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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Strider


    You can tell your travel agent friend that Sochi is not in Siberia. It's on the Black Sea coast. Too far south to be Siberia. So poor Bob Costas got pink eye? Wonder what other health horrors will pop up during these Olympics.
  2. I barely trust Fox with the news...I'm certainly not trusting them with music. Eleven bands better than the Beatles? Sounds like a desperate ploy to generate web traffic...witness the pleading at the end for people to write back. Of course with this Sunday being the 50th anniversary of the Beatles Ed Sullivan Show appearance, anything with Beatles in the title is going to get noticed. Cecil., you are so right...there are far too many lists. It's endless and endlessly annoying and cheap journalism. Actually, it doesn't even warrant the word 'journalism'. A robot could create these lists. Slightly sad but not surprised at all the people unaware of the Replacements. They ceased to exist around 1991, and their last truly good album was in 1987. Great band, but even in their 80s heyday they were small potatoes, known to a select and passionate few.
  3. It was his salute to the four Marx Brothers: Groucho, Chico, Harpo, and ZEPPO!
  4. I hope it's not too much to ask for two weeks of peace and good sportsmanship during these Olympics. Still don't know why they put them in a place like Sochi.
  5. The long, dull reign of Jay Leno is finally over. Maybe the Tonight Show's move back to New York with Jimmy Fallon as host will bring back a little spark, a little wit, a little grit.
  6. With the Kings in a tailspin, the Olympic break couldn't come at a better time. I hope Miller gets most of the ice time so Quick can rest up and regroup for the rest of the season, along with the rest of the Kings. Our offense has evaporated.
  7. Good riddance. He took a beloved institution and neutered it into bland irrelevance. He leaves absolutely zero cultural footprints behind. What is weird is that he used to be a moderately funny stand-up comedian back in the 80s. His "What's Your Beef?" segments on Late Show with David Letterman were funnier than anything he did as Tonight Show host. Maybe now that he doesn't have to be a talk show host anymore, he can go back to being a comedian.
  8. Empress Valley Supreme Discs. A notorious Japanese label specializing in bootlegs.
  9. WOOHOO!!! Congratulations to Seattle and their first Super Bowl! I'm happy for my friends and family who are Seahawks fans. I'm happy for Pete Carroll. I only wished Seattle could have put 50 on them and kept the shutout, hehe.
  10. We were both on the same page Watler. Seattle's defense was the first since those '85 Bears to be #1 in points, yards, pass, run, and yds per play...and I may have missed some categories. Like they say...Defense wins championships.
  11. Percy Harvin took the second half kickoff to the house!
  12. 4000 to 1. To keep things simple, we're all over on the NFL playoffs thread.
  13. I believe the odds that a safety would be the first score were 4000 to 1.
  14. Even When the Levee Breaks isn't enough to get me to root for Denver, haha! SAFETY! OMAHA THAT!
  15. ^^^ Lemme know when you're done, KB, so I can come back here without vomiting. P.S. How can a Patriot fan root for Peyton Manning?
  16. Speaking of fuzzy math, what do you think the over/under is on the number of times Peyton Manning shouts "OMAHA!"? 29.5?
  17. A shout out to all Prince fans...the Purple Dude will appear on a special episode of "New Girl" that airs right after the Super Bowl tonight on Fox!
  18. You should have just picked one and saved the other for another time. All their records, from 2005's "Passover" to last year's "Indigo Meadow" are worthy...you cannot go wrong with any of them. And they are terrific live! The clips on YouTube don't do their concerts justice. I don't play video games, but some of the GTA comments above make some of the comments I see on YouTube clearer. Apparently with radio dead, it is through video games and tv shows that young bands find exposure. I keep reading comments that Black Angels or whatever band were in this or that video game. I guess the new tv show "True Detective" also featured a Black Angels song. Whatever works, I say. The days when a band was considered a sell-out by appearing on tv or in commercials are long gone. Video didn't kill the radio star...radio self-immolated itself.
  19. Unless I'm having trouble with the 'new math', I think the fact that jb126 has Denver scoring more points than Seattle means she's picking Denver.
  20. ^^^ I've seen those photos of Robert playing soccer at Balboa Park in Encino dated 1976, 1977, and 1978, depending on the publication, so who knows exactly when they were taken. I posted that LA Times article about the Dallas tour opener a couple years ago...maybe that's where you read it? Plant definitely makes mention of how he's still struggling with his injury and worried about putting too much stress on it. So it's not inconceivable to me that the band tailored the set to accommodate Plant. Here's the original 77 LA Times article below:
  21. What a coincidence...I'm listening to Loop's "Heaven's End" right now. Good ear you've got there. One of the first things I noticed about the Black Angels was how much the singer Alex Maas sounded like Grace Slick at times. By the way, if you liked Loop, you should check out Wooden Shjips and their offshoot band Moon Duo.
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