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Everything posted by Strider

  1. I'll remember this post when Miami mauls your receivers this Sunday and you start bitching about the refs not calling pass interference.
  2. Good grief. It's still only November...we're only a month into the season. We could be having an entirely different conversation in April regarding which teams are contenders and which are pretenders.
  3. I don't have the new box, so I can't speak to what the sound quality is like and how much an upgrade it is from previous versions. If you have heard earlier releases of the Australian '72 tour, whether by cd or the internet, then you know that the performances are pretty good. This tour, after all, is in between the great '71 Japan and '72 American tours, so they were still on a roll in their performing prime. As I posted the other day on the What Show Are You Listening To thread, the tapes are incomplete, and as many of the shows were outdoors they have that "outdoor sound" common to these types of concerts due to wind and other atmospheric elements. The Adelaide is probably the best sound-quality tape of the bunch. Brisbane the worst.
  4. You can file that under CYA.
  5. YOU stop with that nonsense. It's not because I picked them and anyone who has been here talking football with me all these years knows that. I am not one to usually harp on referees (unlike a certain someone) and if anyone would relish seeing the Patriots get screwed by a call, it would be me. Remember the Tuck Rule game? Don't think I have or ever will forget and forgive that game. But pass interference is pass interference. The ref who made the call was RIGHT THERE at the scene of the crime. Then some other ref from miles away comes in and says no no, pick up the flag and then they run liked scared bitches with no explanation at all. On the Panthers touchdown drive that put them ahead, the refs called a key pass interference penalty on third down against the Patriots and the Patriots player had less contact than the Panthers had on Gronk on that final play. A bullshit call is a bullshit call, no matter the team or circumstance. But congratulations to Carolina...they announced they're for real on national tv. And congrats to paul, pottedplant, jb and Walter. Your prize will be in the mail, potted.
  6. Refs have screwed the Patriots TWICE now at the end of games. First the Jets game, and now this.
  7. Dinner better than the game so far...New York Strip steak with mushrooms and onions and red wine reduction, baked potato, spinach, and 2005 Heitz Cabernet Sauvignon.
  8. If it's funding you seek, have you thought of starting a Kickstarter campaign? Many new indie films seem to get funded this way lately.
  9. That's great news, redrum! Good luck moving the production forward.
  10. I believe it was 1:00 p.m. Central Time Friday November 22 when Cronkite made his announcement...that's 2pm EST and 11am PST. Were you going to school in the Bay Area at that time, redrum? I think the latest poll showed that 75% of Americans believe there was a cover-up.
  11. I hope the refs don't interject themselves into the game and turn it into a five hour affair. FUMBLE!!! Costly error by NE!
  12. Patriots had 610 total yards of offense vs. Pittsburgh...197 yds and 3 TDs on the ground and 413 and 4 via Brady...and zero INTs. That was a crucial difference as Pittsburgh had three turnovers including two INTs by Roethlisberger.
  13. What is Talib's deal? The Patriots finally get him back and he's acting like an asshole. He's this close to being ejected.
  14. Well, I need to keep jabe and jb126 from breathing down my neck and I've got a real wager with pp, so...GO PATRIOTS! Kev bro! Where are you?
  15. ^^^ Yep...The Ambassador Hotel on Wilshire Boulevard, adjacent to where the famous Brown Derby restaurant was located. Shortly after midnight the night RFK won the California Primary on June 4, 1968...so technically it was June 5, 1968 when Sirhan Sirhan shot RFK in the bowels of the hotel kitchen and June 6 when RFK officially was declared dead. As for JFK and the 50th Anniversary of that fateful day of November 22, 1963, I've been watching and reading plenty about it already. I was only slightly over a year old when it happened, so I have no memory of the tragedy and the aftermath. But clearly it changed the course of history in so many ways...not just politically but socially, psychologically, and culturally as well. As JFK was the first "TV President", in some ways it is apropos that his assassination marked the ascension of TV news over newspapers and radio. I don't really subscribe to the "loss of our country's innocence" mantra, in that the history of America is filled with bloody and tragic events...our innocence was lost long before 11.22.63. But I will agree that it was probably the Baby Boom generation's loss of innocence. A very sad and black day for the country and the world, even if you didn't agree with his politics or behaviour, which compared to what goes on today is still relatively benign.
  16. Nice to see a new face here. You should join us in the NFL picking game thread.
  17. Vielen Dank zepscoda for the lowdown!!!
  18. Dallas has had two weeks to prepare. If Ware and the D-line can get pressure on Eli, I think it's a win for Dallas. Unless Tony Romo goes into brain-lock mode and throws the game away.
  19. Thanks for the 411 mate. You deserve a nice fat bifta for that. On the subject of wines for spicy foods, allowing that everyone's tastes are different but you might like a nice Mosel from Germany or sake or rice wine from China.
  20. Hmmm...if Carolina wins I'll send you a New Orleans Zeppelin bootleg. If New England wins, I'll leave it to your discretion what you want to send...maybe a tasty New Orleans food or beverage?
  21. Any significant difference in Mumbai curry as opposed to Thai or other Indian regional curry? Less or more coconut? Red or green?
  22. No question, pp...as long as the Saints don't take it for granted and fall asleep. Sadlanta has to rank as one of the unexpected flops of the season, along with Houston, San Francisco, and to a lesser extent, Baltimore. Seattle has a bye this week, and their first game back will be a HUGE GAME: New Orleans @ Seattle. That game will most likely decide home field advantage for the playoffs. The following week, Seattle plays San Francisco and then they go to New York to play the Giants. Like I said, this is the time of year when it gets fun for a football fan.
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