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Everything posted by Strider

  1. The people who made that idiotic McDonald's NFL rap commercial need to be skinned alive. Utterly atrocious...like their food.
  2. Philip Rivers already going into petulant 5-year old mode.
  3. You mean you get the same thing over there in New Orleans? I would think CBS would show more Tennessee Titans or Houston Texans games in your area than the Chargers?
  4. Are you nuts? Compare how he consistently hits the high notes in Rock and Roll, Black Dog and OTHAFA in 1972 as oposed to the lower register he adopted for 1977. Now, Plant's voice in '77 was more powerful than it had been in 1973 and 1975, but pre-73 is the peak of Plant's vocal range. And yes, this topic has been discussed before. Hell, someone just the other day created a thread asking which era of Zeppelin was the best.
  5. As a Raider fan, I have no love for either team, but I hate San Diego just a little more than Denver. For one thing, I respect Manning more than Rivers, and for another, ever since the Raiders left LA, CBS constantly shoves the Chargers down our throats. Go Denver!
  6. Except yesterday...which is why she's 3-0 this weekend. Along with jb126 and some others, I think.
  7. Sorry, my phone doesn't display post #s. I'll check later.
  8. The NFC West was the toughest division so it only follows that the NFC Championship game features the top two teams from the NFC West.
  9. They'll probably even have to separate the coaches in next week's game! Lots of jawing and fighting will be on the menu.
  10. Sorry jabe, your Camolinas are going down like a sack of potatoes.
  11. The way SF plays and the bad blood between the two teams, I predict a record number of unsportsmanlike penalties next week, haha.
  12. That's the nature of these slugfests...no team is ever out of it.
  13. ^^^ Speaking of happy, that must have been one happy party last night with the Patriots victory?
  14. ^^^ Dude, the whole bottom of the screen is in near darkness because the camera can't adjust for bright sunlight and shadows simultaneously.
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