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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. I'll Sleep When I'm Dead - Bon Jovi
  2. I didn't get my driver's license until I was in my early 20s. I had no need for one, living in Chicago. Between the buses and trains that literally ran from downtown to the suburbs, you could hop a bus to a train station and go almost anywhere. Also, driving in downtown Chicago is an absolute nightmare and parking is hard to find and if you're lucky to find some, it's expensive.
  3. Let Her Cry - Hootie & the Blowfish
  4. I usually get their Cookies n' Cream Mocha Chiller. They're all over my hometown of Chicago and when we moved to Georgia in 2001, there were none to be found, and that sucked. Then we moved to North Carolina and there's one at the mall not far from my house. SCORE!
  5. Going shopping for some new jeans and getting a Gloria Jeans' (it's like Starbucks) along the way. Also, the weather was divine, if a bit chilly. Normally it's in the mid-60s this time of year but it was only in the low 50s yesterday.
  6. A teacher that gives out money?! Where the heck were teachers like that when I was in school? I know I sound old when I say that, I'm only 27; but no teacher that I had, either in high school or college, ever gave out money for scoring 100% on exams. The most we ever got was a congrats and a mention to the rest of the class, but that was it. Dang. To think......that would have been an even greater incentive to study, not that I really needed one, but you know what I mean. Now, on to what made me unhappy today.......my sister is sick.....with the cold that I had last week. I'm hoping she doesn't give it back to me.
  7. Simply The Best - Tina Turner
  8. My dad's blood work and scans came back clean as a whistle. Thankfully.
  9. The weather today has definitely made me happy. 65 and sunny. LOVE IT.
  10. The Fabric of Our Lives - Zooey Deschanel That or Change Is Hard - She & Him. Ironically, Zooey sings that too. I like her voice, but it sticks with you.
  11. Tea For One is arguably, one of the greatest songs they ever did. It's a shame that as a band, they never did it live. On that note, here is another video for a song that never got a live treatment (or many) that should have: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVEttZQWOvE
  12. The November 1974 dates you listed are from their performance at the Wembley Pool that was broadcast on the BBC. The reason I didn't include it is because none of the boots that are available have the full concert, just the performance of DSOTM. I wanted to only include complete concerts, although the recording from the BBC that I've heard from that date is fantastic.
  13. You should never have to buy a bootleg. Bootlegs should be free and available to anyone who wants them. There are a couple great blogs out there that specialize in boots, that have quite a few great Floyd ones. Now, if you want to know what boots you should look for, these are my top 10: 1. Animal Instincts (May 9th, 1977) 2. Boston Music Hall (March 14th, 1973) 3. Cruel But Fair (April 26th, 1975) 4. Wallpower (February 28th, 1980) The last show they ever played in the US as a foursome. 5. Run Like Fuck (February 13th, 1980) 6. Keep Talking Foxboro (May 19th, 1994) 7. Interstellar Fillmore (April 29th, 1970) 8. New Mown Grass (October 17th, 1971) 9. Melbourne Soundboard (February 19th, 1988) 10. The Last Bell (October 29th, 1994) The last full concert Pink Floyd has done to date.
  14. I don't know how many of you watch/have heard of the show Cold Case on CBS Sunday nights, but next week's episode is featuring all Pink Floyd music! They used Comfortably Numb in the promo......I almost wet my pants in joy.
  15. Believer - Goldfrapp So excited.....their new album leaked today!
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