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Everything posted by kipper

  1. ^^^ Cost of groceries recently is killing me. Bacon is twice as much as it used to be. My favorite album is still Tommy--- but recently I've been listening to Thick As A Brick a lot.
  2. Pretty cool, I never knew this. That shot has been used as stock footage in other films too. When I was a kid here in SoCal, 20th Century Fox auctioned off a ton of props, costumes, and models used in many films at a huge auction. A friend of my father's bought a movie model of one of the Japanese mini subs used in Tora, Tora, Tora and for years it was at his model train club in Los Angeles.
  3. Boeing (Rockwell) B1- Lancer 'The Bone" Take that you motherfuckers!
  4. I hate CGI effects especially in war films. Planes don't fly like they really do in real life (yaw, pitch, roll all wrong). Ocean waves, or the way ships look as they move through water---all look fake. So if it is going to look fake anyway then just go back to using models and/or matted shots with painted backgrounds. But Hollywood today is ALL ABOUT what China likes to see. Stories don't matter, good dialogue or plot development an option, lots of big explosions, robots, and everything CGI is what THEY like and are willing to pay to see.....or just STEAL through intellectual property theft. China is now 80% of Hollywood's theatrical film market, no wonder all we get today is mainly CRAP from Hollywood. God bless any director (agree with him or not) who tells China to fuck off! Catch 22 (1970) Those are all real North American B-25 "Mitchell" bombers used in the film. The film actually rescued most of the current remaining air worthy B 25s from eventual demise as scrap metal to make Chinese toasters out of .
  5. kipper

    Breaking Bad

    I think you guys who didn't like El Camino just didn't understand the intention of the film. It was not meant to be a "sequel" it was an epilogue. It was to give balance to the story and answer questions about one of the main characters----actually the ONLY one in the Breaking Bad universe who actually is a hero--- not just an 'anti hero'. Spoiler Alert------- At the conclusion of Breaking Bad we know what happens to everyone who was important to the story: Walter White- dies in hail of glory cheating his cancer out of it's toll collection, getting even with the white supremacy gang, taking out Lydia, and securing for his family the financial security he originally sought Gus Fring- Able to defeat the cartel at their own game only to be killed by a high school science teacher with a bigger brain Mike Ermantraut- The ex Navy seal sniper, ex cop, and consummate "soldier" for Fring but with a sense of honor; also killed by Walter White Hank Shrader- the supposed "good guy" DEA cop on the supposed "right side of the law" but who's ego is destroying his marriage and other professional relationships-- also killed So we learn of all of these main characters endings but not single best character who was actually never "Breaking Bad" and was always good; we are left with at the end of BB just the idea that he was lucky to get away and not by his own ability. Anyone who views El Camino in the proper context, and with the proper expectations will see how masterful this epilogue to the original story and the co main character really is.
  6. Tarantino to his ultimate credit doesn't do digital effects. In fact he is probably the last director who insists on using actual film and the old film cameras and lenses. That dent in the car was just good old fashioned Hollywood "magic"--- same as break away balsa wood furniture, or glass bottles make out of hard sugar to look like glass. I'd say they fabricated two door panels out of aluminum sheets and then painted them to match the rest of the 'stunt car'. If they got it in one take, I'd say expert job! But no, not a digital effect.
  7. Mike Ditka made me happy today. God bless that man!
  8. THIS is the America that many of us here remember, and could still be if only some would just embrace it make it this way AGAIN.
  9. I love this idea. Puddles the clown has a great voice and stage presence, but I thinks Percy would not like to be replaced by a clown. And besides, there already is a band that are "the Bozo the clowns of rock and roll".
  10. This made me laugh.... RUSSIA (everyone used the same glass over and over again) USA (go ahead, take the whole bottle with you)
  11. So if I go into a pub in the U.K. and ask for "a pint of the black stuff" (Guinness) they won't think me a silly American? 😁 Here in in the U.S. most of what I see with products labeled in metric is just a ploy to confuse the consumers and make them think the higher number means MORE product than what they used get for the same price when it was listed as ounces, pints, quarts, or gallons. For example: a half gallon of orange juice (64 oz) was always a standard package and 64 oz is what you got. Then orange juice producers started reducing the size of the container from 64oz down to 59oz and then finally down to 52 oz. Total rip off. And dumb American consumers accept it because the orange juice companies will say, "we figure people would rather have a little less than have us raise our prices." WELL.... If I am paying more per ounce for less---- then by my old fashioned math.... and call me crazy.... YOU DID raise the price!!!! So now I see the stuff that used to be 64 oz (half gallon) which is now 52 oz labeled as 1.54 liters and dumb American consumers are now I assume believing that it is somehow more than what used to be 64 oz or 1.89 liters. So I guess you are right. Americans need to learn metric not to use it, but to understand how companies are using it to fool them with packaging and volume/weight reductions. Meanwhile I know what a pint of beer is supposed to be, and I know how much wine 750ml is so I'm good to go. 😋
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