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Everything posted by brspled

  1. I think you're right, it was The Sun. But it proved to be a good strategie...in the end their reunion rumour was right.
  2. You should have been posted it on The Zeppelin Mysteries Hosted by Steve A. Jones thread Sorry, SAJ....I just couldn't help it.
  3. I read good reviews on this book on the old board. Despite the awful title.
  4. I actually don't feel bad about it...it's a weird feeling, I feel like I'm missing something. Every review I read, all you people saying it's an amazing album...well, I'm amazed too. That I just don't like it like most people do. But you're right....we can't possibly like everything our favorite musician has ever done. And I certainly DON'T like everything Robert has done.
  5. No I guess we weren't...judging by Chicken's pics, we were waaaaaaay closer to the stage. And this mere peasant had a great view of the concert.
  6. I didn't say anything about Robert hitting high notes, or how he should sing like in the "old" days. MS, I have been listening to Robert's solo career since his first release...I'm aware of his versatility. And I know that he has developed a way of singing completely different from his LZ days...I witnessed it with the passing of long years. I actually think he sounds better now than he did as on the P/P days...and even on some of his LZ songs (I never liked that girly vocals that much.... ) and some of his best performances can be found on both Presence and ITTOD (in my opinion), long after he quit the high notes... well...I love 3 songs on Raising Sand. That's not that bad, is it? I am extremely happy to read the excellent reviews on the album, I am sure their tour will be a success...but I just don't like this work as I liked some of his previous works. And yes, I know Robert can still do his old act.
  7. I don't even know why you waste your time, Matt.
  8. Their jewelry has been an inspiration for my work. No pics though, sorry.
  9. I loved Polly Come Home from the very first listening. The other two songs took a few listenings more. I read somewhere they were working on a version of LZ Black Dog.... Good luck.
  10. I'm not struggling with Robert singing unsolo...he could have done the work with Alison, or whoever, and if it turned out something I liked, I mean REALLY liked, I would be the first one to say it, Paul. I can honestly say his voice has never sounded as beautiful as in this album. But it, by itself, won't make me love the whole album. I love 3 songs...and that's it. The rest I can listen to...but nothing there will make me love it all. Sorry. I hope you and the ones who attend their concert have a great time and I also expect they bring you nice surprises....if only they don't restrain themselves.
  11. Restrained...that's it! You put my feelings into the right words, Aqua. Or almost. I wouldn't use brilliant on any of my posts about the CD though. We have already talked about the CD (in person ) and we share the same feelings towards it.
  12. Paulo Coelho? well...his life is way more interesting than his books.
  13. Nice. Sorry...I guess it's my problem, really...the whole thing is too nice for my taste...someone posted once that the album was too "polite"....I don't know if this is exactly what I think, but I certainly don't like it as much as everybody else. And it really upsets me.
  14. Errrrr...not exactly, Mandy. I LOVE Polly Come Home, Nothin' and Please Read The Letter. And that's it. Funky? Groovy? *goes search for the exact definition of these two words....'cause she thinks none fit the CD
  15. Me too. I receive my newspaper everyday. And I read it.
  16. Maybe nobody mentioned it on this thread...but it was already mentioned before, even in the old board. Btw, the listed Jimmy Page wrote this song together with Robert Plant, Michael Lee and Charlie Jones for the Walking Into Clarksdale Album, released back in 1998. It was mentioned before, as well. Please Read The Letter is one of my favorite songs on Raing Su... Sand . And it's played on my favorite radio station many times a day here in São Paulo.
  17. It's about 80 °F here (26°C), the sun is shining, a beautiful day. Perfect day for a bike ride and a some sun bathing. Have to go.
  18. You've been to the beach, Lu! And you in Espírito Santo?? who would tell? Just kidding...I'm sure you had a great time there. And thanks Ertegun2007, I think you're talking about the first pics on this thread, right? It was really beautiful there.
  19. See? I can't even remember the right name of the album....how am I supposed to love it?
  20. ^ One of the worst pics of Robert ever.
  21. Great news! Thanks for posting them, 9! *fetches her Raising Sun album and gives it another try, thinking: wtf am I missing here? :'( *
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