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eternal light

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Everything posted by eternal light

  1. Someone who um uh it's personal.
  2. Another one for the jeans thread.
  3. He probably wants to focus on the here and now, and that is perfectly alright.
  4. I love this one; thanks, Maureen, for posting it.
  5. It looks as if someone tried to tickle him here.
  6. He was probably nice then, although I suppose he was impatient occasionally. But he demands respect, and when the girls get jealous as they will sooner or later, they play the who-respects-Robert-the-most game; and of course you will always come out looking like the one who doesn't. It's a form of card-stacking. It's too much aggravation; besides you don't matter to him anyway. And there you are caught up in their nonsense when you should be seeking a true love anyway.
  7. He was nice once as I recall.
  8. I love him in these photos; he looks so good!
  9. Leather jackets feel so good when you wear them.
  10. Variety is the spice of life as the saying goes. I had no idea that Led Zeppelin encouraged so much intolerance on their official board.
  11. I find that a larger size print in a different color is easier to read. If the designers of the website did not want larger fonts of different colors, then why would they put them on the website? I certainly don't assume they are aggressive. Some of us must squint to read the smaller size and it is just easier on my eyes to read the larger print; having a different color allows me to easily see the difference between a quote and what someone has said. I don't infer anything about a person's character from the larger fonts and colors. No, that is not the reason.
  12. I guess you could try baling water out with a container; it's a good aerobic workout if nothing else. I went through the same experience with my washer last week; that was sure fun.
  13. ^I usually pour bleach down the drain every so often to keep it clear; of course you can't do that if the water won't drain at all.
  14. I believe that photo was taken at the Chateau Marmont in Los Angeles, as was this one. Here is a slightly larger version of the photo that you posted. Here is one from an apparent bootleg cover, also taken at the Chateau Marmont.
  15. eternal light

    Young Jimmy

    This is one of my favorites; thanks for posting it.
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