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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. I'm glad to see so many votes for In Through The Out Door.
  2. I heard the tail-end of Kashmir on 96.3 WROV a couple of nights ago. I was in the car and my dad was flipping through the radio, and landed on Roanoke's classic rock station.
  3. The weather! It's supposed to be in the upper 50s here today, with a cloudless sunny sky. Can't ask for more than that!
  4. In The Evening. It's such a phenomenal song, and underrated I believe. It has such a great groove and rhythm to it.
  5. I gotta say -- I enjoy having British friends, because they've turned me on to some artists I never would have thought to listen to.
  6. The fact that it was 62 today, but will be 40 tomorrow. I wish this weather would make up its mind.
  7. Today is my parents' 39th wedding anniversary.
  8. After financial issues made me cancel my pre-order for the vinyl of this album a couple times, I FINALLY got it today, and let me tell you -- it looks as good as it sounds. The jacket is very glossy, it's a gatefold and there's really not much to it, but the vinyl is very heavy and looks like a dream. I took some pictures of it, and I was able to remove the shrink wrap without destroying it, so I can put it back on before I put my special plastic sleeve over it for double the protection. http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/2483/msvinyl001.jpg http://img192.imageshack.us/img192/8747/msvinyl003.jpg http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/636/msvinyl007.jpg http://img641.imageshack.us/img641/6369/msvinyl009.jpg http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/7163/msvinyl012.jpg
  9. Sitting in my window and looking out at the snow. It's beautiful when I don't have to walk in it, drive in it or otherwise be out in it.
  10. This morning while I was driving to school, the Dodge Caravan in front of me had the Zoso sticker on the lower-right corner of the back windshield. I thought that was pretty neat.
  11. Weaker Than Wise - Johnny Ray then I Wish I Were In Love Again - Stacy Kent
  12. Heard the tail end of Stairway when I was flipping through my music stations on my digital cable. That counts as my radio since I don't listen to the radio anymore.
  13. Ten Years Gone, I'm Gonna Crawl and In The Light are some of the best lyrics in their catalog.
  14. I've already explained in this thread before. Numpty = Scottish slang for moron.
  15. Numpties. Numpties everywhere. I got stuck behind one at the grocery store earlier this morning.
  16. I got hungry for it, so I decided to make it. I cheated on the pie crust but the filling is homemade.
  17. I totally agree. Also, the smell of homemade apple raisin pie wafting through the house.
  18. Why does that surprise you? Just because she's known as an R&B singer doesn't mean she can't listen to blues rock. Led Zeppelin encompassed a lot of different genres of music within their own catalog so why can't their fans be diverse as well?
  19. The Metallic side of the album Metallic Spheres by The Orb f/David Gilmour. Freakin'. Awesome.
  20. Read Wikipedia on it. It's celebrated in quite a few places.
  21. Halloween is not an American holiday.
  22. Apple pie, yes. Rhubarb pie? Eh........
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