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Status Updates posted by Strider

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALLISON! Happy Happy Joy Joy! Seriously, I know you are hard at work over there in damp and rainy England, whilst I bathe in sunshine in your old stomping grounds, but I sincerely wish you a warm and wonderful birthday today! Three CHEERS for Allison: Hip-hip HOORAY! Hip-hip HOORAY! Hip-hip HOORAY!

  2. Happy happy! Joy joy! Today is your birthday so best wishes to you!

  3. Happy birthday chef!

  4. Happy birthday Evan! I don't care if you don't visit hete anymore, I'm not going to stop wishing you a happy birthday and hope you come back. Wishing you all the best!

  5. Happy Birthday kiddo! I'm old enough to be your dad, so I can still call you that, hehe.

  6. Happy Birthday kiddo! I'm old enough to be your dad, so I can still call you that, hehe.

  7. You're back Lakey?

  8. Drats! I missed your birthday...hope you had a nice one Aquamarine!

  9. Happy birthday danelectro dude! Rock on, sir!

  10. A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ONE OF THE ORIGINAL CREW - LAKEY!!! Hope you have a fabulous day! Keep on DANCING & ROCKING!

  11. Happy Birthday FO! Happy happy! Joy joy!

  12. Greetings! Haven't seen you around lately...guess you've noticed the changes to the Forum, eh? I'm writing you a long-overdue pm at the moment...wait for it. :)

  13. Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin remind me of the mean cheerleader everybody knew in high school.

  14. Hello FireOpal....just saying hi! Couldn't remember where you lived and if you were near Hurricane Irene's path or not. Hope you weren't and all is well with you.

  15. Boy howdy Jahfin! Hope you and your family aren't in the path of Hurricane Irene, but if you are, stay safe and sound. I'll keep you in my thoughts...best of luck, mate!

  16. Hey old-timer, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! May you have a ridiculously rocking and happy celebration day! You were one of, if not THE FIRST person to welcome and friend me here on the forum, and I thank you for that. Hope you blast some Zeppelin today at mega-volume!

  17. Aye Ady, it's your Celebration Day! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Congrats on breaking down the door to 40...I'm sure you'll be knocking back a few ales to celebrate! Cheers!

  18. Is it TRUE?!? Are you really BACK Evan!?! I saw a post from you tonight and had to rub my eyes to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. Hope this means you are on the mend.

  19. Well, since your birthday is unknown, that means it could be ANY day...and since today is just as good as any, HAPPY BIRTHDAY KNEBBY! :)

  20. Always happy to help, Ancel! I'll send you more to check out when I have time.

  21. Wow...today must be my lucky day! I've discovered that two posters from the old board are still around; David Zoso and now you, Big Klu!

    You still an Angels fan?

  22. Hi Lakey...was wondering if you were still around? Miss you and hope all is well with you these days.

  23. Hi Evster...just checking to see if there was any update on the situation...hope all is well...cheers!

  24. "Did you love this world and did this world not love you?" ~ Grandaddy

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