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Everything posted by Jahfin

  1. Jahfin

    Pet Peeves

    I've run into some old friends online in recent months, many of whom have different political beliefs than me. Nothing at all the matter with that but some of the email FWD's I receive from them are downright racist and homophobic. That, I can't get onboard with.
  2. During an appearance on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson Hendrix also named Billy Gibbons as his favorite guitarist at the time. I don't have the entire record but I do have a few Moving Sidewalks tracks that were included on the Chrome, Smoke and BBQ ZZ Top box set.
  3. [No Artwork Available] Various Artists Roadmaster Vol. 1 A handpicked collection of rare Gene Clark tracks
  4. Jahfin

    Pet Peeves

    I can't say that I love Jesus that would be a hollow claim. He did make some observations and I'm quoting them today. "Judge not lest ye be judged." what a beautiful refrain. The studio audience disagrees. Have his lambs all gone astray? Call me a leper Call me a leper Call me a leper "You are lost and disillusioned!" what an awful thing to say. I know this show doesn't flatter. It means nothing to me. I thought I might help them understand but what an ugly thing to see. "I am not an animal" subtitled under the screen. Call me a leper Call me a leper Call me a leper When I tried to tell my story They cut me off to take a break. I sat silent 5 commercials I had nothing left to say The talk show host was index-carded All organized and blank The other guests were scared and hardened What a sad parade. What a sad parade Call me a leper Call me a leper Call me a leper
  5. Two sets from the New Riders of the Purple Sage at the Pour House in Raleigh last night. The only two original members left are guitarist/vocalist David Nelson and pedal steel whiz Buddy Cage, everyone else has passed away. Including founding member John "Marmaduke" Dawson who just died a week or so ago. Still, they pulled it off and it was a great show, if not a bit more "jammy" than the N.R.P.S. concerts of yore. Mixed in with the old stuff was a healthy dose of new material from their latest record that fit in well. All the favorites were there: Panama Red, You Angel You, Henry, Lonesome L.A. Cowboy, etc. I'll certainly check them out again the next time they "breeze through town".
  6. Two decent tracks hardly a strong album makes. Still, it is a curio for those wishing to bridge the gap between Rock In A Hard Place and Permanent Vacation. Otherwise I think Done With Mirrors has earned a well deserved spot in the cut-out bins. I use to love me some Joe Perry Project but the dude needs to stay away from the mic (as evidenced by his vocal turn on Honkin' On Bobo)
  7. Sounds more like a string of unfortunate medically related incidents rather than a return to drug/alcohol abuse (if that's what's being implied). Last night's incident (where Tyler fell off the stage as power was being restored) sounds like a complete accident. Not a return to Aerosmith's "old ways". By the way, this topic is already under discussion in the Aerosmith thread.
  8. Jahfin

    Pet Peeves

    Check the Beatles thread for more details or just check their website. I bought a limited edition box set of their albums years ago. Even though they're not remastered I'm not going to be in any rush to pick up the new editions. Mainly because I simply can't afford it at this time.
  9. As I mentioned before, I'm curious to know when these became "hard rock" albums. I still don't hear any hard rock on The Joshua Tree or Rumours either. If anything, that era of Fleetwood Mac had much more to do with the California-drenched, softer sounds of rock n' roll than anything even remotely approaching hard rock.
  10. Jahfin

    Pet Peeves

    Why not wait until the remasters are released in September?
  11. Personally, I thought Done With Mirrors was absolute crap. It was their actual comeback album yet many people considered it to be Permanent Vacation since it was more successful commercially. As for Honkin' On Bobo, it may have been a return to their roots but they seem to promise that with each new record (including their next one) but never delivered on that promise. That's probably why so many people passed on it. Same with ZZ Top, Gibbons keeps saying their next album is going to be "a return to the greasepit" but it never seems to occur. Maybe working with the Black Keys and Rick Rubin on their latest record will actually result in something noteworthy. Otherwise, like Aerosmith, they can still bring it live.
  12. New interview with Shonna Tucker: ‘Southern Female Attitude’ Courtesy Drive-By Truckers Drive-By Truckers’ Shonna Tucker joined the band in 2004. by Beth Dickson Songs by Athens, Ga.-based band Drive-by Truckers run the gamut from “stories of corruption, crime and killing” (as Mike Cooley’s “Cottonseed” puts it) to modern tales of the Iraq War and the struggle to raise a family in tough economic times. Their lyrics touch on grave subjects such as poverty, AIDS and cancer, but also include lighter topics about a reindeer-diddling Santa and a strong-armed Avon Lady. The Truckers’ newest emerging songwriter is bassist Shonna Tucker, who joined the Drive-By Truckers in 2004. The 2008 album “Brighter Than Creation’s Dark” features three songs Tucker wrote. During the band’s more rocking numbers, Tucker may come across as a Jack Daniels-chugging, badass bass player, but when she eases up to the mic and quietly croons, her voice is at once ethereal and mournful—revealing Tucker’s softer side sometimes hidden by her “just one of the boys” reputation. In addition to Tucker on bass, The Drive-By Truckers’ current lineup includes Patterson Hood (singer, guitarist, songwriter), Mike Cooley (singer, guitarist, songwriter), John Neff (pedal steel guitarist), Brad “the EZB” Morgan (drummer) and Jay Gonzalez (keyboards). Tucker spoke to the Jackson Free Press while on a brief hiatus from touring at her home in Killen, Ala. To read the interview click here.
  13. Sounds like they're having a rough tour as far as physical injuries/hospital time. Sorta like R.E.M.'s tour for Monster when everyone was eventually hospitalized except for Peter Buck.
  14. I had no plans to go but they cancelled their recent Raleigh show with ZZ Top. I loved them back in the 70s but never saw them until the Get A Grip Tour and at Woodstock '94. They were great live but I don't really care for the vast majority of the material they've done post-Night In the Ruts, particularly the absolute shit they churned out that was aimed directly at the MTV demographic.
  15. Anvil also have amps that go to 11. One of several things they have in common with Spinal Tap.
  16. I have a friend that ran into the same sort of thing. He has long hair, a beard and loves wearing cowboy boots. His employer considered him a "maverick". At first they gave him hell for his appearance but he told them, "do you want someone in here who meets your expectations as far as appearance but doesn't get the job done or do you want someone like me who will go above and beyond the call of duty but who doesn't meet your expectations as far as appearance?" They went with him. He's since won all types of awards and continues to excel in his job performance.
  17. This was the first time I'd seen a complete show by them. Even then I didn't actually get to see it all since I got stuck in traffic on I-40 on the way. Still need to pick up their newest record. Lily pond at Duke Gardens
  18. You're not alone. I'm constantly in search of that next album that I never want to take out of the changer, that I must hear on repeat a good half a dozens times or so but that only happens every so often. The constant searching is well worth it though. Today, there are even more options than ever for discovering new music which makes the journey that much more exciting.
  19. The Tift Merritt portion which includes a duet with Melissa Swingle from Trailer Bride (now of The Moaners) [No Artwork Available] Drive-By Truckers Lincoln Theatre, Raleigh, NC 9.24.04
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