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eternal light

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Everything posted by eternal light

  1. I grew up listening to Gone, Gone, Gone and before I knew it Led Zeppelin had released How Many More Times.
  2. Texas was careful about the raid this time because of what they learned from their experience in Waco.
  3. My slow cooker is one of my favorite appliances; this recipe for chicken turned out really well.
  4. That would make him a regular whiskey drinker. There were also stories about banana daquiris and gin.
  5. Maybe he was half-kidding, half-serious; he reminds me of Keith Richards.
  6. It could be depending on the jurisdiction's crime laws; some jurisdictions may apply other statutes. In this case the state charged Miss Lefave with a battery and dropped some charges. Most of the criminal law on rape dates to Blackstone, at at time when rape was more or less defined as a crime against a woman. Modernly, the definition of rape has evolved. I'm trying to avoid becoming graphic, but here's the link.
  7. That is incorrect; an essential element to prove rape is penetration. Without penetration there is no rape. You'll lose points if you answer a question on the bar exam otherwise. Not every unwanted sex act is legally a rape; some are batteries.
  8. Oh yeah, he's all grown up now and he married her; they want to have more children.
  9. They should start the tour in about a week or so.
  10. Not exactly; when Mary Kay was asked if she would do the same thing over again, she said no, she would wait until he was of the age of legal consent. Prison really wasn't that fun for her.
  11. Apparently you are correct; she was not charged with rape. Originally the state charged her with lewd and lascivious battery. Battery and rape are different; remember that if you ever take the bar exam, or you'll lose points.
  12. Some charges against her were dropped but she is serving a term of probation.
  13. My hitchhiking days are over.
  14. I doubt she has gone to quite that extreme; please keep your pants zipped.
  15. Finally; it's a relief for those who are held captive in isolation and silence. Warren Jeffs is quite a character. I almost feel sorry for the guy because he seems to really believe he was doing the right thing; sad.
  16. Except the feds finally got after Warren Jeffs, and he is well-known in Utah. As a result he will be serving two consecutive 5 years to life prison sentences. Another result is this current raid on the Texas compound that he created. He is apparently also facing charges in Arizona. People had complained about him for a long time. As United States citizens, women in Arizona, Texas and Utah have federally protected civil rights, including the right to withhold consent.
  17. Generally it's best not to force 14 year olds to do anything except maybe help with the dishes and go to school.
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