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Everything posted by Anjin-san

  1. Ccircle jerk comes to mind.
  2. >It might be annoying when facts are mis-stated, I really believe that comes from a dictation mistakes. (the last, 9 vs 5 Earl Court run is an example).< No,that is from someone not checking. >But the recent vitriiol that has been directed at Mr. Page here on the "official Led Zeppelin" site is just plain hateful and completely worlds away from the spirit of LZ! He did say he would release music, < Try again.
  3. Hi all, Well,....it's not nitpicking when errors pop up on his website.Well you know it can't be back checked,right? Didn't jimmy himself state that he was planning to do new music?Well? KB(call me Jimbo,we'll do lunch)
  4. No worries Sis! Now,who has those STH solo out-takes???? KB
  5. That is a Telecaster,did Jimmy cut his hair?
  6. Joe says to Paddy: "Close your curtains the next time you're making love to your wife. The whole street was watching and laughing at you yesterday." Paddy says: "Well the joke's on them silly buggers because I wasn't even home yesterday." Paddy says to Mick, "Christmas is on a Friday this year." Mick says, "Let's hope it's not the 13th." Paddy's in the bathroom and Murphy shouts to him. "Did you find the shampoo?" Paddy says, "Yes but it's for dry hair and I've just wet mine." Paddy shouts frantically into the phone, "My wife is pregnant and her contractions are only two minutes apart!" "Is this her first child?" asks the Doctor. "No," shouts Paddy, "this is her husband!"
  7. Hi all, Hi Sis! Yeah,I couldn't put it down,.......I think it was unauthorized,.... KB
  8. Hey sister! No found it on YouTube,I *think* the day after the show KB
  9. I bet she would hit back!
  10. Midnight Riders,read it a long time ago,... accurate?
  11. The Wolfman has spoken!
  12. Do the curtains match the rug?
  13. Mum,that old Scot,he will be alright,......damn! Now,how is the little nut?OK? BIGDAN?Does he do his chores? Best,KB
  14. An eighty-eight-year-old man had just had his annual check-up. As he put his clothes back on his doctor said, 'Well, for a man of your age you are in remarkable shape.' The patient replied, Well, can't say I'm surprised. I live a good, clean, spiritual life and in return the Lord looks after me.' The doctor asked, ‘What makes you say that?' The old man replied, 'Well, if I didn't live such a good life, then the Lord wouldn't turn the bathroom light on for me every time I get up in the middle of the night.' You mean to tell me', the doctor said, 'that when you get up in the night to go to the toilet, the Lord himself turns on the light for you?' 'Sure,' the old man said. 'He's been doing it for a number of years.' The doctor was puzzled and didn't say anything else until the old man's wife came in for her own check-up a few days later. 'Your husband probably told you that he's in fine physical shape,' the doctor told her. 'But I'm slightly worried about his mental state. He told me that every night when he gets up to go to the bathroom, the Lord turns the light on for him.' 'Oh!' she exclaimed. 'So it's him that's been peeing in the fridge!'
  15. Lady Gaga will have to cancel her sold-out show in Indonesia following protests by Islamic hard-liners and conservative lawmakers, who said her sexy clothes and dance moves will corrupt the youth. National police spokesman Boy Rafli Amar, responding to the pressure, said Tuesday that the permit for her June 3 "Born This Way Ball" concert had been denied. Indonesia, a nation of 240 million people, has more Muslims than any other. Although it is secular and has a long history of religious tolerance, a small extremist fringe has become more vocal in recent years. Hard-liners have loudly criticized Lady Gaga, saying the suggestive nature of her show threatened to undermine the country's moral fiber. Some threatened to use physical force to prevent her from stepping off the plane. Lawmakers and religious leaders, too, have spoken out against her. Worried they could not guarantee security, local police recommended the permit for the show be denied, said Amar, adding that national police decided Tuesday to comply. Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2012/05/15/sold-out-lady-gaga-shows-in-indonesia-canceled-after-pressure-from-islamic-hard/?intcmp=features#ixzz1uwQCzOZv
  16. Mum,both Walter and I and many other members are sending positive energy/prayers for the tough little nut.Chin up! KB
  17. No worries Mum,he is a rugged little guy,he will kick it's ***! KB
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