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Everything posted by Jahfin

  1. I thought you said you weren't rating music? That's what I disagreed with you on, in addition to the fact that the Beatles were never a "boy band".
  2. You are still applying a "rating" to their works. It is also your opinion that "there are not enough great tunes in their catalouge to hold them in that high of a place". I listen to music for the enjoyment it brings me, not to try to figure out who is better than who, which is also only a matter of opinion.
  3. It appears it is a competition for you as you are rating the works of the Who, the Beatles, the Stones and Led Zeppelin. In so doing, you are saying the music of the Who, the Beatles and the Stones is "overrated", especially when compared to the music of Led Zeppelin.
  4. None of which lessens the Beatles' artistic endeavors. With "in your book" being the keywords. As for what is considered their "best" songs, that's also a matter of opinion. Bottom line is, rock n' roll is an artform so trying to judge it is futile at best. Personally, I don't listen to music with an ear towards assigning a rating to it or pitting artists against each other, it's not a competition.
  5. Can't say I've ever thought of the Stones, the Who or the Beatles as being "overrated". They've all been innovators in their own ways so I feel the praise has been warranted. No one artist is going to have a spotless track record, including Led Zeppelin. As for the Beatles being a "boy band", nothing could be farther from the truth. NSYNC, Backstreet Boys, Boys to Men, New Kids on the Block, etc.? Yes but the huge difference between them and the Beatles is that the Beatles wrote and performed their own music. Did the Beatles attract a largely teenybopper crowd in the early stages of their career? Yes, of course they did but that alone doesn't qualify them as a "boy band", a term that didn't even come into play into the proliferation of acts I've previously mentioned. What the Beatles had going for them were songs, songs they wrote, recorded and performed on their own. There was also no shady characters such as Lou Pearlman lurking in the shadows attempting to control every aspect of their careers. Funny that no one ever accused the Beatles of being a "boy band" until after the success of the artists (and I use that term very loosely) I've previously mentioned. If anything, it was bands like the Beatles that helped displace the popularity of the teen idol mentality that was so prevalent before they came along.
  6. Funny how Sammy Hagar has made himself the official spokesperson for Van Halen, a band he is no longer in. Sammy Hagar Claims New Van Halen Record Is 'All Old Stuff'
  7. This is for a competition the creators of the video have entered. If you like what you see please vote for them here.
  8. Exclusive: Preview Newly Unearthed Doors Track 'She Smells So Nice'
  9. Skip past the headline in this story and go directly to the byline about the prospect of a James Gang tour in 2012.
  10. Just seeking some clarification. No need to pitch a fit. For some of us, glam rock means stuff like T. Rex, David Bowie, Slade, Alice Cooper, etc. while hair metal means bands like Warrant, Cinderella, Ratt, etc. While there's certainly some elements of glam in hair metal, I've never thought of the terms as interchangeable.
  11. You say "glam" as though it's a dirty word. Maybe you're alluding to hair metal.
  12. I used nicotine gum to help me quit smoking three years ago this past October. The gum helped but it wasn't the deciding factor in how I was able to quit, willpower and losing an older brother to cancer were. I had tried Chantix prior to that but was not successful. The main thing is your desire to quit. I have tried to quit so many times before but this time my heart was really in it. I can't say I feel any healthier but I don't miss it at all.
  13. Possibly the best all girl group ever...
  14. I had never heard this before until earlier this evening when Meg Griffin played it as part of her Undercover set on XM's Deep Tracks channel. She followed it up with Dread Zeppelin "Heartbreaker (At the End of Lonely Street)"> Stan Freberg "Heartbreak Hotel"> Elvis Presley "Hound Dog". For anyone that may be interested, this recording originally appeared on this album which was released in 1999:
  15. I remember finding this album in the budget bin and buying it just because I saw Bonham's name listed in the liner notes.
  16. Part Lies, Part Heart, Part Truth, Part Garbage: 1982-2011 (Pitchfork Review) Annotated For the People: A Track By Track Look at the New R.E.M. Retrospective (Time) R.E.M. on its 'Collapse': There were hints (USA Today) Mike Mills Interview (Scotland On Sunday) R.E.M.’s Mike Mills on Saying Goodbye After Three Decades (Time) Imperfect Circle: R.E.M. Sums Up A Career In 40 Songs (Huffington Post)
  17. Nice call but the album that comes from came out in 2003.
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