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Everything posted by Jahfin

  1. Thanks, I had no idea. I was just going by what I'd read about Beyond the Lighted Stage and that a good deal of the footage consisted of old home movies.
  2. I love this clip from Beyond A Lighted Stage. It's so cool how their parents held onto all of their old home movies from over the years and that they have sound. Those are a true treasure.
  3. I've never really been much of a Billy Idol fan (nor do I hate him) but I've always thought of him as a rock n' roll artist. Sure, some of his songs crossed over from the rock n' roll charts to the pop charts but that doesn't automatically make him a "pop singer". I'm also not sure I get the "blues based music will always overcome pop music" thing. How, exactly does that work? For example, the Rolling Stones are a blues based group but they were also pretty damn successful on the pop charts (nor is that sort of thing all inclusive to them). For those that may be unaware, Idol's roots can be traced back to the band Generation X, definitely not a "pop" act. Just because the guy got played to death on MTV and Top 40 radio doesn't make him a pop singer.
  4. Thanks for the heads up on Beasts of the Southern Wild. You're the second person I've seen mention it within the past couple days. It opens here on the 20th. I'll have to be sure to give it a looksee.
  5. Sarah and Johnny I have seen before though it's been a while. They opened for Tift Merritt at Playmakers Theatre on the campus of UNC in Chapel Hill several years ago. The connection is that Johnny Irion was in a band called Queen Sarah Saturday back in the 90's with Tift's drummer (and now, husband), Zeke Hutchins.
  6. Haven't watched it in a while. All things considered, it still stands up pretty well.
  7. I highly recommend their R30 DVD which just so happens to include live versions of some of those covers from Feedback.
  8. I think you're right as one of the Amazon reviews says it runs for an hour and 27 minutes. Apparently you can also buy the DVD separately. Even for that one they list the running time as 60 minutes. Has to be an error on Amazon's part.
  9. Thanks. I was aware of the officially released CD/DVD but never knew it had been edited down to an hour (at least according to the running time posted for the DVD at Amazon). CD 1. Call It Stormy Monday 2. Old Times 3. Pride and Joy 4. Ask Me No Questions 5. Pep Talk 6. Blues At Sunrise 7. Turn It Over 8. Overall Junction 9. Match Box Blues 10. Who Is Stevie? 11. Don't Lie To Me DVD 1. Introduction 2. Texas Flood 3. Call It Stormy Monday 4. Matchbox Blues 5. Pep Talk 6. Don't Lie To Me 7. Who Is Stevie? 8. Pride and Joy 9. I'm Gonna Move To The Outskirts of Town 10. Outro
  10. Yeah, she has. She had a butch haircut there for a while (see below). However, when I saw her in concert a few years ago she was back to her more familiar haircut. One person's hairstyle that hasn't changed is Jackson Browne's.
  11. Another preview, this time courtesy of Rolling Stone.
  12. The current version of Skynyrd does their legacy a horrible disservice and is a disgrace to the name. Another great patriotic song, especially this version: http://youtu.be/bDzL_WU3mmE
  13. Ronnie Van Zant never struck me as being particularly jingoistic or the flag waving type so those tunes aren't characteristic of his work in the least. They are, however, very characteristic of the post-crash version of the band, which has little to nothing to do with the pre-crash version, especially politically speaking. The pre-crash version of the band actively campaigned for Jimmy Carter. As for "Sweet Home Alabama", that was more like a good natured jab at Neil and was never meant as anything more than that. As the Drive-By Truckers sing in "Ronnie & Neil", "their feud was just in song". I doubt Van Zant would have gone around wearing a Neil t-shirt if there was anything less than respect between the two. Not to mention Neil offering up a couple of songs from Rust Never Sleeps for them to record. Back to patriotic songs, I also really like this one (which is one of the few on the Paste list that I actually care for):
  14. Pretty much everything Skynyrd has done post-crash is horrible, that jingoistic "Red, White & Blue" song is a shining example. I'm sure it had Ronnie Van Zant rolling over in his grave.
  15. That Skynyrd song, like Greenwood's "God Bless the U.S.A." is the very definition of suck. Hendrix's version of the "Star Spangled Banner" isn't exactly the first song to come to mind when I think of patriotic tunes but I've never thought of it as a "butchering" either.
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