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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Whitney was supposed to sing at Clive's pre-Grammy bash last night. She caused a stir at the Beverly Hilton Hotel Thursday with her disheveled appearance and loopy behavior. Same old Whitney. None of my friends here in LA even watch the Grammys anymore...we all gave up on them years ago. It was bad enough when Zeppelin, Aerosmith, Lynyrd Skynyrd, and Queen were ignored in the 70s. The final straw was Jethro Bore winning over Metallica for Best Metal Album in 1988. It's nothing but a Clive Davis orgy.
  2. Judging from this post, your knowledge is seriously lacking and misguided, making any judgments you have on how the band should have "honoured John" or what they should have done post-Bonham flawed and not a little off-base. If you'd been paying attention, you'd know that Robert and John Paul Jones especially, have not been wasting their talents.
  3. I won't be watching as I have a Filmforum event to attend. I might catch some highlights on YouTube...I hear Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band are performing. Since the Big Man's death, I was somewhat surprised Bruce decided to carry on. But really, with Whitney Houston's death, nobody is going to remember the winners...her death will overshadow the Grammys.
  4. Sad, yes. But not so sudden if you've seen the toll her addiction took on her. Once you start doing crack, you might as well start digging your grave. Other than crystal meth, no other drug ravages the body, mind and soul like crack. I would venture to say that crack has ruined more lives than heroin...and I've heard of more people successfully rehabbing from heroin than crack. I really feel for her daughter and her family. I hope they keep Bobby Brown away from the daughter. What was that book years ago? "Smart women, foolish choices". When Whitney hooked up with Bobby Brown, that was the red flag that something was wrong. Whatever demons Whitney had, Bobby Brown was not a supportive husband or helpmate. In fact, he exacerbated her problems. He ruined her...and he'll do the same to her daughter if he gets a chance. Well, better dead and at peace than living life as a crackhead...for that AIN'T living. R.I.P.
  5. Photoshop, yes? Clever all the same. On the topic of skateboarding, there is an insanely good book that came out in 2010 called "Locals Only: California Skateboarding 1975-1978", that is a collection of photographs that Hugh Holland took around the California skate spots of the time...the Dog Bowl, Kemper Elementary, the drainage pipes along Laurel Canyon, Redondo Beach, etc. If you want to know what part of my childhood was like, this book is a good starting point. Especially the time I lived close to the beach...it was harder to skateboard in the fields and dirt of Woodcrest. The book is huge, with large format photos that you just want to fall into. A definite must for anyone interested in skateboarding history and photography. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1934429473/ref=aw_d_iv_books?is=l
  6. Clipper curse strikes Billups. Predictably, Lakers lose second night of back-to-back against the Knicks...stop the Linsanity! Hope you took NY and the points, Rick.
  7. LA Lakers beating the Boston Celtics in an Overtime thriller. I was out last night, so I didn't get to watch the end of the game until this morning.
  8. July 15, 1973 Buffalo, NY (Hey Rick! You go to this show?)
  9. ^^^We have a winner...THAT'S the shirt the OP was asking about! http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151284185015457&set=a.10151279606890457.815490.597015456&type=3&l=3c29bc6566
  10. Happy Birthday Rock Action! Hope you get plenty of action, rock and otherwise, on your birthday. Crank the Zeppelin, dude!

    1. Rock Action

      Rock Action

      Hey thanks, man!! Just now saw this...LOL Cheers!

  11. Thanks everyone...and if I missed anyone, thank you to you, too. I wasn't sure how this would be received...making you wait and all that. Not to mention the potential for solipsistic overdose. I am trying to strike the right balance between giving you a flavour of the times and getting bogged down in too much detail. I was hoping somebody would have any info about that San Diego Party Bus...how about you MadScreamingGallery? Also, in the rush of activity leading up to the Super Bowl weekend, I goofed and overlooked one of the days of my timeline...so this should have been posted February 5. Post #8: How 4 became 5...the Fifth Forum concert is added. Before 4 turns to 6, there has to be a 5, right? Well, here's your answer, AYKHII... I was reading the paper that weekend (Feb. 5-6, 1977) and came across this ad for Led Zeppelin tickets by one of the ticket agencies. It puzzled me because it listed a 5th LA Forum date...March 16!!! I called the number and sure enough they said there were now 5 Forum shows. Mar. 9, 12, 13, 15, and 16. The tickets for the fifth Forum show had gone on sale Thursday, February 3 at 10:00am. Shit, how did I miss that news? Not that it mattered much, as I was still pretty much broke, and the 16th was a school night and so I wouldn't be able to go. The first chance I got I went to the library and asked for the Thursday Feb. 3 edition of the Los Angeles Times. Went through the View section(Part IV), which during the weekdays was where the arts, movies, television and music news was located. Yep...there it was...Page 15. The ad took the entire page. So that is when the four Forum shows became FIVE...and there was still room to add a SIXTH, as Monday the 14th was still open. Just to wrap up...I mentioned the "Roots" miniseries that ABC broadcasted the final week of January 1977, when the news of the Zeppelin tickets struck. Well, the ratings for "Roots" were shattering; it broke the record for most-watched and highest-rated TV show...beating the previous year's first-time airing of "Gone With the Wind". Which has a sort of poetic justice about it. Eventually, Super Bowls and the final episode of "M*A*S*H*" would eclipse "Roots", but it is interesting to note the difference in ratings between now and then. The 8th and final episode of "Roots"(ABC, in a daring move, broadcast "Roots" over eight consecutive nights) garnered a Nielson rating of 51.1 and a 71% share. That means that 51.1 percent of U.S. households with TV's were watching "Roots", and that of the televisions that were in use, 71% were tuned into "Roots", with around 100 million viewers. Nowadays, most Super Bowls get more viewers...for instance, the one just concluded between the NY Giants and New England Patriots was watched by 111.3 million viewers and had a 40.5 rating. But the 1982 Super Bowl between San Francisco and Cincinnati is still the highest RATED Super Bowl with a 49.1 rating and 73% share. And if you look closely at the article above, you will see that ABC won the weekly ratings race with a 35.5 rating. This week, with the Super Bowl, NBC was tops in the ratings, but only with a 7.7 rating. Networks barely crack a 10 rating anymore thanks to the fragmented audience. Oh, and to this day, I still have not seen the end of "Roots". Reading the book was enough for me to do the assigned report and I never got around to watching any of the repeated airings.
  12. Thanks for the help...just about everybody I've seen, including this site, had it listed as May 23.
  13. That is the May 23, 1976 Bad Company concert at the LA Forum, where Robert and Jimmy made a surprise appearance for the encore. It was the first concert appearance for Robert since his accident in Greece. It was a HUGE DEAL and sent ripples around the rock world, as it showed Robert was healed and ready to take the stage...which meant a Led Zeppelin tour was imminent.
  14. Here's the complete answer bamf4k... The top photo is Jimmy with C, S, N & Y...from left to right is Neil Young, Graham Nash, Stephen Stills and Jimmy. Middle photo is Roy Harper and Jimmy. Bottom photo is Jimmy with Bad Company.
  15. Making chocolate chunk cookies and watching "Meet Me in St. Louis" on TMC...Judy Garland, sigh. Love "The Trolley Song"! " 'Clang, clang, clang' went the trolley 'Ding, ding, ding' went the bell 'Zing, zing, zing' went my heartstrings From the moment I saw him I fell"
  16. I was in Europe for three years. Believe me, I was plenty busy. I'm talking about when you're unwinding in your hotel room after a long day and night...either late at night or when you wake up and you're doing a little anthropological study on the viewing habits and options of foreigners. Just as I make it a policy never to eat at ay American establishment when I am abroad.
  17. Best part about this is finding out what "ligged" means...I'd never heard that term before.
  18. Italy has some of the worst television programming in the world. When I was in Italy, I could never find anything appealing to watch. Unlike during my stays in France, the UK, Ireland, Germany, Sweden, Austria, or the Netherlands, where I usually could find something interesting, no matter the language barrier.
  19. Yes, I have seen this...several times, in fact. I didn't find it boring in the least. But then, I also like 2001: A Space Odyssey and Barry Lyndon, two other films with deliberate pacing that take their time. If you find that sort of thing "boring", then I suppose you'll be inclined to find Solaris boring. It's a Tarkovsky film...he's interested in making art, not a video game, so a little patience, attention and thought is required when watching his movies. As usual, the American remake with George Clooney is not as good as the original.
  20. What? That he listened to the new Van Halen TWICE? Or that he has gastro-whatever? Give the lad a break...he's on an English diet.
  21. Just finished disc 2 of 11.16.71 Ipswich. It's a shame the taper ran out of tape before the end of the Whole Lotta Love medley...and the audience is one of those typical lifeless, ultra polite-clapping English ones of the period. But, as usual, one of the highlights for me is Celebration Day. 1971 Celebration Days are a wonder to listen to. The combination of the hopped up rhythm Jones and Bonzo unleash and the trance-like effect Jimmy's playing the song on his doubleneck has makes the 1971 versions of CD devastating.
  22. November 16, 1971 @ St. Mathew's Baths, Ipswich, England; TDOLZ Vol. 57 A concert I've never heard in my life...just picked this one up over the weekend. "Since I've Been Loving You" is playing now. It's an audience tape with strange drop outs and tape stretches at times...sound quality is only fair. But so far the performance is typical 1971 high-quality standards.
  23. Strider

    The nineties

    It would only be a problem if JP.com had a message board...since it doesn't, no worries. Ok, it's official...this thread has been JACKED!
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