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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. You know, just because a football team uses the word doesn't mean it's okay. Native American groups have been petitioning them to change their name for years. They only recently got the Braves and the Indians (MLB) to get rid of their cartoonish caricatures of Indians as mascots.....and both of those teams have been around a lot longer than the Redskins have been in the NFL. It's anachronistic, and while maybe many people at large might not find the word "redskin" racist, Native Americans do.
  2. Well hell, if he's going to use the term "redskin" to refer to Native Americans, he should just go all out and call black people "colored", Asians "Orientals", and Jews "Hebes". I mean, if you're going to do it, go for the gold. When was the last time you cracked open a history book?
  3. You know as sure as there is oxygen in your lungs, that as much as it would be painful to see Robert, Jimmy, and JPJ limp around on stage the way The Who (or what's left of them anyway) are, nearly half the people here would shit their pants to make it happen anyway. On one hand, they're your favorite band and you want to see them, on the other they're your favorite band and you don't want them to embarrass themselves and then suffer the negative press that it would attract.
  4. I forgot just how good this song was until it popped up in my iTunes. Then I remembered how much I loved it, and also how much I played it to death when it came out.
  5. Just out of curiosity, how does not believing in God equal believing in nothing? Is your God everything, and thus if you don't believe in it, there's nothing left?
  6. There's nothing wrong with being an atheist. Just like there's nothing wrong with being a Christian, or a Jew, or a Muslim, or a Hindu, or a Buddhist, or a Zoroastrian, or whatever other denomination you choose to follow. The non-belief in a God/Gods is just as valid a course of life as a belief in a God/Gods. Life would suck if everyone was the same. My atheism doesn't make me less of a person than someone who has some kind of religious faith, and people who have faith are not less of a person to me. So I'm not sure what your point was.
  7. Why don't they have more fans? *sigh* I guess they got a "frat rap" reputation in the late 80s and for some people it never quite wore off. It's a little disheartening, because even if rap music isn't really your forte (and I'm one of those people), they are really solid musicians and you can hear a lot of live instrumentation in their work, so it's not just the three of them rapping over half a dozen samples and someone scratching a turntable. Ah well, that's their loss.
  8. While I don't always agree with Bill Maher, I think the overall point that he made in that monologue was pretty damn accurate -- there's a lot of people in this country who profess to be Christians, that are about as far from Christ-like as a person can get. I don't think there's anything wrong with being happy that someone like Osama Bin Laden caught it, but there is something rather hypocritical about people who follow the teachings of a man who said love your neighbor and turn the other cheek, having parties when someone dies, regardless of who that someone is. Just own the hypocrisy, rather than pretending it doesn't exist. In a way, I'm glad I'm an atheist and I don't need to worry about what a book of ancient Hebrew fairy tales suggests I do or don't do. I can just do what is right for but hurts no one else, and be done with it.
  9. If The House Is a-Rockin' - Stevie Ray Vaughan
  10. As was mentioned in another thread that I completely forgot, you can't really talk about great cover songs without nominating this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIhtafqZvy8
  11. The KKK are terrorists. The Aryan Brotherhood are terrorists. Terrorism is not just limited to dictators and radical Islam.
  12. Damn, I forgot about All Along The Watchtower. I think that might be the definitive example of someone covering a Bob Dylan tune and doing it better than Dylan could have even imagined. Of course, that's entirely due to Hendrix's obscene and ungodly talent.
  13. I'm kind of on the fence re: Bob Dylan. I like a lot of his 60s material, but then I've also found that other artists have covered his songs better than his original. For example, I think Peter, Paul and Mary's version of Blowin' In The Wind is better, and I also think Joe Cocker's version of I Shall Be Released is better. The one exception to that is Knockin' On Heaven's Door. Nothing will touch his version, GnR or Eric Clapton be damned.
  14. HA, brilliant! If I worked at that school, I'd buy that teacher lunch.
  15. Joe Cocker's version of Bob Dylan's I Shall Be Released is almost a religious experience.
  16. I much prefer CSN's version to Joni's, truth be told.
  17. I cannot believe someone actually thinks a Duke and Duchess in England postponed a honeymoon in the Seychelles because the US president ordered Navy SEALs to shoot a terrorist hiding in Pakistan in the face. I post on a message board devoted strictly to royals (http://www.theroyalforums.com), especially the British Royal Family, and there's a ton of posters there far more knowledgeable about them than I am, and I can assure you with the utmost confidence that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge did not postpone their honeymoon because Osama Bin Laden was killed. There has however been a lot of discussion on said message board about how William had to go back to Wales after the wedding to return to work in relation with his job as a Search and Rescue pilot for the RAF, and there were photographs of Catherine doing the grocery shopping at Waitrose for their home not more than a day or so before they actually left. If they HAD postponed their honeymoon because of this Navy SEALs event, it would have been mentioned in the multitude of articles posted on the boards about the two of them in the near week now since it happened. I read the article you posted, and it's nothing but baseless speculation. Especially since there's a quote from a spokesperson from Buckingham Palace saying that the decision to delay the honeymoon was made weeks ago, before Bin Laden was killed. Why would a delay made weeks ago, have anything to do with something that happened weeks later? Unless you think that Obama personally called William and said "Hey man, I'm going to pop a cap in Osama's ass, so delay your honeymoon for me. Cool."
  18. That makes no sense whatsoever. Why would two people who have nothing to do with the United States, our government, our military, Pakistan, or OBL postpone their honeymoon because the President ordered a hit on somebody? They postponed their honeymoon because William had to go back to work. He had commitments in Wales after the wedding, so he and Catherine had to high-tail it back up there before they could finally leave. It had nothing to do with Osama Bin Laden taking two in the face. Come on, you were joking there weren't you? Please tell me you were joking.
  19. Getting my computer, that's for damn sure. I'm an Apple snob -- once you go Mac, you never go back.
  20. I think it's adorable that you think I not only hate the United States (if I did, I wouldn't still be living here) and that I'm upset that Navy SEALs killed Bin Laden (which I never said, nor inferred in even a minute way). You confuse criticism for hate. You need to work on that. It's patriotic to criticize your country. It's patriotic to want better things for your country. It's patriotic to DEMAND better things from your country. I don't hate the United States, if I did, I wouldn't still be living here. I'd have moved years ago. The fact that I still live here, still pay taxes here, still work here, still do everything here, pretty much negates the "you hate this country" garbage you seem to think is true. Furthermore, I'd love to see you point out to me using my exact words where I said I'm upset that Bin Laden was killed by American military forces. You're going to have a hard time of it because it didn't happen. What I said was while killing Bin Laden was a good thing, it's not the end of Al-Qaeda, nor the end of terrorism, and that we as a country should worry about possible retaliatory strikes. I don't know how you got "I'm upset Bin Laden was killed" from that, but I'd love to see you try. You're disgusting and reprehensible. That's not based on your political ideology, but on your continued harassment campaign to slur me and insult me, with ZERO proof of anything you're saying. You've insulted my parents, you've accused me of bigamy (which is illegal, BTW)......WTF is wrong with you? Is there no low to which you will not stoop? Do me and everyone else on this board a favor and put me on your ignore list so you never have to worry about reading anything I say; maybe that will get to you leave me the fuck alone.
  21. The dude is cracked. He thinks I'm married to people here because we live in the same state and joined this message board on the same date. He ain't playing with a full deck. Treat him like you would that crazy person at the bus stop who talks to cracks in the sidewalk because he thinks Satan is communicating with him.
  22. It's not our job to dictate how the rest of the world lives. No one is suggesting that the Taliban were arbiters of peace and understanding, but the United States is not the world's police department. If someone is doing something in Country Z that we don't like, that doesn't give us the right to invade Country Z and fuck up their shit, unless Country Z came over here and fucked up our shit first. Going into Afghanistan, that I supported. However invading Iraq? Yeah, I don't think so. One of the few complaints I have about Barack Obama is that we're still dicking around over there. It's almost as embarrassing as Vietnam. I'm tired of our country draining our resources on stupid military endeavors when people in THIS country have no health care, have no access to quality education, can't find work, and can't sustain even a meager subsistence. Don't even get me started on the shit way we treat the elderly and our veterans, either. We're still paying to keep troops in Korea, Japan, Germany.....what the fuck for? Are we still at war with those countries? What about the billions of dollars we spend on aircraft and weaponry that never gets used and never flies? One of the most prescient things Eisenhower ever uttered was "military-industrial complex."
  23. Steve, can you do me a favor and explain why you insist on painting everyone with the same brush? Am I a liberal Democrat? Yes. Does that mean that every single liberal Democrat in this country thinks like me, or that I think like every single liberal Democrat in this country? Because there is no such thing as "liberals like me". Sorry to burst your bubble. Because I think I can safely say that if posted something akin to "conservatives like you", you'd have a stroke. No one is going to take what you just posted seriously, nor should they even attempt to. You know that, I know that, most people with working pre-frontal cortices know that. So just stop it.
  24. I've never been on food stamps or welfare. What an idiot. :lol: :lol:
  25. I bolded the important points. Let the conspiracy theorists hang themselves with their own rope. It's entertainment for the rest of us. Deathers, birthers, truthers......they're all fruits from the same cracked-out, brain-addled tree.
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