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Everything posted by Jahfin

  1. Tough one, especially since I'm a fan of #'s 2-4. I realize that doesn't help any but I do empathise with you. Tomorrow night Chuck Prophet w/ Heather McEntire of Mount Moriah are playing at the Casbah in Durham. The next night Chris Knight is doing an acoustic show (accompanied by Chris Clark on guitar) at the Berkeley Cafe in Raleigh. Even though I've never seen Chuck Prophet before and I love Mount Moriah, I'm probably going to opt for the Chris Knight show. I've only seen him once but that's been several years ago now.
  2. Click on the poster below for more info on these shows.
  3. Ever get this confused with The Cars and other pseudo punk rock from the States? Yeah, me neither...
  4. I haven't been in a big hurry to see this movie because, even though I didn't know for sure, I had an inkling as to how it ends. Well, that inkling turned out to be true and makes for some very difficult viewing but it turned out to be very well worth it.
  5. I think you missed the part where indigomoonbeam said, "Proverbial tongue positioned firmly in magical potion-filled chalice".
  6. Maybe. I know that as far back as the 70s, tear gas was used on partygoers in Greenville, NC (home of East Carolina University) when things got out of hand. For years after that, celebrating Halloween on the streets of Greenville was banned. That sort of thing wasn't just confined to Greenville, I know it's also been an issue in other college towns in the state such as Chapel Hill and Raleigh. I also don't think Halloween was stolen from the kids by the adults, there's nothing saying it should be celebrated only by children. Where I grew up, we had a small neighborhood were most everyone knew each other so it was a pretty safe environment in which to celebrate Halloween. Still, some years later we would have a party at the community clubhouse and then all of us would go on a hayride throughout the neighborhood where we would trick or treat in groups. That way the trick or treaters would only make one round of all the homes so people would know when to shut their lights out and put away the treats. Occasionally some trick or treaters would come in from outside the area but that was usually an anomaly because our community was in a pretty rural area, far away from any surrounding cities. And yes, it's also fun to watch the horror movie marathons on TV but we all don't celebrate Halloween in the same way. And for the record, I've never had a problem with slutty, sexy nurses....
  7. I guess it depends on whether you look at the glass as half empty or as half full because that thread is full of plenty of very favorable comments about The Clash. Funny that you chose to zero in on the negative...
  8. A tribute to the songs of Eddie Hinton on Rick Cornell's Dirty Laundry program on WCOM.
  9. As someone that constantly makes lists of favorites and whatnot I must say that I agree but only to a certain extent. Yes, it's a futile task to assign a meaningless number to our favorites but that's part of the fun of it. The beneficial part is the discussions that arise out of assigning those numbers. The downside is the arguments. Once it's all said and done, I like to think of it as a learning process. I think that's one of the main reasons behind the lists, to spur debate and discussion. Even though we're around the same age, I must say I wasn't aware of Duane Allman's death at the time it happened. Same for the passing of Berry Oakley, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Pigpen and Janis Joplin. The Allman Brothers Band was huge amongst my older siblings (as were the other artists I mentioned) but it wasn't until years later that I learned of their untimely fate. At the time, I simply didn't have the awareness of music that I have now. Plus, what I was paying attention to back in those days was probably more along the lines of Alice Cooper, ZZ Top, Black Sabbath, Grand Funk Railroad, the Edgar Winter Group, etc. I'm sure I knew of the Allmans and similar bands but it took me a few years to catch on. I do know that some of my older brothers and sister saw them with Duane, most notably the concert they played at Maggie Valley which has become the stuff of legend in the years since. At the time, I'm guessing it was sort of like Woodstock, except held out in the boonies of the mountains of NC. I also know that some of my brothers (and possibly my sister) were in attendance at a Leon Russell concert in Chapel Hill, NC the day that Duane died. They said the concert was delayed and that when it finally started, Leon had to be helped out on the stage. Members of his crew sat him down at his piano and sat a case of beer on top of it. Before he started to play, Leon announced to the crowd that a "brother" had been lost and told them of the passing of Duane. From hearing the story told over the years, I'm guessing Leon was the first to break it to many at that concert. My brothers said he then proceeded to blow the roof off the place.
  10. I don't think the age of the thread really matters. There's threads on here that are three years old and still going strong, should they be deleted simply because they're three years old? I think not. And yes, this thread is very much about the Clash. Start with page one and read up to the most current posts and you'll see that very quickly. As for your last question, there's a forum rule about duplicate threads on the same subject.
  11. You might want to try a different browser. I don't seem to have any trouble accessing the site. I'm using Google Chrome.
  12. The four limited edition versions of Some Girls on colored vinyl:
  13. Yes, it is: threedimesdown.com
  14. My introduction to "mumblecore", which I'd never heard of before seeing this movie.
  15. Bumping this thread for those that don't know how to use the Search feature.
  16. There's already a thread for The Clash here.
  17. Breaking news: Pop music ("shitty" and otherwise) has been around for a very long time and wasn't just invented.
  18. Jahfin

    another year over

    For musicians Page's age that have seen music media go from reel-to-reel, vinyl, cassettes, 8-tracks, CDs to mp3's, I think it's become increasingly difficult to know how to market your music. He's addressed this himself and has mentioned uploading new music to his website. While that's one option, when and if he ever gets around to it, I hope he also makes his music available in some sort of physical format. The vinyl reissue of Death Wish II is a good sign format-wise but it sounds like more living in the past when I know there's those of us that would rather hear what he's up to now musically.
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