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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Not so strange if you remember how much David Lee Roth loved black culture in the 70s and would mention it in interviews. Plus, there were all sorts of seemingly odd and random concert bills in the 60s and 70s before everything got fragmented, segmented, regimented and segregated. Besides, Kool & the Gang is an awesome band! Or, at least they were. I have no idea if there's any original members left or if this is one of those shams.
  2. You're back Lakey?

  3. Drats! I missed your birthday...hope you had a nice one Aquamarine!

  4. WTF! No wonder people in the South are more religious than elsewhere...that looks like something out of the Book of Revelations. Or a disaster movie. We were supposed to get some rain yesterday but it never materialized. So far, March has come in like a lamb.
  5. ^^^And in case there are still people who aren't aware, it is the Isley Bros. "It's Your Thing" that is the basis for the funk breakdown in Led Zeppelin's live versions of "Communication Breakdown". Happy Birthday Ernie! Play on brother, play on!
  6. Cool. Too bad they're not displaying his Elvis shirt. But then, I wonder if Robert would part with that...or if he even still has it. Jimmy seems to have saved much of his Zeppelin stage wear, but what about Robert? Did he save those low-riding jeans with the Union Jack patch or the Sheep and Shepherd embroidered on the crotch? What about the turquoise top or all those kimono-style blouses? Sometimes I used to imagine Robert, when he was trying to distance himself from his Zeppelin past, burning all his 70s stage clothes. Ok, I just read the link above...judging from the comments after the story, it seems most Elvis fans are none too pleased about this. Oh well, can't please everybody, haha. I was also thinking it's too bad they couldn't have an audio loop playing with Robert's display of all the Elvis songs Zeppelin covered in concert.
  7. A tempest in a teapot. What would you have the writer say: the Cat Stevens-esque Montrose album? I'm old enough to remember when Rolling Stone and mainstream media outlets slighted Led Zeppelin. They would use Cream, Jimi Hendrix, the Who or the Rolling Stones as reference points for bluesy, hard-rock bands. They would only use Led Zeppelin as a negative reference...much in the same vein as Grand Funk Railroad. At least now Led Zeppelin is considered a positive reference and not a slur.
  8. Yes, Walter, you are correct. Besides, for the purposes of this thread, I am only talking about Led Zeppelin. I don't care about post-1980 gigs. Yes, I know the 1977 and 1980 Philly dates had to be cancelled...I may be heading towards 50, but I still have a firm grip on my mental faculties, thank you very much. But, it's just very curious and odd to me that from 1969 to 1975, Led Zeppelin played only 4 shows in Philadelphia...and you rarely see anyone come on here and rave about the show, like Basgeholder, MadScreamingGallery and I rave about the LA shows, or Rick about Landover or The Rover and others about Dallas and Houston. Look at the 1975 tour...it appears Led Zeppelin played two or more gigs in the large major cities: LA, NY, Chicago, Dallas, Seattle...hell, even San Diego, Long Beach and Vancouver got two shows and they were much smaller than Philadelphia. It doesn't make sense. Not sure how "amazing" the 1977 Philadelphia show would have been considering the train wreck the band had become in July. Has anyone...Steve Jones, perhaps?...found out what happened to the band inbetween the June and July legs of the 77 tour? How does Led Zeppelin go from playing a pretty good run of shows in New York and LA in June to the disasters of Tempe and Seattle in July? Oakland is a tad better, but not by much. Does anyone really think the band would have pulled it together in time for the New Orleans and Philly stadium gigs?
  9. ^^^Point of reference: This is the Led Zeppelin Live section. It is for discussing Led Zeppelin concerts. You want to discuss Rolling Stones, that's what the Random or Other Bands/Other Music sections are for. I suggest the Rolling Stones thread or the What Are You Listening to Now? thread.
  10. I realize Morgan Freeman is "The Voice of God"...but he didn't invent EVERYTHING!
  11. Led Zep Girl: Major Major was quoting the Grim Reaper from a Monty Python bit. Jane's Addiction says it even better: "the news is just another show...with sex and violence..."
  12. There's a big old moon in the sky right now shining bright...which inspired me to pull out my Moon Duo album "Mazes", one of my favourite albums of 2011. From San Francisco, Moon Duo is Sanae Yamada and Erik Ripley Johnson from the Wooden Shjips. Very good late-night listening. If you remember a British band called Loop, this is something similar. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flHaERb_MWE&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  13. There's a saying in the news biz: "If it bleeds, it leads." Besides, since when does someone who uses an anagram of "murder" get squeamish about the news?
  14. ^^^Nice pick. I take it "Take Shelter" is finally out on DVD? I saw this when it came out last September, but I think LA and New York were the only places it got a decent theatrical release. A very strange yet interesting film...definitely not a mainstream crowd-pleaser-type movie. Michael Shannon is one of those character actors you always see in films and recognize the face but can never remember his name. Nice to see him finally get a big, meaty lead role. He is astounding in this. Of course, he got ignored by the Academy and the Golden Globes.
  15. 30 years gone, eh? Boy, I guess that makes me old. To tell you the truth, I don't really remember where or what I was doing the moment John Belushi died...certainly not in the way I remember hearing about John Bonham's and John Lennon's death. In March 1982 I was stationed at Ft. Hood, TX...probably heard it on the tv news broadcasts after coming in from the motor pool or the training range.
  16. As you can see from the above post, I chose "Spamalot". Actually, I had seen "Spamalot" before, when it arrived at the Ahmanson Theatre in 2009. This time, I was just waiting to see if someone I knew could come up with comps for either Swan Lake or Spamalot. When the freebies for Spamalot came thru, the decision was made for me, so-to-speak. Don't worry, ebk, the Pantages is still as lovely as you remember it. I've seen at least 100 shows here...everything from Talking Heads to Wicked to Bob Dylan to Riverdance to Bruce Springsteen to The Lion King to the Cure. Not even the Guns n Roses show in 1991 could sully the place.
  17. Had a fantastic weekend...topped by one of the happiest and most splendid Sundays in some time. Weather of course was beautiful...sunny and blue skies and in the 70s. Got up around 7am to hit the Record swap...got some groovy Led Zeppelin and Rolling Stones boots. Saw the new Led Zeppelin II multitracks 4-disc set, but felt guilty and conflicted about getting it. Live concerts are one thing, but stolen studio tapes are another. After spending about an hour at the swap, had breakfast at Figaro Cafe(brioche french toast and orange juice), then went to Westwood Village to the Hammer Museum. Every month they have a free family screening, where they show a family-friendly movie on a Sunday at 11am. Yesterday they were showing a version of "Alice in Wonderland" I had never seen: a 1972 British live-action adaptation with Peter Sellars, Dudley Moore, Ralph Richardson, Michael Crawford and many other Brits of that period. Very quirky and fun. The movie was over around 12:30pm, so I took a stroll through the Alina Szapocznikow and Antony Hegarty(of Antony and the Johnsons fame) exhibits. Then, made a quick stop at the Hollywood Farmer's Market before going home and watching the rest of the LA Lakers vs. Miami Heat game. LAKERS WIN!!! After the game, it was around 3pm, so I went for a hike up Bronson Canyon for an hour. Then back home, showered and dressed to meet a friend for dinner at Chan Dara Thai restaurant before taking her to see "Spamalot" at the Pantages Theatre at 6:30pm...the final performance of the run. Someone hooked me up with freebies (working part-time, "free" is my favourite word). Laughed our sides silly...laughter is the best medicine...and afterwards, again thanks to the benevolence of my friend, was able to drop in the closing night party. The rest of the night is a blur...probably tucked in around 3am. Exhausted but happy. A solid six hours sleep and I was up at 9am today, refreshed and invigorated for the week. The only quibbles I had about the day was I missed a phone call from a friend, and I'm having computer problems which is preventing me from updating my 1977 thread.
  18. Hello gorgeous! I'm fine, thank you...although I can see how you might think I'd abandoned you. My computer is down unfortunately...which means i haven't been able to update my 1977 thread or answer your Fleetwood Mac request. I'm texting this on my phone on the way home from the Monty Python musical "Spamalot".

    1. Led Zep Girl

      Led Zep Girl

      I understand. It's okay! I was just wanting to make sure you were doing alright. I will ttyl Take care!

  19. ^^^Good for you Kiwi! I'm glad you were able to take a break from your studies and take in a ballet with your mum. I'm going to try and see "Swan Lake" this weekend myself...either that or Monty Python's "Spamalot" musical at the Pantages.
  20. I'd rather a frontman be honest and be themselves, even if that means being a jerk, than pander and spew the same tired old bullshit of "_____ is the greatest rock n roll town in the world!" and. "_____ has the hottest babes!" Obviously, given the history of Velvet Underground, Lou isn't always the nicest person around...he can be a bit of an asshole. It's another case of having to separate the art from the artist. Something I am good at...as I've had lots of practice(e.e. cummings, Wagner, Roman Polanski, Woody Allen, William Burroughs, Patricia Highsmith, Frank Sinatra...). Ahhhh, but what art! It was Lou and the VU who showed me there was beauty in chaos and noise.
  21. I haven't read all the details yet, but sometimes in these cases part of the settlement is that the parties can't talk about it. Maybe that's why Jake Holmes has been silent. By the way, I, too, feel this is one case where the band should have given credit to Jake...at least a co-credit. So I hope Jake got something.
  22. So let's see...you posted this earlier today and not only was the thread moved to the "Newbie" section, which is a sure sign the "news" you purport is baseless, but the thread was LOCKED. Yet you persist in reposting the same rumour here again? Either you really are onto something or you're nuts. I'll leave it to the mods to discern which.
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