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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Awwww, that's so sweet of you to say. You're adorable. Why would you think I was drinking at 8am? We were watching the Seahawks game, which began at 1pm. That photo was taken sometime around halftime, I think.
  2. Did anybody hear about the Kings trading Ben Scrivens? I knew the backlog of goalies would result in somebody leaving. Scrivens performed admirably in the wake of Quick's injury so I am kind of sad to see him go. But if Quick is back on form and this kid Jones is really all that and a bag of chips, then it was the right move. I just hope we got somebody good in return...we could use some scoring help.
  3. I thought Jimmy had the poppies and dragons added by the time of the MSG shows?
  4. And look who has a birthday today! Fool in the Rain 60! Happy birthday Kate! Hope BD splurged on something nice for you and that you are with your fanily, especially your adorable grandchildren. Party on! Cheers!
  5. I'm late to the party. Will you accept my apologies Tiffany? Belated birthday wishes to you. Hope you didn't have to work.
  6. ^^^ Seattle's defense, Marshawn Lynch, and the 12th Man are as good a reasons as any for liking Seattle over San Francisco. Not sure where we'll be watching the game this week, but here I am with friends watching Seattle's victory over the Saints at Jameson's Irish Pub. My friend is a rabid Seattle fan.
  7. Congratulations? Condolences are more like it. What would possess Nick Saban to taint his staff with that carpetbagging charlatan? Unbelievable. Ok...I think I am ready. New England Seattle I am nervous because those are the same picks as jabe and he's been terrible so far, hehe. No offense, jabe.
  8. ^^^ Sorry redrum, I should have put a wink or some emoticon to let you know I was joking about meth users being fascinating to watch. The show averaged around 3 to 4 million viewers, with 10.3 million tuning in for the final episode. Just for comparison sake, the Newhart Show had 30 million viewers.
  9. ^^^ How do you think I feel? He used to be a Trojan.
  10. Good old Mr. Garlic would have a field day with this.
  11. Have you tried Google Chrome?
  12. Another way of looking at it is that a team has the right to sell the tickets to whomever it wants. If it wants their own fans to have preference, that is their right.
  13. What is your point? Are you saying it's "bullshit" that teams are doing this? Or are you saying that the story itself is "bullshit"?
  14. Care to elaborate?
  15. It is always a treat to see new unpublished photos, and especially ones from such a privileged vantage point! Eye Thank Ewe Hue & Eye! For the record, those are 1975 photos...do you have it noted somewhere which MSG dates you attended in 1975: February 3, 7, or 12? Did you not attend any of the Nassau Coliseum gigs?
  16. Blah blah blah...lots of teams do this. I believe Denver is using this tactic as well, only allowing people in the Mountain states to buy tix for the AFC Championship game. Nothing new.
  17. We'll know more Sunday. I'm having a hard time deciding on my picks...I think both games could easily go either way. Yes, I even think San Francisco has a shot in Seattle.
  18. Only if they hire a driver for Puig.
  19. A few of the more up-tempo songs from the album. One of the best drum grooves you'll ever hear..."Man Is Not a Bird"...and dig that retro reel-to-reel!!!! Minim Lunch Hour Pops
  20. Three years ago today I came out of a long hospital stay to the terrible news of Trish Keenan's passing at the young age of 42...of a flu of all things. Trish was the singer of the band Broadcast, formed in Birmingham, England in the mid-90s. Whenever I get into discussions with friends about who our favourite bands are, Broadcast is one of those bands, especially if we are talking about the last 10-20 years. As for all-time, Broadcast and Stereolab are wrestling each other for a spot in my Top 10. But that's not important. What is important is the music that she and Broadcast left us in her short time here...and the ineffable sadness I always feel that her voice was stifled and we lost the gift of any future music from her. No, Broadcast isn't Led Zeppelin. They are not a blues-rock band, or like any of the other bands you hear on typical "classic rock" radio. They are more in the indie-electronic-sound-collage-Stereolab-Portishead-Velvet Underground style. But, they share some traits with Led Zeppelin's approach...the sense of groove and the exploration of sonic possibilities. Broadcast can be trippy, yet also down-to-earth. Their music, like Zeppelin's, can put you in a dream-state, where you are not so much as hearing notes but colours. Sometimes the dreams can be nightmarish but then Trish's calm voice will return to soothe you and bathe you in its warmth and beauty. That's one of many things that I loved about Trish and Broadcast...she never oversang. She didn't unnecessarily turn a one-syllable word into a twenty-syllable Greek tragedy, as so many current singers do. In this thread, I left off at Broadcast's second album, "The Noise Made By People". So today I am breaking out their third, and possibly my favourite album of theirs, "HaHa Sound"...released in 2003 on Warp Records, one of the more interesting labels of recent years. Colour Me In Before We Begin Valerie (Inspired by the Czech film "Valerie and Her Week of Wonders")
  21. Another band that I am surprised is still around...I mean, Hughie Thomasson and Billy Jones are dead, ferchrissakes! Maybe that doesn't mean anything to you, but it sure does mean something to me. To me, rock bands are not supposed to be like business corporations with interchangeable members. What's next, John Mayer and Fred Durst going out as Led Zeppelin? It's time people stop accepting these replica bands. For some reason, the "Southern-Rock" genre seems to have more offenders than most...Lynyrd Skynyrd, Allman Brothers, .38 Special, Molly Hatchet...all these bands are still out there with barely a thread attached to the band that most people associate with their names. If they want to go out as a tribute band, like all the Led Zeppelin, Doors, etc. tribute bands, that's okay with me, and more honest, in my opinion. But an Outlaw concert without Hughie Thomasson and Billy Jones is a sham, plain and simple. I saw the Outlaws nearly blow the Stones away at Anaheim Stadium in 1978. That band was the true Outlaws band.
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