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joe (Liverpool)

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Everything posted by joe (Liverpool)

  1. Ghost Riders in the sky - Johnny Cash
  2. I managed a fruit and vegetable shop for two years, I still don't particularly like vegetables, so I don't eat them very often.Therefore I eat meat,and I enjoy it and it does have taste, better tahn vegetables which just taste of water, in order to get them to have any taste people tend to smother them with ingredients and flavours , curries and chillies and God knows what goes into some of these vegetarian meals, just to take away the taste of the vegetables. I mean lettuce?????, green crispy or soggy (depending on which one)it tastes of nothing, I personally do not put salt or pepper on my foode and I hate it if I go to someones house for a meal and all you can taste is say curry or chillies, having the coating taken off my tongure is not my idea of fun. If someone came to my house and said they were vegetarian thats what they would get a plate of peas, cabbage , sprouts, green beans etc. let's see how they wouldlike that....It's meat for me, and it's my choice.By the way a plant is a living thing....ask all the tree-huggers in the world.
  3. DVD - National Lampoons Christmas Vacation.
  4. Hi, which Zeppelin bootlegs have you got?
  5. It's only rock and roll - The Rolling Stones
  6. Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Donovan, The Hollies, Yes,Barclay James Harvest,Scouse,The Goons, Monty Python,Fish and Chips, the best comedy in the world over the last 50 years,profound writers,Freedom of Speech. Many other things that wouldn't fit on this page.
  7. Show me the way to Amarillo? - Tony Christie
  8. I agree with Jahfin, I don't want a bunch of people groaning...... mind you when I die there will be a party anyway!!!!!
  9. Love; Led Zeppelin The Beatles Pink Floyd Roy Harper Barclay James Harvest Joni Mitchell Leonard Cohen Al Stewart Kevin Ayers Mahavishnu Orchestra and many, many others too numerous to mention. Hate; Michael Jackson
  10. Just received an e-mail stating I didn't get the job I applied for now I'm downhearted.
  11. As i am unemployed at the moment I spend hours on this website, (I know sad bastard). I like sifting through the threads from years ago. I tend to use this site in the early hours of the morning, every morning..
  12. In reply to Strider....If I did have dyslexia, you would be so fucking rude its untrue, I may not know all the facts but at least I have a brain.I know nothing about American sports and have no interest in them anyway.The only good thing to come out of there is an aeroplane.
  13. In response to AHATO????????.....That's easy for you to say!!!!!!!!!
  14. I think The Rover ranks up there, but it's difficult to just pick one.
  15. I apologise profusely I spoke to my wife and she told me it was on Channel 4........Sorry, shows how much notice I was taking.
  16. Im just curious, but why do we all have a go at one another over Led Zeppelin tracks and albums.We all love them otherwise we wouldn't be on this website, so if one of our members says that they don't like a particular track or album, so be it. It's each individuals choice to voice their own opinion on their taste, why can't we just leave them to get on with it. Then offer our comments on it afterwards, without any sarcastic comments because we disagree with their taste. We are all in this together.
  17. Listen to as many as you can before you die
  18. Is this what is known as surfing the curbs......and no I am not taking the piss,
  19. Is this a wind up or just a load of bollocks
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