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Everything posted by DAS

  1. Fair enough. Still, everyone on that list is on drugs. lol
  2. You are opening a whole new can of worms on the Rolling Stones 100 Guitarists. I was glad to see him on it but how can you take a list seriously that thought Roy was #57, Page was #9, Beck was #14 and Ted Nugent didn't make the top 100 at all (for political reasons of course but last time I checked Rolling Stone was a music magazine) and at the same time thought Daune Allman was #2 (great player but #2? Really?) and Kurt Cobain was #12! Who in the world really believes that Cobain could out play Roy Buchanan or Jeff Beck? I'm getting off topic though. Sorry, they just make me mad when they say stupid things like that. Drug addict magazine writers aside your point is well taken. Roy has recieved his share of publicity.
  3. Very true, still I'm often shocked at how many people have never even heard his name. If I post on a board like this the fans appear but I've only met one other person who knows his music. I think it's unfortunate. I'm glad there still are a lot of fans out there though. He is really underated.
  4. Anyone else here a fan? He's one of my favorites but almost no one knows who he is. Check him out if you haven't heard of him. I figure people who enjoy awesome guitar playing and the blues (since you're Jimmy Page fans) would also dig Roy.
  5. DAS

    Funny youtube videos

    I think that deer went into orbit, it never came back down! lol
  6. I'm not changing my vote, I'm still for The Rain Song 100%, but I'm suprised to see that Tangerine isn't getting any love. I know it's a sad song but sorrow can be beautiful.
  7. Thanks for making me feel old. Does a 24 year old really deserve to be in the same poll choice as 30 year olds?
  8. If you'd have asked what was there most rockin' or entertaining song I'd have had to thought about it. For beautiful I don't have to think, it's THE RAIN SONG. This song is the most beautiful rock song ever. It's on par with Beethoven or Liszt in the beauty category.
  9. I'll go with all. Live music just has a raw energy that studio does not. The 10 that were most dramatically improved in the live imo are: Heartbreaker Over The Hills And Far Away Since I've Been Loving You Stairway To Heaven That's The Way Dazed And Confused What Is And What Should Never Be Whole Lotta Love Bring It On Home Communication Breakdown
  10. I wonder if they really did or Page was just screwing with the nut jobs who are always screaming about backwards messages and the devil's music.
  11. Yeah, I kinda wonder why he never stuck with anything longer than 2 albums after Zeppelin. I know it wasn't always him (example: Robert Plant didn't want to make a 3rd Page and Plant album even though Page had the music written for it already) but I know he could have atleast made another solo CD. I hope we haven't seen the last of him. I know he and JPJ are into instrumentals. I'd love to have seen them and Jason Bohnam just make an instrumental album after Plant didn't want to tour (under a different name of course).
  12. Very cool, thank you. I'm totally sold on buying Scream for Help if I can find it on CD for a reasonable price.
  13. I did just listen to Thunderthief and it was good except the singing was a little poor. I've never seen Scream for Help or any Death Wish movie. I kinda want to see the DW movies cause the soundtrack is awesome.
  14. As of now I have every Zeppelin member album from pre, during, and post Zeppelin except for Scream For Help and Sporting Life. I've tried listening to sporting life on youtube and really dug the music but that woman is nutty. I kinda want it to complete my collection but I'm not sure I could get used to her. :\ We'll see. I'll probably wind up getting it and trying.
  15. "Oh, you went to college. What was your major?" "I'm a doctor of Led Zeppology."
  16. I think they would have sounded much different and agree it would be very much like what Plant sounded like solo since it seemed to me that the band was turning more Plant/Jones than Page/Plant like in the early days. Bohnam didn't seem to be as influencial towards the end either. I think it would have been better than Plant's solo stuff and they would still be awesome. I just think it wouldn't have been the same. It probably would have sparked a lame controversy too. Like Van Halen vs Van Hagar or Young Elvis vs Vegas Elvis. Bluesy-70s Zep vs Popish-80s Zep. I think they would have broken up in the 80s anyways though.
  17. It's probably come up before but give your opinion on his solo stuff. I bought two of his three solo albums (still looking for Scream For Help) just because he's JPJ and I want to complete my Led Zeppelin collection. I wasn't expecting too much. But after listening to Zooma I'm blown away. I take back all the jokes I've ever made about bass players. It's superb. I haven't got to The Thunderfthief yet (I'll probably post my opinion as a reply when I listen to it) but this album was enough to say listen to him if you haven't before. This album is one of the best non-Zeppelin albums by the 3 surviving members.
  18. I'm glad I could serve the greater Zeppelin community with the good news of the ARMS Concert released on CD. I actually just got mine in the mail yesterday and it's great.
  19. How The West Was Won is the greatest album ever because Page is playing on a whole different level for those performances. He totally dominates escpicially on Heartbreaker, Dazed And Confused and Whole Lotta Love. But that version of Stairway To Heaven gives me goosebumps. So I'll go with HTWWW Stairway as #1. No Quarter from TSRTS is also exceptional. Also I played all the links you've all posted at once and cause my internet sucks only the BBC one played all the way through without delay so the others stopping and loading made them phase in and out. It sounded really intentional like it was going in and out of solos. Like I was being rocked by 10 Jimmy Pages at once. lol
  20. I counted ARMS because you can buy it in CD form even though it's listed as a DVD on jimmypage.com. I questioned wether or not to add it since it wasn't really a Page album but more of a combined effort by a few guys with Page contributing to about a quater of the songs. But it's the closest thing to a solo live album we have and the instrumental version of Stairway to Heaven is freaking amazing. So why not?
  21. Pretty simple question. I could only add 12 options. Session work is not inculded since it's not really his stuff. The Honneydrippers were not either since he was not really an official band member (to my knowledge) but just appeared on 2 studio tracks.
  22. Impossible. There is such a huge difference between the different versions (Example:Over The Hills And Far Away, Studio-Good, How The West Was Won live version-euphoric). If it doesn't matter what version just any maybe I could make a list. Want to specify on your rules so I don't fudge the results? Also, do songs like Boogie Chillun and Hello Marylou count? Marylou is one of my favorites (maybe top 5 maybe not) but it's only a medly song.
  23. DAS

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    Was that a Led Zeppelin song? Then Yes! Every song was brilliant. Every one. EVERY ONE!
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