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Silver Rider

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Everything posted by Silver Rider

  1. If I had a ticket for that night I would have stayed for the encore. But it made more sense to head back to the Hyatt early on that night.
  2. No, I was probably either hanging out in the parking lot of the Forum and/or at the Hyatt on June 3rd.
  3. I totally agree. This is the perfect place for posts related to Eric Clapton. He was in the Yardbirds once, wasn't he? I saw Eric Clapton in 1969 when he was in Cream and they opened for Jimi Hendrix in Anaheim. A few years later I went to a concert in Anaheim that featured Judy Collins, B.B. King and John Mayall. It appears that Hendrix had appeared at an earlier date in Anaheim before I saw him. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yqY-tYja9A
  4. It's an old saying. source: wiki see images of Clapton is God
  5. Amy Winehouse http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlRF43-xaYc
  6. ^^^^That was funny! Watch at 0:24 and 2:18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHhyyRByuJ0
  7. I do look elsewhere for corroborating facts. They're not under oath and they don't need to swear to the whole truth; that would be ludicrous. But some do scholarly research and have earned advanced degrees in history, so their knowledge of facts and dates related to events can be extensive. Sorry, but my keyboard is stuck at the moment and I can't comply with your requests at this time, and I don't wish to start any new threads.
  8. Not being sarcastic, just pointing out that I have learned more about United States history from knowledgeable teachers than other sources. I understand that people have their opinions.
  9. Back on the topic of education, for anyone interested in learning U.S. history, there are courses available taught by those who are knowledgeable in the subject, although everyone is welcome to their opinions. u-s-history.com
  10. In 1066 the Normans "purchased" (invaded) England. source: wiki
  11. Especially from 12:00 on
  12. America has a concept of law called "equal protection", that is part of the law that says you cannot discriminate on the basis of race. Where did you study U.S. history? It may be your opinion that America lacks a history of equality, but even the concept of "equal opportunity" forms an important basis for the civil rights which many Americans have fought for. You did mention slavery and native American lands as well. I have lived in America for many years and it is my opinion that without our law that offers equal protection, many who have come here seeking opportunity would never have had the benefits which many of them have enjoyed. Why did they come to the U.S. instead of going elsewhere? Opportunity is the reason why. And the law here protects "equal opportunity". And the same concepts of equal protection of the law and equal opportunity apply to education in America. Americans may have to fight to enforce those rights, but they are protected by law. Further, the objections you raise such as different languages and multicultural elements have been heard in America before. Fortunately many of us have learned to accept the variety that our country has been blessed with. And what if people have a different language? Are you trying to convince me that people must sacrifice quality in education because a language is different? If you will take another look, it is not because the Finns have only one language and culture that allowed them to advance in education. It was an emphasis on high standards, quality, high literacy and support of scholarly pursuits, making education widely available and overcoming learning disabilities while including everyone in the mainstream, not separating them from the high achievers. As for the Declaration of Independence, if promotes the concept of equality and life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, which for many, includes a quality education. Not a flaw, in my opinion.
  13. What has that got to do with the topic? If the topic were slavery, that would be different. I am positive that I could develop an in-depth discussion on the history of slavery and the native American tribal populations. Slavery was a part of life in those days, and if you opposed it, people would retaliate against you for not adhering to societal dictates. It was a long struggle before slavery ended in the 1800's. And to answer your question, John Morton, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, owned slaves. I don't know why he acquired slaves or how he treated them, only that he owned them. It is possible that he provided sanctuary for them, preventing them from being owned by some of the more cruel slave-owners of the time. Pennsylvania was just across the Mason-Dixon line, and was a part of the underground used by slaves to escape misery. Ridley, Pennsylvania, where John Morton lived, was one of the first jurisdictions to end slavery. But the topic here started with the question of why Finland did so well in the recent scores related to education. And the answer turns out to be that Finland has had a long history of high literacy and scholarship. Cryingbluerain objected that egalitarian Finnish ideas might not work here in the United States. I simply pointed out that the United States was founded on egalitarian Finnish concepts, as evidenced by John Morton's signature on the Declaration of Independence. adherents.com/people/pm/John_Morton wiki springhillfarm.com/broomhall/afric6 dsdi1776.com/Signers library.thinkquest.org/J0112391/slavery
  14. The United States was founded on principles of equality. source: United States Declaration of Independence In any case, the reason that Finland did well educationally in recent scores is in part due to its history of high literacy. loc.gov/rr/european/FinnsAmer/finchro
  15. Lowering educational standards does not help anyone, despite the latest trends in corporate activity.
  16. Perhaps the concept that people should be treated as equals could work here. America once had a strong middle class. We're not that different. Taking a brief glance at those who were here before us, it seems Finland provided at least some previous foundation here. loc.gov/rr/european/FinnsAmer/finchro
  17. Do you suppose that's how Finland made it to the top scores?
  18. In summer the days are very long, but in winter they are very short. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7SpjXQ1G8M
  19. In regard to Finland, it has cooler weather, which means that people sometimes stay indoors and read more often. And according to wiki...
  20. My neighbor was singing a bar from this one today, and now it keeps going through my head. Where are you, little star?
  21. Vogue magazine stated that "the affair in fact lasted just a few months." culturevulture.net http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGz20G26ecA&feature=related en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coco_Chanel
  22. Probably not, because the story is based on a rumour. source: wiki She was quite attractive. He was a young man. The rumoured affair reportedly happened in 1920. These videos include photos of them near that time. .vogue.co.uk/news/daily/2002-06/020611-coco-and-igor
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6G5RKicnrSY
  24. thedailyshow.com/watch/wed-june-8-2011/the-wangover Totally hilarious!
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