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Everything posted by Strider

  1. My English slang is rusty...are you saying "Piss up"? It's a measure of how far St. Patrick's Day has broadened from an Irish holiday into the drunken free-for-all it is today when you consider that Robert Plant makes nary a mention of Saint Patrick's Day during Led Zeppelin's March 17, 1975 Seattle concert. Contrast that with how he mentioned Valentine's Day all thru the Feb. 14, 1975 concert just a month earlier.
  2. I'm half-Irish myself, and I might have a Guinness or two, even though I'm on medication at the moment where I am supposed to refrain from alcohol and drugs. Definitely will play some Pogues, My Bloody Valentine, Rory Gallagher, Thin Lizzy, Van Morrison, Stiff Little Fingers...maybe even some Clannad and U2. But I WILL NOT be eating any corned beef and cabbage...blecch! Pastrami-yes...corned beef-no. Happy St. Patrick's Day! Please don't vomit on my shoes.
  3. Sorry Walter...if this was a few years ago I would have been all over this thread like Major Major on ITTOD. But I find as I get older, I am shedding sports like Salome shedding veils. Whereas I used to have a ravenous appetite, and the energy, to follow the NFL, NBA, MLB, NCAA sports, Tennis, Surfing, Motorcross, Skiing, Olympics, NHL, Soccer, X-Games, Formula 1, and more; now I don't have the interest and frequently can't be bothered to even give some sports even a cursory glance in the newspaper. I used to fill out a March Madness bracket every year. Not this year. I didn't even watch a single college basketball game this year...not even UNC vs. Duke. A lot of the romance of college sports has been lost for me. But hey, good luck on your picks Walter...and dazedcat and ebk and anyone else who filled out a bracket. It's funny...Syracuse used to be one of my regular picks to get knocked out early in the tournament...I made a lot of money off their misfortune, haha.
  4. I don't have my old boot copy handy(buried in storage) but judging from the track listing, this official Lucifer Rising release will have much more additional music. I'm looking forward to this...you'll get no gripes from me. No offense taken. Even though my friends cover a wide range of social-economic, gender, racial, educational, political, sexual and geographical backgrounds, the one trait they all share is that they are passionate about music. So they're not representative of society at large, as most of society will swallow whatever the corporations will feed them. But if you're passionate about music, you either never got rid of your vinyl and turntable to begin with, or you reinvested in them once you heard how inferior the early generation cds were...or if you're a Millennial baby, mp3s and downloads. Yes, it is 2012...which means the resurgence in vinyl is NOT NEW. By my reckoning, it has been going on at least 10 years now, when Classic put out their Led Zeppelin vinyl releases and bands such as Radiohead and Stereolab released their new albums on vinyl as well as cd. In fact, vinyl never really went away...before digital dj programs, djs needed vinyl to spin for parties/raves and for backing up rappers. In an ironic twist, it is actually the rise of mp3s and downloading that helped bring vinyl back while at the same time killing the CD market. The cool kids with ipods and such have realized that they would like a physical manifestation of the music they like. CDs are only marginally better than downloaded files, so kids are saying if I'm going to buy a physical object, better to get it in the best sound quality and with the complete album artwork...that being vinyl records. Whenever I go to Amoeba Records, there are as many people browsing the vinyl racks as there are the cd section...sometimes more. The romance of records is back, helped along by kids who are passionate about their music collection. Just as their elders were in the 60s and 70s.
  5. 90% of my friends have a record player...in fact, some buy vinyl only. A turntable is easy to find these days.
  6. Damn Sam, you beat me to the punch! I just got the e-mail notice from Jimmy 5 minutes ago and was going to see if anyone had posted the news here yet. Now THIS is what I'm interested in a lot more than the Death Wish II re-release.
  7. Sorry Wolfman, I got your name wrong in my previous post. More Philly action: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WRlPKfQvf4&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  8. Only because you asked am I posting in this thread again. 1982 is the year of the Dog. Woof woof!
  9. ^^^Thanks planted and Kate for the kind thoughts and support. My friend and I just arrived at Staples Center. It's about an hour before game-time. It will be a group of about 20 kids and they are singing in the key of F.
  10. Thanks for the answer Steve. I know you're kept busy with your Led Zeppelin Mystery and Photo Mystery threads, so I appreciate you taking the time in replying. That's an interesting and valid point, Major Major...you might be onto something there.
  11. Jiminy Cricket! Am I the only one happy here? My posts are the last three posts over the last 4 days with no interruption. Weird. So today I am one happy and proud Uncle Strider. My godson(technically I'm his godfather but we're close enough that he calls me uncle) and the rest of his High School Glee group were picked to sing the National Anthem before tonight's LA Clippers basketball game versus the Atlanta Hawks. My friend spaced out on getting tickets thru the school for $20, and the school's allotment was sold out before he got around to asking. Fortunately we found some reasonable tix online this morning, so we'll be able to see the kids sing in person. We've also got the Tivo set up to record the Fox Sports West broadcast. Now, we're just crossing our fingers they remember the words, haha.
  12. Van Halen(classic Van Halen, that is) was good anywhere, but yeah, it was mindboggling seeing them at the Whisky or the Pasadena Civic Auditorium. So Wolfman, how was the crowd reception to Kool & the Gang? Any boo-birds out? Or were people digging it? Speaking of odd pairings, when I saw Lou Reed in 74 or 75, I'm pretty sure Hall & Oates opened the show.
  13. I'm not going to get bogged down in semantics and derail this thread with a silly argument about Deep Purple. I'm sure they're nice guys who are kind to animals and feed their families...or vice versa. If you like 'em, fine with me. Back on topic...here's some clips I have found from the Philly show...Unchained was always a great opening song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQqOwJf_hws&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  14. Come on people...you should know by now not to accept everything on Wikipedia as the gospel truth. It's like believing everything you read in Rolling Stone. Seriously, in just that short snippet zemun posted there were three "citation needed" requests alone!
  15. Loved Dread Zeppelin. Got the first two albums and saw them several times during those early years. Haven't really kept up with them since around the mid-90s, but I've bumped into a few of the band members here and there over the years. Nice people.
  16. Watching the LA Lakers beat the Boston Celtics today!!! It's now 6pm and I just scored tickets for the sold out Zulawski screening tonight; a guy had a couple extras. :yay:
  17. To be fair, some of those "shut up!" quips were probably directed at a band member(Plant and Bonham always seemed to have a running dialogue with each other thru the show) or a member of the crew or somebody offstage...Peter Grant perhaps. For those that weren't there, it may be hard to imagine, but the "lads having good fun" atmosphere on stage at Led Zeppelin concerts was very high. This wasn't no Pink Floyd or Eagles misanthrope convention.
  18. Exactly what I mean bluecongo! I could understand the July shows if June was more like the poorer April gigs. But to go from the highs of the LA Forum to the dregs of Tempe in just a couple of weeks is ridiculous. I know that the LA Forum shows were the last of the second leg...Robert Plant said as much the last night of the Forum on June 27, 1977. It is presumed they all flew back to England to be with their families for the two week break before the start of the 3rd leg of the tour. What I am curious about is do we know if Jimmy really went back to England? Cause from the evidence, it sounds as if he just stayed holed up in LA strung out on smack. Also, Robert's voice isn't what it was in LA...compare his voice from the Forum to the Kingdome. It's not even close. It doesn't sound like he was taking care of himself either during the break. In fact, do we know if the band met at all during the break for rehearsals? Or was this like the beginning of the tour, when the tour was postponed from January to April, and because the band's gear was already in the States, Jimmy supposedly hadn't picked up a guitar in four months?
  19. You're not the only one looking Sandia...everytime I go through the vintage poster section at Amoeba or Rockaway Records, I always look for this one. This is my second-favourite Led Zeppelin concert poster...the Electric Magic show is my all-time fave! Third would be the November 1969 Fillmore gig poster...could you imagine seeing Led Zeppelin AND Rahsaan Roland Kirk on the same bill?!? You don't need drugs with a line-up like that. Anyway, good luck with your search Sandia!
  20. I bet Physical Graffiti wins. Come on, Major Major...vote for ITTOD...I DARE ya!
  21. The William Shatner show interested me, but unfortunately I already had plans booked for last night, and it was a one-night-only event. The upcoming shows that I'll probably see are "Billy Elliot", "The Addams Family", "Million Dollar Quartet", "West Side Story" and "Priscilla Queen of the Desert". West Side Story is the only one of those that I have seen before.
  22. Apparently this Forum's clocks don't adjust automatically, as it is still an hour behind. Or does this board run on UK time? Personally, I don't mind it...as Ledzepfvr said, it's nice to have the extra daylight in the evening. Who needs daylight at 4am? I'm asleep by then. Besides, since most gadgets these days seem to adjust the time for you, it doesn't matter if you remember or not. Fortunately I am one of those people whose body doesn't have trouble adjusting to the time change. Just as I never get jet lag.
  23. Maybe you just need a little more coffee?
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