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joe (Liverpool)

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Everything posted by joe (Liverpool)

  1. Can anybody help me I have a 1974 Eko accoustic(don't laugh it,s all I could afford) a few weeks ago my daughter knocked it over and broke the neck about half way down. Is it possible to have it repaired......and is it worth it?
  2. I know this is a Zeppelin web site but people do like more than one group, I happen to like Pink Floyd and Roger Waters.
  3. I'm listening to a tape that someone did for me in the 80s it's a compilation with some weird tracks on it eg; Oh Superman,From the air aslso tracks by sting (Russians) Neil Young. Kristofferson etc, but there is one track that I dont know who the artist is its called "For the second time", the only clue I have is that he's wrote "P" next to it does anybody know this track?
  4. Shame really, Bolans early stuff is really good then he went all commercial, and lost loads of his fans especially in London
  5. I have started playing my Barclay James Harvest LPs again I never realised how good they really were.
  6. Just curious, the worst one I went to was Todd Rundgren in Liverpool in about 1974 I'm not sure exactly, it was awful all he was doing was standing on the top of a pyramid shaped frame and jumping down using a safety harness whilst still playing the guitar, it was so bad my mate and I walked out at the interval and went to the pub.
  7. I saw the Eagles live in the 70s at Bingley Hall Stafford, it was a cow shed with rubber mats covering the floor, it was normal price for a concert back then, they were brilliant a few years later Henley turned into a wanker.I wouldn't go and see them again.
  8. Certainly .....which way did you come in !!!!!! I know.... old jokes are the best.......Sorry but I don't know the answer
  9. To all you folks In the USA, unfortunately, I don't understand a word ....No disrespect intended. Not much of that sport over here Im afraid sorry if there is not much response from the UK,
  10. Proud Mary - Creedance Clearwater Revival
  11. I saw a group named Led Zed in Liverpool a few years ago ....they were excellent, some of th.em were members of a group called Cat Scratch Fever, and the vocalist sounded just like Plant. I don't know if they are still going or not, but they did an excellent version of Hot Dog Just thought I'd mention it.
  12. I have never been on youtube - thank God, several members of my family use it regularly and face book. I realise that they are just fucking morons wirh nothing better to do, sure if you have avideo that is of interest - show it to the world, but don't profess to know everything about it. I have one family member who says thigs such as ....it must be true I saw it on whatever, just ignore them I do.
  13. They did give permission for "Immigrant song" to be used in the film School of Rock starring Jack Black
  14. To change the subject slightly referring to walter's walk on the great Beatles death clues, I have still got a magazine from the 70's called Mc Cartney - A beatle on Wings- and in it is an in depth article on the alleged death of Macca, that refers to playing certain tracks backwards to reveal (allegedly) someone saying wake up daed man and walk. They also went as far as to say that when John said I'm very bored....He was actually saying I buried Paul.
  15. Lucy in the sky with diamonds - The Beatles
  16. When I saw them at Earls Court some guy was trying to sell me a scarf when I pointed out that it was spelt incorrectly he told me to fuck off, but it did put off a load of people around him from buying one he was extremely pissed off and threatened me. I just walked away laughing very loudly........with a sense of well being.
  17. Too true Billy, to each their own, live and let live etc. Anyway Id look a right dick with really short hair, mind you people say I do anyway, my wife is the same, if I tell her that someone made a nice comment about my hair (like in the doctors surgery about 3 weeks ago) she wasn't happy and tells me to act my age.
  18. A little late I know to be writing in this thread as I have been a member for 2 years but hey here goes; I was born in Liverpool No I do not know the Beatles personally I am 57 years old, I have two teenage daughters my 18 year old despises me with a passion and always threatens to smash my equipment and records, (only in temper, she never has) I keep my vinyl albums in alphabetical order to make them easier to find (I have 548, I know as I have them listed) my family thinks I'm a sad bastard as I have rather long hair (no grey yet I'm lucky) I have 6 guitars but can't play any of them very well and thats not lying, mind you I can play "Tangerine". I lived in Cornwall (Newquay) for almost 10 years but I got pissed off with bar work and came back home to Liverpool. I am currently out of work hence me writing this at 02.22 on a Saturday morning, our dog (golden labrador called Tom)is snoring away in his basket. My friend calls me a self opiniated twat, I suppose he's right, I am never rude to people. I have respect for all people except thieves paedophiles murderers and people who think thy are better than everyone else. I have a wide taste in music if I like someone a lot I buy as many of their albums as possible I still buy vinyl albums from a shop in Liverpool, they are all in brilliant condition and it's great to be able to buy records that you wanted to buy when you were younger. I grew up listening to the Beatles, arond 1968 the Beatles were floundering and I heard a recrd on the radio called "Good Times, Bad times", and I was hooked from that day on I have seen them 3 times and Percy once. I used to have a drink problem drinking over 450 units per week (yes, thats true), now I am down to 14 units per week which is acceptable, I haven't driven since I was convicted of drink driving in 2004, gave me a shock so I decided to keep away from cars. That's about it I suppose, I shall now put on my headphones and listen to some music, (any questions will be answered, if anyone can be arsed to read this that is)My regards to everybody on the forum, Joe xxxx
  19. In my opinion it has to be The Lemon Song, such a haunting bassline.
  20. I have all the original studio albums and I have the first bx set on six album vinyl and the second box set on CD, I havent seen the track listings for the complete recordings so I cant comment on that but I found that the only difference between the original to the remastered was that it had been cleaned up, and a few unreleased tracks but not every track from the albums.
  21. A warm welcome to both of you,Led rock hard and Summer of my smiles
  22. Says who, I am just voicing a fact therefore it is not an off topic.
  23. I won't even attempt this impossible question.......... 10 songs I don't think so
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