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Everything posted by Jahfin

  1. I'm not sure what to tell you. The impression I got out of it is that it's more of a think piece where everyone that watches it gets something different out of it. One of the things I got out of it was how it took me back to my childhood when I first learned some of the differences between right and wrong away from the confines of home and school. Saw that a few months ago and really enjoyed it. Watched this yesterday:
  2. Allman Brothers Announce Dates for 2012 Beacon Run (Rolling Stone)
  3. According to a recent Sammy Hagar interview, he said the new album is fleshed out recordings from some vintage Van Halen sessions. Curious to hear what the single sounds like which is supposed to drop sometime this month according to the Rolling Stone article.
  4. Van Halen to Perform at New York's Cafe Wha? This Thursday (Rolling Stone)
  5. 'Lost' Thin Lizzy tapes resurface 26 years after Phil Lynott's death (The Belfast Telegraph)
  6. Not sure if I could explain but I'd say it's my favorite of all of the movies I saw in 2011.
  7. Man doesn't live by Led Zeppelin alone, at least I don't. Although they ceased to exist as an ongoing entity in 1980, my appreciation of them didn't end there. Since their demise my love of music hasn't been stifled. If anything, it's grown by leaps and bounds. Also, in 2012, it's worth saying that there's much more out there to listen to and discover than Lady Gaga, Justin Beiber and Rap music. If that's as far as you're looking for new music then you aren't looking very far or maybe you're not even looking at all.
  8. There's also this collection that came out on Record Store Day. I don't think these are included on the recently released box set.
  9. Actually bought this back in May but it just now arrived. It's part of what will be an ongoing series at Marsh Woodwinds in Raleigh, NC where admission helps to fund a split single. This particular show featured Filthybird and the Small Ponds. Here's a photo of the single artwork in progress.
  10. Michael Stipe and Patti Smith at Patti's annual NYE show at the Bowery in NYC.
  11. It'll be interesting to see if you still hold Kiss as dear to your heart as an adult as you do now. I know I started to lose interest with them around the time of the solo albums and lost complete interest with "I Was Made For Loving You" in '79. Then again, I was about to graduate from high school and my taste in music was also growing more mature. That doesn't mean I suddenly started to take artists like Dylan more seriously, it just means childhood favorites like Kiss started to take a backseat to other artists. That's not meant as a slight by the way, it's just me sharing my own personal experience.
  12. Finding this in my mailbox today. When I ordered it a few weeks ago I was hoping it would arrive in time for Xmas.
  13. I can't make sense of your post but like I said, it was in the $5 bin so it was hard to resist on nostalgia's sake alone. I listened to it once and filed it away. When I was 12 I'm sure I thought it was the shit. As a 49 year old, it barely even registers on my musical radar.
  14. I gave up on trying to find this locally so I ordered it directly from Icehouse Music in Texas. In an incidence of perfect timing, it arrived in the mail today. This an early Christmas gift to myself that I can definitely get behind. This was originally intended as an emergency back up Christmas gift for someone else but I was able to locate the gift for them that I truly wanted them to have (even if it meant a trip to Durham today) so that's two early Christmas gifts to myself today.
  15. The Beatles Christmas Singles 1963-1969 (Aquarium Drunkard)
  16. Mike Cooley of Drive-By Truckers covering ZZ Top's "Rough Boy":
  17. His contributions to the bonus disc of the Some Girls reissue make it the true treasure it is.
  18. I'd never heard of "Petey" Greene so this movie was largely an educational experience for me and an enjoyable one at that. However, it seemed to lose steam around the time of Petey's Tonight Show appearance, probably because he did as well. After that it just never seemed to regain any sort of momentum.
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