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Everything posted by brspled

  1. brspled

    Robert and Maureen?

    The way she looks at Robert is soooo.... I have never looked at any of my brothers-in-law like this. But none of them look the slightest like Robert, I might add. :'(
  2. brspled

    Robert and Maureen?

    You're talking about the girl in the audience during Since I've Been Loving You? As KB said, no, it wasn't Maureen.
  3. I read good reviews on this movie, and the begining is really good....but in a point it almost becomes a different film...it's a pity, I was liking it a lot, but then it lost the track somehow.
  4. Atonement I really don't know what is the matter with me...I can't agree with the reviews on this film.
  5. Otto....I missed you. A LOT. *sigh*
  6. Lajolie, your posts aren't easy to read. Maybe you should try to write them in English?
  7. Go to the LZ O2 concert. ^that's my answer to MS's question Chocolate or ice cream?
  8. Really...who cares for the Guiness? Well, it's a pointless discussion, I guess. You'll say Benfica is the biggest team in the world , I will say São Paulo is , KB will say Newcastle is.... To each its own.
  9. I hope LH doesn't mind me posting it twice though. Hi Pilot
  10. LadyHelena asked me to post the pic, but she didn't say where I should post it. So I posted it twice, just to be sure I did the right thing.
  11. LadyHelena has some problems with her photobucket, so I'll post this pic for her (the good thing about LH's problems with photobucket is that I can see the pics before all of you... )
  12. It might have been a nightmare.... I'm so happy their daughter is well now. Thank you for the link, KB, yes, he IS a star.
  13. ZD, you look beautiful on the pic. LadyHelena has some problems with her photobucket, so I'll post this pic for her (the good thing about LH's problems with photobucket is that I can see the pics before all of you... )
  14. Gio..... Yes, I do like football.
  15. I LOVE this one.....*sigh* I love that ring too.
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