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Everything posted by Anjin-san

  1. Your in the top 10,no doubt,.....or the top 50! Is Danny yelling at the telly???
  2. Hi Strider,all, >Another day, another classic movie: today I am taking some kids to see "Jaws" on the big screen. None of the kids have seen the film before. Plus, as an added bonus, the people responsible for "Bruce" the mechanical shark will be there to talk about the making of "Jaws" and the difficulties in getting the shark to work.< The new transfer?Blu-ray?You lucky bum! Nice story here about 'Bruce' http://gizmodo.com/5332380/remembering-bruce-the-mechanical-shark-from-jaws >I still remember going with my little sister to a matinee of "Jaws" in 1975 and how she left my arm bruised from gripping it so hard during the movie. Especially when that dead guy pops out from the boat when Richard Dryfuss is trying to get the shark's tooth out.< Got a tale to tell about the Summer or '75,...... KB
  3. http://www.accuweather.com/en/us/connecticut/weather-radar Careful wench!
  4. Keep your eye on sky,toots,.....remember last time?
  5. The CEOs of Budweiser, Guinness, Coors, and Miller all walk into a bar after a beer-tasting contest. The CEO of Budweiser steps up to the bar and says: "I'll have a Budweiser, the King of Beers!" The Coors CEO says: "I'll have a Coors, the beer as cool as the Rockies!" The Miller CEO says, in turn: "I'll have the good ol' taste of a triple-hops brewed Miller!" The CEO of Guinness ponders for a moment and says to the bartender: "Oh, I'll just have a Coke." Bewildered, the other 3 CEOs stare and ask why he didn't order a beer. The Guinness CEO shrugged and said "Well, if you weren't ordering beer, I didn't think I would either".
  6. Hypocrites. It was Earth day,....oh well,...
  7. I would,.Earth day and your dumping?Counterproductive? The H word comes to mind,....
  8. "Get your motor running",....LOL!
  9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Three_Stooges
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