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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. That's the beautiful thing about opinions. Everyone has one. I think the greatest song of all time was written by Tchaikovsky, but if you'd asked me that question when I was 13, I'd have picked a song by Mariah Carey. People's tastes change as their exposures to different styles and genres of music grow and evolve. If a Led Zeppelin fan doesn't like STH or likes it but likes other songs better, they're no less a fan. We're all here for the same reason after all.
  2. If they can't figure out their Special Teams issues, no, it won't be. They've also been hammered by injuries to a lot of key players, both on offense and defense, and Aaron Rodgers is playing with a broken bone in his foot. Obviously, I want them to go on a Patriots-esque tear for a few seasons and win bunch more Lombardi trophies, but the last three seasons, this included, have been their best chances to do so since 2010, and they've gone 0-2 in the NFCCG. So, I'd say don't bet your mortgage on it. I'd love to revisit this post in February and laugh at myself.
  3. It was so jarring in a way to see John talking about what the stage for this live performance was going to look like while Paul is just casually sitting at the piano playing Let It Be. Or watching Paul bang out the opening riff and lyrics to Get Back. I kind of wish All Things Must Pass had made Abbey Road, because as gorgeous as George Harrison's version of it is, I'd love to hear what the full band could have done with it.
  4. I couldn't remember if I posted in this thread or not, and it turns out I did. However, in the past 13 years, my opinion has changed. While I loved The Ocean (and still do), No Quarter has overtaken it, and by a large margin. Runner-up would be The Ocean, followed by The Rain Song.
  5. Watching Get Back (The Beatles documentary) on Disney+. I hope this finally dispels the myth that Yoko Ono was the reason they broke up. They were hanging on by a thread at this point. They were going to implode whether she was in the picture or she wasn't. I think she became a convenient scapegoat for the fans to target their ire towards, but they were four men heading in four different directions. The Beatles had nothing left to do, nothing left to accomplish. I was floored by how much of what they worked on over that 2-week span ended up on five different albums; Abbey Road, Let It Be, Ram, All Things Must Pass, and Imagine. Talent like that doesn't come around all the time.
  6. I don't have many LZ boots, sad to say, but the ones I've listened to most recently are: At the Fillmore (4/27/1969) When We Were Kings (5/25/1975 at Earls Court) For Badgeholder's Only (6/23/1977)
  7. We've got more leftovers than we know what to do with, and really, I didn't make that much food. Some of it will get put in the freezer so we'll have it for another time, but even then...there's a lot. LOL. Also, spreading jellied cranberry sauce between two slices of bread with some turkey in the middle is good eatin', let me tell you.
  8. We just finished Thanksgiving lunch (none of us eat dinner, so lunch is our big meal of the day), so right now, nothing. We had the usual suspects; turkey, meat stuffing, mashed potatoes, Brussels sprouts, collard greens, cranberry sauce, and rolls. The meat stuffing is just regular bread stuffing with added hamburger. It's been in my family for well over 100 years. Instead of a whole turkey, I baked a turkey breast instead. Brussels sprouts were roasted in the oven with pearl onions and bacon. It's just five us at the table, and while that sounds like a lot of food, it really wasn't. Most of the leftover stuffing will get frozen so we can eat it at a later date. I hope all of you who celebrate Thanksgiving are having a wonderful day today. 😊
  9. At the moment, nothing, since I seldom if ever eat dinner (maybe once or twice a month), but earlier for lunch I had roast chicken leftovers from Sunday.
  10. For me, Stairway to Heaven is meh. I don't think it's the best song they've ever done, I don't think it's the most anthemic song they've ever done, and I don't even think it's the best song on Zep IV. I understand that for a lot of fans, it holds a very special place in their hearts, so I don't argue with anyone about it. If you love it, continue loving it. I don't skip it, but I don't rush to play it, if that makes any sense.
  11. You almost have to separate the art from the artist in some instances or else you'll never be able to listen to anything. You can agree that what a person does or says in their personal life is gross/stupid/ignorant/etc. while also agreeing that they're very good at singing or playing the guitar or writing songs, whatever the case may be. Eric Clapton is an anti-vax moron who has said some incredibly racist sh!t in the past, but I can still listen to Layla or Wonderful Tonight and enjoy the songs. I don't like him, but I like his art. We don't even need to get into Jimmy Page and all the shenanigans he got up to in the 70s. Hasn't stopped any of us from loving Led Zeppelin's music and Page's skills as a guitarist and songwriter.
  12. Not being born until 1982, I can't say what Presence songs were played on the radio when it came out, however, I have heard Achilles Last Stand and Nobody's Fault But Mine on the radio later at night, when whoever the on-air personality is has the time to play longer album cuts rather than just single edits. I would imagine that the same was true in 1976. For example, I always hear the album of version of "Riders on the Storm" later at night as opposed to earlier in the day. If it's played earlier, it's the single edit.
  13. Well, not every Led Zeppelin fan is old enough to have seen them live or heard them when they were still an active band and releasing albums. For people of my age or younger (39), classic rock radio is where you would have heard them, and there's only a small list of Zeppelin songs radio tends to play...and Kashmir is one of them. I grew up in Chicago, and our classic rock station, WLUP, had "Get the Led Out" every night at 8 p.m., and they'd play either three or five songs in a row, I can't remember which. As a result, I heard maybe a better variety of their discography than someone else who had to rely on the radio might have. Still, it's not unusual at all that Kashmir might be the song that got someone into the band if that's the song they heard most often.
  14. Well, my Packers are 8-2, despite what feels like a never ending cascade of injuries to key players. Thankfully, we have a bye week coming up soon, which should allow some banged-up players some breathing room before the push towards the end of the season. I hope Aaron Rodgers plays better this afternoon than he did last week against Seattle. Admittedly, he was coming back from the Big Nasty and hadn't touched a football in about two weeks, but he's also only practiced once this week, and that was Friday, I believe. Just hand the ball to AJ Dillon and let him run.
  15. No, I didn't move. It gets that cold down here this time of year. Hell, it's 32℉ right now! The part of North Carolina I live in gets all four seasons. I'm not far enough south that "winter" is 55℉ with an occasional cloud. LOL
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