, and green beans. Not only is this place easy to get to, but the prices are very reasonable.
  14. She loves Frosted Flakes, and she loves French Toast.....be careful she doesn't hunt you down and steal it.
  15. My sister signed her contract today! She's officially an 8th grade Language Arts and Social Studies teacher in Davidson Co.
  16. I'll have to take your word for it. You can have mine.
  17. Oh Lord Sean, I don't know how you can eat those things. Just the idea of egg salad in my mouth brings on the dry heaves. I'm sure they're happy they have you as a faithful customer, though.
  18. Congrats, grandma. What made me happy today? Well, a couple things. One, my sister found out she got the teaching position she wanted, so she's now an 8th grade Language Arts and Social Studies teacher. Two, the Yankees won this afternoon. After a nice doubleheader shellacking yesterday, they decided to keep it close today. No worries though, a win is a win is a win.
  19. If he doesn't dig in, I sure as hell will!
  20. Happy Birthday, Sean!

  21. I noticed down there at the bottom of the page that you're celebrating a birthday today, and a rather big one at that; the last year before you hit the half-century mark! I hope it's a good one, and I hope you eat tons and tons of cake. Since you said that you were also looking forward to a B-Boys tour in the near future, here's a little something I hope you'll enjoy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mex68_kwDVE
  22. I had a couple teachers in college who accepted the "My computer crashed, hence I didn't turn in my homework" excuse, provided you could bring your computer to class to show them that it in fact, doesn't work. Students with laptops fared better with this than students who used desktops, but from what I recall, a couple students did in fact do that, and were allowed to submit the assignment late. They had points taken off for it being late, but at least they were allowed to turn it in for some kind of a grade.
  23. Damn you, there isn't a decent Thai restaurant around here for miles. Indian food, yes; Chinese food, yes; Mexican food, yes. No Thai. No fair.
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