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the chase

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Everything posted by the chase

  1. Fair enough. They called it Queen and Paul Rodgers.
  2. Paul Rodgers would be probably my last choice.. yes he's amazing singer, but I agree that he and Jimmy didn't mesh that well in The Firm. I'll never forget when I saw The Firm (Worcestor Mass 1st tour) Jimmy was going off in a improvised solo...... PR walked right over and nudged him with his mike stand ... like saying "cut the crap".... Killed it for me right there.... And I was a huge Bad Company fan... After that, he always reminded me of a hard rock version of Neil Diamond... must say I became a huge Chris Slade fan though...great Drummer I never liked the idea of PR in Queen either. Maybe JPJ could talk Diamanda Galas into doing it... I really can't think of anyone who could replace Robert.
  3. Well that will certainly get the crabby bitter, old Bassist and Drummer in Cream bitching up a storm...... I can't say I give a rats ass. "F#ck Led Zeppelin... We invented everything" or "I'd give John Bonham a 3 to 4 on a scale of 1-10" ..... (yes Ginger Baker did say that) it's not Led Zeppelin's fault you imploded in 3 years because you're a bunch of ego-maniac idiots....... there ...... I feel better.............. I'd say Zeppelin scored pretty high for Rolling Stone .... if they put Pink Floyd at 51... that tells you where they were going...Elvis, James Brown Little Richard..... all great artists no doubt... They're either 1 or 1A in my book....
  4. Can't say I've been on a Sheryl Crow web site ... I'll take your word for it.. : >) Page actually kind of did this already with Outrider... 3 different singers.. DW2 had 2 singers. I'd love to see him do another film score... but that's for another thread.
  5. i think John would be honored too, but if it doesn't feel right to Robert ... why should he have to do it? If it was about Robert's ego... he'd want to be playing in front of 100.000 people a night making hundreds of millions of dollars... what better way to stroke an ego. So I don't think it's that. He's disbanded some incredible solo bands.... Strange Sensations was so good ... So wasn't the Now and Zen lineup... He wants to keep moving forward and Led Zeppelin without John Bonham is not what he wants to do...
  6. why? Because Robert Plant doesn't want to tour as Led Zeppelin without John Bonham? As much as I'd like to see it, I admire Robert's stance ..... and his loyalty to John Bonham.
  7. i forgot to include the person that I was thinking of when I started this.. Bowie
  8. Steven tyler's on American Idol? i thiought if a singer had a recording contract and was 63 years old they wouldn't be allowed to compete?!!! no shit i hope he does well ......................................
  9. that's actually what I would prefer. but he tends to team up with a singer. no lone singer could really stand in robert plant's or zeppelin's shadow.... example david coverdale... there's some great stuff on CP that was so overlooked.
  10. i'd give that title to Frank Zappa. I'd call Page the modern day Les Paul. All the brilliant guitar layering and recording techniques and great songwriting.
  11. Tony Iommi did this with his 1st solo album in 2000. He had everyone from Billy Idol to Skin to Henry Rollins to Dave Grohl. Carlos Santana did this as well with 2 of his albums. It might be a great idea for Jimmy Page Roger Daltrey, Sammy Hagar, Steven Tyler have all recently expressed deisre to record with Jimmy. THE LIST IS ENDLESS Who would you pick? figure a 13 song cd with 3 or 4 instrumentals. ok..... I'll go first Chriis Cornell Todd Rundgren Ian Gillan Eric Clapton / voice and dual gtr Jack White Anne Wilson Roy Harper Chris Farlowe Peter Hammill Tori Amos plus an instrumental with Jeff Beck
  12. I took it to mean you were saying it was a well known fact that none of the members attended because of what you replied to...how that is worded.. Sorry about that, I should have replied directly to Johnnybgoode's post. ---- Jimmy was upset with Mick Wall at the 02 show...so he writes a tell all book. Plant never cared about John Paul Jones...!!!!! Where the F@#$ did he get that from!!!!!. They had some problems after the band split, but they were closer than ever the last couple years of the band. Just watch them together at Kampuchea having a blast. He pulled this same crap in the Ozzy / Iommi split.... Ozzy could do no wrong... Iommi was the big bully that made Ozzy's best friend Bill Ward kick him out of the group.. alll half truths...
  13. Not true. John Bonham and Richard Cole flew back to England with Robert and attended the funeral. Bonham was glued to Robert's side. Page, Jones and Peter Grant didn't go..
  14. I agree He really tossed Eddie right under the bus.... He made his 80 trillion dollars with the Tequilla business and more power to him .... But now he figures he might as well burn that Van Halen bridge beyond repair. I woder how a class act and amazing Guitarist like Joe Satriani must feel seeing all the "Sammy dumps on Eddie" press going on.... Let alone Jimmy Page who has always had a great deal of respect for EVH.... Imagine the tales from the road the members of Zeppelin probably have on each other?? We've never heard a peep. Not from the 3 of them anyways. Don't hold your breath Sammy... The Alien story and him seeing a vison of his Father the morning he paseed on are very interesting stories I must say ... Heard him tellling Howard Stern about it...
  15. Fans were lined up outside Boston Garden overnight for tickets to the 75 show. They were allowed inside because it was freezing out, and they trashed the place. They were banned in Boston as a result ......Pisses me off still.... because it pretty much ruined my chances of ever seeing them.
  16. Led Zeppelin's last concert performed in Boston ..... Page and Plant closed out the old Garden and I believe they were the 1st band to play the FleetCenter (now called the TD Garden) nice pictures.
  17. other - IN THE LIGHT I'll never understand why Led Zeppelin never played this live. I remember JPJ saying how much Robert wanted to play In the Light on stage, but he (Jones) didn't want to have to deal with Synthesizers live ! for Bass masterpieces I'd probably vote for Ramble On.
  18. welll that was the whole point.... and then i messed it up..pretty much every topic has been started 19 times over, but thanks for having a sense of humor about my tripe attempt anyway. Later
  19. Please select your favorite song that's 3rd in the running order ok..... i'll go 1st ... in my time of dying.... Boy That stinks...i set up a whole poll .............. and it's not here.. man do ii feel stoopid.
  20. Amazing drummer. I saw him playing Drums with Robert Plant on The Principle of Moments Tour and with Genesis in 1984. Live Aid ws a drag but his heart was in the right place. The Genesis "When in Rome" concert was in front of 1/2 a million people and simply the most incredible light and stage show ever. Some of the earlier Genesis and Brand X work is some of the best progressive / fusion drumming ever played. Also peter gabriel --- melting face robert fripps exposure - his combining of live drums and drum machines like in MAMA was breakthrough stuff too. I miss the guy's music and wish him well.
  21. for me it's a toss up between Sick Again and WTLB... 2 of the greatest recorded John Bonham performances. I voted for Sick Again..
  22. Bassist for U2...... also L Ron Hubbard and William H Macy I'm in very good company.
  23. my youngest sister was born may 31st (same day as john bonham) my older brother was born june 18th (same day as paul mccartney) my mother was born the same day and year as mary tyler moore (dec 29 1936) my uncle was born same day and year as john lennon (october 9 1940) and .............. i was born the same day as neil sedaka and adam clayton (march 13th) small world huh?
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