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Everything posted by brspled

  1. brspled

    The pub

    Oh, thank you. Aqua.....
  2. Thank you for the link!!! The trousers.... and it looks like Robert enjoyed the Holidays....especially the food. I liked the interview, he was great as always.
  3. brspled

    The pub

    Thank you Pilot!! have a good night! Yes, I'm fed up from the wankers and the gate. But I still have this place to meet my friends...and talk about the weather. By the way...I wish Gio was here, so we could complain about the sun, the heat, the blue and cloudless sky and.... *steps out of the pub before a can of Diet Coke is thrown to her head.....
  4. brspled

    The pub

    It's hot, 9. And it has been really hot for some days...well, I worked on my tan. But tomorrow, just because it's Saturday...we are supposed to have lots of rain. See...I can talk about the weather too...in a pub...that makes me sound like an Englishwoman? They say the gate is ready....but I can't open it with the remote control.
  5. brspled

    The pub

    I'll have the Coke you already ordered, 9!!! Thank you!!! Yes, Pilot, Diet. And pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaase...with tons of ice. It's really, really, really hot here.
  6. To talk on the telephone, for the first time, with two of my dearest friends on this board. Or to make it more correct: two of my dearest friends ever.
  7. What's the problem? He already had satin trousers....
  8. Well...it is a bit better to be a woman, I tell you. Sorry, I had to. *stepping out of thread due to shame.....
  9. Não conheço nenhum outro membro português do forum, mas conheci uma das minhas melhores amigas no antigo forum não oficial do Led Zeppelin, ela é portuguesa, nos falamos sempre, mas acho que ela ainda não se inscreveu aqui. Quanto a angolanos ou de outras antigas colonias, não sei de nehum. Espero que goste daqui. É um lugar muito legal, se aprende muito sobre o Led, e também é um lugar aberto pra se trocar idéias sobre os assuntos mais diversos. Não sei se, porém, é muito simpático continuarmos a nos comunicar em Português....mesmo sendo um tópico exclusivamente aberto para isso, não me parece correto falarmos em outra língua que não a Inglesa, que é afinal a língua oficial do forum. Acho que a comunicação em Português deveria ser feita em Pms. Mas, se ninguém implicar, por mim tudo bem. Bem vindo e divirta-se.
  10. Do you have a video recorder....pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaase? But not Betamax.
  11. brspled

    Photos !

    There were only two older people on the whole Inca trail as we did it. I'm also for adventure travel... Oh, yes!!!! We are making to Guadalajara and Oaxaca in less than a month! Watch out for pics on the pics of your vacation thread....
  12. brspled

    Photos !

    For sure we'll do it! If only we make it there. We thought of making a trail there, I think it takes 5 days....a friend of mine said it's difficult, but that the Inca trail (that we did for one and half year) is even more difficult. Well, I guess we should do that soon...we aren't getting any younger, you know.....
  13. brspled

    Photos !

    Beautiful!!! I wanna go there too!! *sigh* Thanks for sharing, MSG!
  14. Never thought of getting married to the sound of Led Zeppelin's music. Somehow it doesn't fit the image I have of a wedding ceremony. But it might be a cultural difference, that's all. It's great you and your wife love Led Zeppelin.
  15. < the Italian guys We are the girls jumping.
  16. No, no...don't say sorry. Robert should say it.
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