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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Are you blind? Because only someone who doesn't have functioning eyeballs would look at any of my posts in this thread and come to the conclusion that I don't think he's really dead. Your hatred for me is well-established enough that you shouldn't be confusing me with other people. Bad form, dude. Bad form.
  2. BTW, the one thing about all this that has sickened me is the opportunistic patriotism. People who don't give two shits about the flag, or patriotism, or our soldiers all of a sudden turning into overly jingoistic, wannabe Yankee Doodles. I saw dozens of houses flying the American flag yesterday that weren't flying them last week, and today they were all put away. People are only patriotic in this country anymore when they can use it to assert superiority over another person or country. Bin Laden's dead, so it's time to wave the flag and now it's time to put it away until Memorial Day, and then we'll put it away again until the 4th of July.....rinse, lather, repeat. These are the same people who if you ask them who their Congresscritters are, couldn't tell you. I hate that. Either fly the flag every day, all day (weather permitting) or don't fly it at all.
  3. The people who need to put an end to this are the people living in those countries. I've never believed nor ascribed in the "Domino Theory", whereby unless the US marches in guns blazing, it will spread all over the world. It didn't work when we got involved in that clusterfuck in Southeast Asia, and it's not going to work now. The US needs to spend more time worrying about its own people, and spending money on its own citizens, and let the people of the world deal with their own shit. Egypt handled themselves. Tunisia handled themselves. This can happen. Once the people get fed up enough, they will take action. We are not the world's police, it's not our job to dictate how other people live. We don't have to like it, we don't have to believe in it, we can rail against it until we're blue in the face. That doesn't mean we have the business or the authority to march around with our dicks out, telling people the sheriff is in town. All it does is perpetuate the stereotype of the "ugly American" and give these terrorists more reason to want to do us and other Western people harm.
  4. I like the fact he pronounces words like an educated adult would, yes. Bush gave up on finding Bin Laden, he was too interested in avenging his daddy by taking down Sadaam Hussein. One thing I greatly enjoyed about the Presidential debates between Obama and McCain is that it showed Obama had a willingness to do the unpopular thing even if it was the right thing. Going into a sovereign country and killing someone is an unpopular action, but they were hiding and harboring this man, and going in there and taking him out was the right thing to do and it was done. You will find no one who will say we shouldn't have done it. Pakistan is all pissed now because we didn't tell them we were doing it, but considering that they basically made it possible for him to hide out there as long as he has, in the center of town, right near a military academy means their opinion has fuck all's worth. Let them be pissed. Maybe they shouldn't have been taking billions of dollars from us just to turn around and shelter this schlub.
  5. You can't defeat an ideology. Radical Islamic terrorism is an ideology that did not start with or die with Osama Bin Laden. I said it before, I'll say it again -- Bin Laden was merely one head of a hydra. Cut it off, another will grow back in its place. This is not the end, and the end is nowhere in sight.
  6. I'm getting a new computer this weekend! A 13" white MacBook. Couldn't be happier. I've always wanted a Mac, but finances were never in the right place for it to happen until now. I'm going to enjoy the hell out of never having to update firewalls, anti-virus/anti-virus spyware, or anti-malware programs.
  7. I think you're doing a whole lot of misinterpreting here. A lot. There's a difference between saying "Don't you dare be happy Osama is dead, that's my buddy!" and saying "Temper your enthusiasm because you know there will be reprisals since he was effectively made a martyr." The latter is what I said, and what I think everyone else here has said. I'm glad he's dead, he should have been dead a decade ago, however I'm not running around waving a flag and shitting in red, white, and blue because I know that Al-Qaeda still exists, and Bin Laden's' death won't change that, and that our military forces still over there could see increased engagements because of this. I'm not going to show an overload of joy in a situation that will cause more American citizens to die. Leon Panetta, the head of the CIA, has already said that they fully expect Al-Qaeda to retaliate, our embassies around the world have stepped up security.....that's a sign that our government is aware that while it needed to happen, shit is going to happen in response. No one is sad that Bin Laden is dead, except maybe his family, but they don't post here.
  8. How about in the hands of the US military? Just out of curiosity, don't you think it would be political suicide for Obama to interrupt live TV to broadcast that someone is dead when they are in fact, not dead? I know some people think the man is stupid, but that's beyond our capability of defining stupid. BTW, here's a picture of the POTUS and other important individuals watching live video of this raid: Here's the story that goes along with it --> http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5hGb8e8RitwaOR-V3kF-dQQyfPyOA?docId=e5dff7a904ec41fca5928f15842e9f98 This happened. You can pretend it didn't until you see graphic, uncensored pictures of his bullet-ridden corpse, but the rest of us will go on without you, if that's alright. He's dead. A member of our Navy SEALS put a bullet between his eyes. This terrorist is no more. He has ceased to be. He's expired and gone to meet his maker! He's a stiff! Bereft of life, he rests in peace! If we hadn't shot him between the eyes, he'd be pushing up the daisies! He's run down the curtain and joined the choir invisibile!! THIS IS AN EX-TERRORIST!
  9. How about right above the quote from Dr. King where you typed the words "Numb nut". That might be a good place to start looking. Also, you are correct in that Dr. King didn't directly reference Bin Laden as there was no reason for him to have done so at the time he made that statement. However that doesn't negate the man's point, now does it? While I fully believe Bin Laden deserved to take the eternal dirt nap, the fact that his death will no doubt cause reprisals against our military forces already in the area and potentially our embassies around the world, means I'm not exactly standing on the hood of a car screaming "AMERICA, FUCK YEAH!" while a Lee Greenwood song blares in the background.
  10. The US government has photographic evidence of his dead body, not to mention photographs taken throughout the mansion that he was killed in that clearly show a giant pool of blood. There is also according to reports I've been reading, DNA proof that it's him. You don't need DNA from that person to prove that the body you have is him, sometimes DNA from familial relations can be enough to prove a relationship, which would then prove the identity. The man had 20 wives and over 50 children......there's DNA out there. The reason his body was disposed of as quickly as it was had to do with eliminating the possibility that his body and/or grave could become a pilgrimage site for like-minded individuals. This was absolutely 100% the right way to deal with his remains. Take off the tinfoil hat, please.
  11. It only took nearly 10 years. In any event, killing Bin Laden isn't the end of radical Islamic terrorism. He was just one head of the hydra, and when you cut it off, another grows back in its place. I echo Lake of Shadows sentiments about being worried about reprisals. They will happen. We need to be prepared. All this did was make him a martyr to that cause, no matter how much he deserved to be fish food.
  12. Neil Diamond also wrote A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You. Tommy Boyce and Bobby Hart wrote Valleri as well. Also as a side note, Boyce & Hart had a hit single with "I Wonder What She's Doing Tonight". They also had hit songs for other artists as well (Come A Little Bit Closer, Hurt So Bad).
  13. I love Adele. Such a great, great voice. Very refreshing nowadays.
  14. The Monkees did some fun, catchy pop songs. They're fun to listen to when you want to listen to really peppy, light stuff. I'll never understand the hate for them. This was always my favorite of theirs:
  15. I feel your pain. We had to put our cat down yesterday because he was very ill. He was diagnosed as diabetic, which in and of itself isn't a death sentence (even for pets), but he wouldn't eat and needed to be force-fed by the vets at the hospital. The food was staying down until yesterday morning, when he suddenly started throwing it back up, and there was blood in it. We knew then we'd done all we could for him, and made the decision to put him to sleep, as hard as it was. We couldn't bring him home until he was able to eat on his own and his blood sugar level was leveled off, and it seemed that as soon as he took one step forward, he took another two steps back. The good news is, we're going to the shelter this afternoon and getting a new kitty, one that I'm naming Floyd. Because it's a damn good name, and haven't had a turn at naming a pet since 1987.
  16. Hmm, for some reason the image will only come up if I quote the post it's in. Strange.
  17. It was brighter than normal. It was also 14% larger than it normally appears. An interesting quirk, but unless you knew that beforehand, you really wouldn't have noticed that much difference between it and the previous full moon.
  18. I'm one of those people who likes some Steely Dan, but not all. Black Cow, Deacon Blues, Hey Nineteen, Reelin' In The Years, and Show Biz Kids are the only songs of theirs I really like.
  19. ......nowhere. If you say "I'm going with so-and-so" after you post their opinion, that means you agree with them. Why would I be going anywhere with him; I don't even know the man.
  20. Neil deGrasse Tyson says this is not a big deal, and the equivalent of a 7-inch pizza becoming an 8-inch pizza. He's an astrophysicist, so I'm going with him.
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CD2LRROpph0 BTW, the record label she's signed to (as well as several other artists) is very sketchy, and they seem to have a preference for young girls, and while there is no concrete evidence of anything illegal going on......it's entirely unsavory, to say the least. You can read more about that here --> http://www.bohemian.com/citysound/?p=7181
  22. has a new background image -- thanks Twitter!

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