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eternal light

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Everything posted by eternal light

  1. I could check his hair up close to see if his stylist added extensions; and it's best not to rely on other's opinions, when making sure myself is really the best way.
  2. There's nothing like a good argument between Led Zeppelin and the Rolling Stones.
  3. I see Keith Richards is in fine rock and roll form; it's definitely inbetween tour time.
  4. You can always tell when Led Zeppelin and the Rolling Stones are not touring; first Robert Plant says something, then Keith Richards says something, and then the fans get started. I went to the Sars show; regardless of the reviews, the Stones were great!
  5. Great thread! My boss is nice so I can't complain.
  6. Somehow I think of little Robert Anthony as more than a mere it.
  7. You think what you like; no one is stopping you.
  8. You do what you like but I am free to include Him for my part.
  9. I think you have a narrow-minded view.
  10. It's usually best not to take what Keith Richards says too seriously; he's just honest and to the point when he speaks earnestly, but very often his sense of humor is at work.
  11. I've never had any problems with tarot cards.
  12. Yes, it's one of the rules of rock and roll; don't believe everything they say.
  13. Sort of; you are powerless when you open the window to the spirits that communicate through the Ouija board. However, the Redeemer, Jesus Christ, can see the spirits and He knows which ones are good or bad; you don't. In the event that a spirit enters your domain via the Ouija board and wants to cause you harm, the Redeemer can protect your soul. Some of the spirits may simply turn out to be relatives who have died and want to tell their family something, but it's like opening your door to a variety of total strangers, some of whom can possibly be a danger. Most of the spirits on the Ouija board are considered to be earth-bound rather than on a higher plane. Christ the Redeemer is the one who can intervene on your behalf on that level, especially if you do encounter a danger. Most people know the words to the "Our Father"; for a novice like you that should be sufficient. You are young and naturally curious, and that's human nature.
  14. Rule # 1 - Do not take seriously anything that Keith Richards or Robert Plant may say.
  15. And here is one of them; I gotta admit he is cute.
  16. I saw Electric Flag live in 1967; rest in peace.
  17. It even scares me to leave it there.
  18. I've learned not to use Ouija boards, and I spend more of my spiritual time with Jesus Christ; He handles the unseen spirits better than I do by myself. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ouija en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patience_Worth
  19. At this rate, you may have to wait.
  20. Always a pleasure to see him; thank you for the post! As I said on another thread, he reminds me of the statue of David by Michaelangelo.
  21. As much as he would like to cater to the Zeppelin audience, he is too smart to sacrifice his opportunity with Alison Krauss.
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