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Everything posted by Strider

  1. FIFY. I'm surprised you even have a box of Cheerios in your pantry, CP. Can you recommend a suitable wine to pair with that? Something oat-y perhaps?
  2. ^^^ Lots of teams still alive in the playoff hunt still, Paul, especially in the NFC, where only Seattle and pottedplant's and justawoman's and bayougal's Who Dats are a lock for the playoffs. The seeming collapse of San Francisco, Atlanta, Green Bay and the mediocrity of the NFC East has given everybody in that Conference a fighting chance. Even Arizona. And what did I tell you about the Giants? I posited a month ago that the NY Elis were doing their usual schtick of playing dead the first month or so of the season before rising like Lazarus and Rick pooh-poohed that idea. Well, look who has won 4 or 5 straight games all of a sudden and is back in the thick of it in the NFC East: The New York Football Giants. Thanks to Dallas and Philadelphia mucking about (The Taters are always hopelessly incompetent), the division is up for grabs. Dallas vs. Giants will be a crucial test in establishing the pecking order and momentum for the stretch drive of the season. In the Norris Division, it all depends on when Aaron Rogers comes back and if he is effective when he does...Green Bay has to be wary of rushing Rogers back too soon in a panic and risk further injury to their franchise quarterback. Chicago and Detroit should be able to take advantage of Green Bay's disarray, but as we saw yesterday, both of those teams remain flawed and cannot be trusted to do anything right. So it'll be a three team dogfight for that division, just like the NFC Least. With the 49ers loss, Seattle has a nice lock on the West and a one game lead over New Orleans for home field advantage for the playoffs. And if you don't think both Seattle and New Orleans DESPERATELY want and need home field, you haven't been paying attention. Both of those teams are significantly less dangerous on the road than they are at home. Carolina is playing well, and tonight's game against New England will be a sort of national coming...or as jabe would say, caming...out party for the Panthers. The nation I think is still wondering if Carolina is for real. A win over Brady on Prme Time TV would seal the deal. But even if they win tonight, I still think the Saints take the division and Carolina gets one of the Wild Card spots. I'll tackle the AFC later. It's the serious time of the season...the playoff stretch drive. I love it!
  3. ^^^ You had a TV dinner for breakfast? Do you work the graveyard shift or something?
  4. ^^^ What's the matter, Darrin...Samantha wasn't around to make a home-cooked meal? Brekkie on the morn: Coffee & Danish.
  5. Double back at ya! Care to make a friendly wager on tonight's game, pottedplant?
  6. Unfortunately for you, there are TWO halves in basketball. Lakers by 15 beeeeyotch!!!
  7. Did you pay penance and light a candle? Hehe.
  8. Lakers vs. Pistons. Battle for mediocrity.
  9. Strider

    NFLZ Sportbook

    You seem to be the last man standing, jabe. Congratulations.
  10. Walter and I are 9-4, too. Even better, I've picked up another game on jabe and jb126, who are 8-5, on the season total standings. Go Broncos and Patriots!
  11. Wouldn't you know it...the two picks I was most worried about, Detroit and Atlanta, killed me. At least Rick's Bills came thru at last. The Raiders win!
  12. Sounds like you're kicking ass this week, pottedplant! Go Saints!
  13. Who? Riddle me this, Batman: How does Houston go from a team picked to make the playoffs to a team that cannot even beat the Raiders without their starting QB...at home, no less? Houston has to rank as one of the big flops of the season so far.
  14. Careful Paul...don't jinx it!
  15. Ok. Thanks for the clarification JTM. Not that these polls and awards mean anything in the long run. Take away all these posthumous and late in the day Grammys and Hall of Fames and other recognitions and Led Zeppelin would still be THE MIGHTY LED ZEPPELIN!!! As long as the music exists, whether it be on vinyl, cd, digital or some format of the future, Led Zeppelin will always be legend. Led Zeppelin's place in music history is secure, no matter what Rolling Stone and other supposed arbiters of culture deem worthy or not, and their albums will always lurk about for succeeding generations of teenagers to discover and have their minds blown.
  16. ^^^ The two games I was hemming-and-hawing over all week wondering if I should change my pick were Detroit @ Pittsburgh and Atlanta @ Tampa Bay. I picked Detroit and Atlanta in those games but I'm worried.
  17. You could have it worse...you could be stuck watching Oakland @ Houston.
  18. Late dinner last night of Korean galbi short rib tacos and sake.
  19. ^^^ Lions and tigers and BEARS...OH MY!
  20. ^^^ Did Rick say if he was going to the game in person?
  21. Isn't Classic Rock the same boneheads who had Rod Stewart beat out Led Zeppelin?
  22. It's not just Guitar World...or even music magazines. It's a scourge that plagues the entire media world...printed and internet. Actual informative editorial content has been replaced by endless lists and polls and celebrity trivia.
  23. ^^^ Thanks Whoopie. It helps being in the company of someone as charming and engaging as Staci.
  24. Geez, I don't think I have ever seen you in a spat with someone on this forum, so I am kind of taken by surprise by your farewell, Otto. Thank you for your contributions. I have enjoyed and been stimulated by many of your posts. Good luck and may the road rise with you.
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