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Everything posted by Jahfin

  1. Depends on the artist. For R.E.M.'s current tour they have encouraged fans to bring in cameras (and even shoot video) to be posted on their tour blog. There are also a number of artists that allow (and even encourage) taping. I know concerts aren't the same as they were in the 70s but in some respects there's more freedom these days.
  2. There's still weed at concerts, LOTS of it (not to mention a plethora of other illicit substances). I'm not sure how "band management" plays into this as they didn't pay for concerts to be put on. As bad as corporate sponsors have been portrayed, in some cases they're not the evil they've been made out to be. If a corporate sponsor can help to underwrite a tour to help defray costs everyone benefits from the artist right down to the fans. Even Neil Young has worked with Clear Channel. Even back then (meaning the 70s, in my case) I didn't know of a lot of 13 year olds that got dropped off at concerts alone. Most of the folks I knew were at least accompanied by older friends. I realize it wasn't the same case with everyone, I'm just relating what I recall from back then. As for all concerts now being "family outings" that also isn't necessarily true. Even so, it's also not a bad thing. It also depends on the artist. Of course if you're going to see an artist that has been around for a long time you're going to see a wide range of ages. If you go to see someone who's relatively new you might not necessarily see such a wide age range.
  3. I'm not exactly into the digital download thing but they referred to iTunes as a "monster"? What does that make Wal-Mart? By the way, the record is available at other record stores. I saw it on sale at a local indie store last week but the owners had to go into Wal-Mart (same as was done with the last Eagles record) to buy it so they could stock it on their shelves. All due respect to AC/DC fans but I think they deserve Wal-Mart same as the Eagles and Garth Brooks do. I just find it a bit odd that Wal-Mart chances tarnishing their wholesome image by marketing a band with such a devilish one such as AC/DC. By the way, I do like AC/DC (though I prefer the Bon Scott years) but I have almost zero interest in hearing this new record. I don't rule it out though.
  4. How's that? Not enough response to the thread? I've chimed in several times regarding my feelings about Sonny. Some threads get constant hits, some drop right off the page without any rhyme or reason. It's also important to understand that, unfortunately, most here only seem to be interested in "classic rock" (whatever that is) and artists that stay close to that sound and have little to no interest in anything new or challenges their idea of the "norm". I haven't heard it yet but I understand Sonny turns in another great performance on the new all star Little Feat record, Join the Band. You can sample the album via audio and video clips at Little Feat's site here.
  5. Even though they've received a lot of coverage in No Depression (including a cover), the Drive-By Truckers, like several other artists labeled with the "alt.country" tag have also eschewed that description. I think that just comes with the territory since no artist likes to be pigeonholed into one category (even though it is a bit of a necessary evil if you want to be able to describe an artist's sound to someone). "Alt.country" can be hard to describe since a lot of different styles fall under that one umbrella, including rock n' roll. Personally, I think there's a very wide variety of artists to choose from, mainly because alt.country itself isn't so easily defined. I think if you like the Truckers you would probably also like Slobberbone, Uncle Tupelo, Marah, Blue Mountain, the Jayhawks, Whiskeytown, the Old 97s, Ryan Adams (with and without his current band the Cardinals) and tons of others. I know you're only referring to the artists referenced (I'm guessing in the initial article posted) but saying you only like the Drive-By Truckers out of the entire alt.country spectrum is akin to saying you only like one rock n' roll band out of all the many artists to choose from that perform that type of music. To each their own but to me, that just doesn't make sense. No offense intended. I love the Truckers but there's a lot more to alt.country (or whatever you want to call it) than just them. I do agree with you about the "Southern Rock" thing though. That was just used as a touchstone to relate the Lynyrd Skynyrd story for Southern Rock Opera. Even then, I can only think of one song on that entire record that reminds me that much of Southern Rock (The Southern Thing). If you like that album I would also think you'd like the records that preceded it. Yes, their sound became much more accessible once Isbell came onboard (not that that was a bad thing) but they've since gone back to a grittier sound with Brighter Than Creation's Dark (not that it would be confused with their first two records as they've grown as artists since then. Like so many of the best artists, the true test of their mettle is seeing them live. I'm not sure if you've ever had that opportunity but if you ever have the chance to see them live in concert I highly recommend checking them out. Yes, they have a pedal steel player in the band but essentially they're a rock n' roll band when they perform live. Funny you should say that as My Morning Jacket has received their fair share of coverage in No Depression as well which only goes to further illustrate my point that "alt.country" is a far reaching term that has never really had a clear cut definition. That's why the magazine itself used to have the byline "whatever that means" and in it's later years changed it to say "surveying the past, present and future of American music". Several years ago My Morning Jacket were also lumped in with the DBTs, Kings of Leon and several others as "the New Southern Rock" when music writers were looking for some new music trend to jump on. I'd say they all have hints of that sound but they all sound like "rock n' roll" to me. Again, that's one of the problems with labels.
  6. My records are in NC (as am I) but they're still in storage. Unfortunately it looks like that'll be the case for quite some time to come.
  7. You can preview the new record on iLike here
  8. While the Raising Sand project was a risky undertaking considering the unlikely pairing of Plant and Krauss, it was also cover material. If Zeppelin were to record again I would think the album would consist of all new songs. With Raising Sand there was no telling beforehand that it would be such a critical and commercial success. A new Led Zeppelin record would come under much more scrutiny due to the undue amount of pressure of living up to the legacy of the band.
  9. I liked it, definitely worth the free rental from Blockbuster.
  10. Beatles Documentary Film Plays on Big Screen Tonight By Tony Rutherford Huntingtonnews.net Entertainment Editor [from assembled press releases] Huntington, WV (HNN) -- When “All Together Now” lights up digital screens tonight, Monday, Oct. 20, you will have, perhaps, unwittingly, have entered a quasi-Big Top. Cirque du Soleil (Circus of the Sun) reinvented The Beatles music into a synthesis of circus styles from around the world with its own central theme and storyline. To read the rest of the article click here.
  11. Looking out the window, the trees are getting closer it seems. Thinking bout you darlin'. Adding up the cost of these dreams. Strapped to this projectile, just a blink ago I was back in school. Smoking by the gym door, practicing my rock-star attitude And I'm scared shitless of what's coming next. I'm scared shitless, these angels I see in the trees are waiting for me. The engines have stopped now. We all know we are going down. Last call for alcohol. Sure wish I could have another round. And I'm scared shitless of what's coming next. Scared shitless, these angels I see in the trees are waiting for me. Waiting for me. Friends in the swamp. Friends on the ground, in the trees. Angels and fuselage. Angels and Fuselage Words by Patterson Hood / Music by Drive-By Truckers From the album Southern Rock Opera "Set inside the plane after the engines shut down and everything went quiet. Just the sound of the wind over the wings and your own heartbeat. Again, Miss Kelly Hogan plays the part of Cassie." - Patterson Hood
  12. I'm not sure about Alice now but looking back at footage of his vintage shows the props look hokey at best. As for the Beatles being a great live act, wouldn't it be kind of hard to tell if you couldn't even hear them over the roar of the crowd? I'm sure they could hold their own live (when you could hear them) but perhaps their greatest legacy was learning how to use the studio itself as an instrument. Even when an artist employs an array of visual effects in my book they still have to be able to pull it off instrumentally. A prime example of a band like that would be Rush though I did see them experience a Spinal Tap moment when their giant bunny prop when haywire during the Counterparts tour. Being the good sports they are, they just laughed it off.
  13. Flawed R.E.M. Murmur Deluxe Ed. Due
  14. Music magazine No Depression gets a second chance thanks to a university press
  15. Kenny Roby w/ Joe Swank & the Zen Pirates Friday, October 10th Slim's Downtown Distillery Raleigh, NC Kenny Roby Joe Swank & the Zen Pirates
  16. Concert grosses and magazines polls aren't the barometer I'd use to gauge an artists' "greatness" in concert. Though I'd definitely consider Zeppelin one of the best live bands ever they also had their fair share of off nights (as did the Grateful Dead and many others). I don't think there's just one artist deserving of the honor, there's very many. Some of my personal favorites would be: Grateful Dead Wilco Pearl Jam Rush Black Crowes The Gourds Lynyrd Skynyrd R.E.M. Whiskeytown Bob Dylan Neil Young Ryan Adams and the Cardinals Jimmy Buffett and the Coral Reefer Band Drive-By Truckers
  17. How's it going "ZeppFanForever"? ROCK ON!
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