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Everything posted by planted

  1. http://video.pbs.org/video/1295117818
  2. Geeze sorry to hear about the separation between you and your son. He'll make his own choices someday. And you'll be there!! Be well.
  3. Thanks so much for your response. She is 13, and has grown bored with her Sanyo 7.1 mega pixels thingamajiggy. She's actually quite good with a semi-pro camera a friend let her borrow. But, I am totally lost with what to buy. BTW, did I hear you recently received good news?? Peace
  4. Just a question....my daughter is really interested in, and quite frankly BUGS me about a camera. I don't know where to begin. I would be soo grateful for any advice.
  5. a trip to Sephora and the MAC store for a little retail therapy!!
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgbGaYTkkPU Rafferty's voice is like buttah...
  7. I just stumbled upon this site. Looks like I'll be busy for awhile...
  8. Anyway, there is no chance he will decline seeing as he will be joining the ranks of the unemployed in three years and needs all the resume padding he can get. Wow, I just said today at work that Obama will at least have this added to his resume. So much for the Olympics, but, this trumps. Ensuring, he will NEVER work a day after his first and only term is over. (One of my clients tomorrow is moving to Spain soon with her husband after he received a ginormous position after his substantial campaign donation. YAWN.) ps I want to make sure Steve gets credit for the first quote on my post..what am I doing wrong?? I was responding to his earlier post.
  9. Yep. But, don't forget, we have to turn this thing around starting in 2010.....
  10. Lest we forget.... 00:50 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YT5Kl38fSVY
  11. Anyone want to guess why he received this award? I say, it's because he's NOT George Bush. Which, IMHO, is exactly why he was elected as President. Hey, I wonder if he'll also be Playmate of the Year? ahaa.
  12. Just when you think you've seen it all. I heard on a talk show this AM that Obama would have had to receive the nomination just 2weeks into his Presidency. Oy vey.
  13. I'm not a fan of either, really, but I thought Moore was calm, cool and collected, which surprised me. He totally let Hannity hang himself. I wish we could have gotten more facts, but I guess you gotta see the movie for that. The mortgage crisis was what really caught my interest, and I was impressed when Moore stated that the number one reason people go into foreclosure on their home is medical bills. Thoughts?
  14. I'm a descendant of Samuel Barton, who is on record as a witness in the trial of Elizabeth Proctor. He defended those brought under accusation by Mercy Lewis. Interesting note, his mother-in-law's sister was Rebecca Nurse.
  15. My new commutational aide. I love this album!!
  16. ...finally got around to picking up Sara Watkins' debut album...that girl can sayng!!!
  17. Oh, but don't you know that two wrongs don't make a right? Remember my post earlier about turning the perp over to the male members of the vic's family??? Public opinion says we are the ones out of line here. Whateva. That's a GREAT pic, btw.
  18. Love these guys...and the movie. Actually, if you pay close attention when Jack Nicholson is on the balcony, you can see my Dad's best friend's boat...
  19. OMG...my son used to dance all the time in front of the tv...brings back memories... Enjoy!
  20. you're probly right. Just my imagination working overtime...
  21. I'll take it one step further....Wonder if, and I mean IF, Sarah Palin or someone close to her is involved in this extortion plot. I'm usually not a conspiracy theorist, but I am a mother. You make a joke about my underage daughter, and all bets are off, ya know?
  22. ^ yeah, you're right. They should all suck it up, huh? Sounds perfectly reasonable to me.
  23. ....Not all men are created equal, are they girls? teehee...
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