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eternal light

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Everything posted by eternal light

  1. It's odd. Even back in the 1940s people knew that using cocaine was like rubbing sandpaper on your nose. It destroys the membranes.
  2. Ray Charles quit his heroin habit in 1959 and yet he continued on and on for years and years doing very well until the end. There was no lack of practice despite the habit, no loss of confidence, and ultimately he came out smiling as always.
  3. The Isle of Wight is in a sheltered inlet type of area that is less exposed to Atlantic storms. Storm Tracker - Bill Tropical Update - Bill Headed for the British Isles Bill's going to...Ireland?
  4. They really should close the lower viewing platform during periods of extremely large ocean swells in the Thunder Hole area of Acadia National Park so that people will not be swept away. That area is too close to the water. All it takes is one huge swell and you're gone. Bill's Waves Kill 7 Year Old Girl Video Bill has finally become extra-tropical after heading into cooler waters, but he did some damage during his lifetime. weather.com/newscenter/hurricanecentral/2009/hilda
  5. Hurricane Bill is currently whizzing along the Canadian coast.
  6. More waves from Hurricane Bill in Nova Scotia... Acadia, Maine
  7. If you're viewing the storm you should probably stand well back from the surf. One death has been reported in Maine due to a person getting too close to the waves just watching them. Another death was reported in Florida where a swimmer got caught in the heavy surf. These guys are probably a little too close to the water's edge for comfort. They could be gone in a flash. All it takes is one big swell washing over the rocks and you're swept away. Courtesy of the New York Times nytimes.com/2009/08/24/us/24wave http://www.youtube.c...h?v=6RUix07lEpc This second video appears to be taken in Nova Scotia rather than Cape Cod.
  8. I think it may be more due to the passage of time. People still expect everyone in the band to be 21 years old, and in some ways they are, but not in every aspect. He should be allowed to breathe inbetween shows at this stage of the game even though the treadmill and whiplash call. Can he drive a forklift, too?
  9. Oh, for God's sake, that would drive me nuts. It's just not the same as a flesh and blood human lol.
  10. I think the damage was more to himself than to the band. He still plays well.
  11. This just in... http://www.youtube.c...h?v=g2ozOi7Buo8
  12. weather.com.video.update.hurricane.bill Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia is seeing some frothy wave action tonight. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=ftZ3OJNivo0 Rhode Island surf tonight...
  13. ^I enjoyed studying chemistry, all those beakers and bunsen burners were cool.
  14. Scattered Thunderstorms and 56% Humidity Winds 6 mph 76°
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