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Everything posted by Strider

  1. ^^^ Perhaps...but it will be tough for the US men to beat Canada. We're discussing this on the Olympics thread, by the way, since technically the NHL season is on hiatus....you should join us over there.
  2. Nice choke by the US. Canada takes gold in sudden-death overtime. Congratulations Canada.
  3. Upset in Ladies Figure Skating! The other Russian girl...the one not named Yulia...takes gold over South Korea's Kim Yuna, with a little help from some home cooking. Kim gets silver, and the elegant Carolina Kostner takes bronze for Italy's first medal in figure skating! The US was shut out as Polina, Gracie, and Ashley couldn't skate clean programs under the pressure. US women up 2-0 over Canada with a few minutes to go!
  4. Except it's NOT if she never actually said those remarks and the OP just made it up.
  5. Strider

    Jimmy Fallon

    When Jimmy Fallon was on "Saturday Night Live", he never stood out to me...he seemed bland, lost, and frequently broke character during sketches, cracking up, or forgetting his lines and having to resort to rotely reading off the cue card. So I was the last person to expect him to end up as the Tonight Show host when NBC gave him the Late Show five years ago when Conan O'Brien left. I thought he would be a disaster, like Pat Sajak. But surprise, surprise, he grew into the role of talk-show host, and one thing that helped was his musical ability. Who knew he would be such a good musical mimic, a guy who could sing and dance and be inventive? Five years later, some of his bits are now legend. Here are a few of my favourites: The Doors doing the Reading Rainbow theme song: What do you get when you cross David Bowie and Tim Tebow? Tebowie!!!! Another Tebowie bit when the Patriots signed Tebow: http://youtu.be/2TsQ4ZOPzF0 Fallon's Neil Young impressions were astounding! http://youtu.be/t1Ncuu8MfBk
  6. Why does this thread even exist? The OP made a claim for which there seems to be no basis for...mainly, that Sharon Osbourne slagged Led Zeppelin. Any search of independent verification of such only results in this thread popping up. I did discover that she has a new book out, so maybe it's in her book, although you would have thought reviewers would have cited it by now. The only evidence we have that Sharon said anything about Led Zeppelin is what the OP wrote in his post. And he hasn't bothered to come back and verify or answer other people's questions. So far, it seems to be a thread based on a lie, an attention-seeking ploy. Not that Sharon Osbourne can't be discussed. But in my opinion it can be done over on the Ozzy Osbourne thread, since her career and Ozzy's are inextricably linked. For what it's worth, in my view she is to Ozzy in some ways what Johnny Ramone was to Joey Ramone. For whatever credit she deserves for resurrecting his solo career after he flamed out of Black Sabbath, she also deserves consternation for the pitiful way she exploits Ozzy as her meal ticket, keeping him out on the road long past his due date, just as Johnny kept pushing Joey until he died. There are so many more ugly things about that woman: her part in having the musicians erased on the remastered Ozzy solo albums; how she ruined Iron Maiden's set at Ozzfest; that horrid screech-fest "The Talk". But I'll stop...I don't want to ruin anyone's breakfast talking about her, least of all mine.
  7. Martin Scorsese didn't handle a camera at Woodstock, so no, he was not an actual cameraman. As editor, however, he did help direct where the cameramen should film and later helped edit the hours of footage into a movie. He expounds at length about his Woodstock experience here: http://www.commondreams.org/view/2009/07/05-1 Personally, I've always felt not being at Woodstock was a blessing in disguise for Led Zeppelin. It freed them from being saddled with that "Woodstock hippie" tag that dated a lot of those bands almost immediately after the Festival was over. Woodstock was a summing up of the '60s...Led Zeppelin was looking forward into the '70s and beyond.
  8. What a load of rubbish. Robert Plant never promised you a rose garden. All he said was that they would give you a little taste, a little colour, of all their material in the six and a half years as a band. With at least one song played from each album, they did that. It's only natural that they would want to accent the most recent albums, PG and HotH. The first album was represented by How Many More Times in the early dates and then Dazed and Confused. That's 15 to 40 minutes of set time right there and a lot of twists and turns. Throw in Communication Breakdown, Whole Lotta Love, Moby Dick, Heartbreaker, Since I've Been Loving You, That's the Way, Bron-Yr-Aur-Stomp, Tangerine, Rock and Roll, Black Dog, Going to California, and Stairway to Heaven, and you have a sizable chunk of songs from the first three years.
  9. What if the hokey pokey really is what it's all about?
  10. Strider

    Jimmy Fallon

    Yep. Basically Jimmy Fallon had more memorable moments in his first Tonight Show than Jay Leno had in 20 years.
  11. US vs. Canada and Sweden vs. Finland in the semis! Can't wait for Friday! Let's go! American women did fairly well in the Ladies short program. All three made it to the Feee Skate tomorrow, and two, Ashley Wagner from Virginia and Gracie Gold from Massachusetts, made the last group. Poor Jenna McCorkle from Great Britain just missed the cut by one. I thought she got robbed...her program was cleaner than some who finished above her even though they fell and Jenna didn't. But it's going to be tough to beat the top three from Korea, Russia, and Italy...they were pretty damn good. Especially Yuna Kim.
  12. Been away for a spell so I just noticed this thread, Rick. You can count me in for the baseball contest and I wish you well with your surgery in March. May you come out of it roaring like a lion. Let's see...new back, new hips...are they rebuilding you like the Bionic Man?
  13. Jonny Weir very muted, fashion-wise, today. Just over an hour to go until US vs. Czech in hockey! Quick in goal for the US.
  14. There's so many pixie sprites in figure skating that it's nice to see an actual woman like Great Britain's Jenna McCorkle do well. Go Jenna!
  15. I pick and choose my battles. For US vs. Russia I didn't mind getting up at 4am, but I wasn't getting up for Latvia or Slovenia. I definitely got up early to watch Teemu and Finland kipper the Russians! Now watching the Ladies Figure Skating, which is heaven if you're a leg and ass man (or woman).
  16. FYI, the Russian goal in the 3rd was disallowed because the net was dislodged. I'm going back to sleep. I'm guessing Miller will be in the crease next game.
  17. "Walls and Bridges" might be my favourite Lennon solo album...even more than "Imagine". I love "#9 Dream" and "Whatever Gets You Through the Night".
  18. USA! USA! USA! Great shootout victory! Good thing Team USA brought Oshie!
  19. It's soccer on ice with sticks and less players...and less flopping.
  20. USA! USA! USA! planted's Miracle Dust worked.
  21. How many baby showers does this make for you now? I've been to eight...only three were a drag, the others were fun.
  22. Argh! Down 1-0 and the Russian crowd is nuts.
  23. Could you imagine Sam and Incognito on the same team?
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