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Everything posted by kipper

  1. Very funny Steve. and if you bring Yoko there will be magic in the air.
  2. okay Walter and thank you. Kipper
  3. I help an older lady in my apartment with little things and it is so rewarding. Little things like shopping and changing light bulb mean so much to someone who is older because they get so frustrated as things get harder to do and just a small thing makes them know somebody cares. Have fun at the parade and thanks for sharing this.
  4. I thought it was settled because for many months you never brought it up again but you just couldnt help yourself. Its like you are Archie BUnker and refuse to accept the words that come out of your own mouth meant something.No grown man likes being called "boy". No Black man likes being call "boy". No straight man likes being called "boyfriend" to another man who others assume is asexual or possibly ungendered. Walther you dont get to decide which things you say are taken as offensive. I dont need a safe space but if this was a college campus today somebody would ask you to stop making assertions about other peoples status or their sexuality. So no you dont have to apologize but you just need to stop with the "boys" comments because I asked you to. The line is because I asked you not to do that Walter and somebody who really claims to be progressive would just be respectful of that and not make the comment again on purpose. That is all i asked of you Walter. I am not leaving this wonderful forum because two people gave me hope this week. IpMan and Steve Jones who are two people with opposite opinions. They both gave me hope because both of them treated me with respect even when they both disagreed with me. Walter Im glad you had a safe trip to Cuba and back and I wish only good things for you and your family this holiday season. peace to everyone
  5. A friend sent my this video link and it made me happy today.
  6. thanks Steve probably good advice. Steve isnt if so ironic that you and i have different politics mostly and then the minute you and I have a common view one person from the left starts making personal attacks on both of us and then says horrible things. No wonder this country is so messed up when nobody wants to solve anything. I gave the last guy 8 years and he didnt do anything. I'm liberal on most things but I want to give this new guy a chance. he doesnt scare me at all and i think his kids are proof he is a smart caring person. thanks Steve ps. also thanks Ipman. we didnt agree on Castro but I appreciated your other kind words in the other thread. makes me have hope that we can all be civil. Well maybe not all of us, but most of us. Thanks
  7. what does that mean Walter? I thought we put the "boys" comment to rest after the last time you made a homophobic charged comment. this time I wont let it go so either apologize or explain yourself, but do not call me "boy" again to demean my sexuality or my race or anything else. if you wanted to say birds of a feather then fine, but you put the "boys" in there on purpose because a few months ago you accused me and another man here who is straight of being gay and that isn't cool. this needs to stop or I will quit this forum. So many people here are really cool and have many things to offer but all you do is make snide comments meant to hurt people.
  8. Im not worried about putin swooping in because I think Hillary fixed that problem before with a reset button so thank god she at least got that right.
  9. What I dont understand is because one thing gets posted about a bad guy then somebody else always is wanting to come back and excuse the bad guy by comparing that guy to somebody else or some other situation that doesnt even match reality. Castro never started out good. maybe he would have been good if after he put out the other dictator then he let the the people vote in a new government then that would have been good but no he didnt do that did he? When the founding fathers removed Englands rule they put it back to the people and i think Ipman that is the real difference you dont understand. i hope you are not pro castro but you are blaming America for castro in a sort of way. And i dont appreceate being called dense Ipman. I know i cant say at as good as Steve jones and I try to be nice about things as best I can because Sam doesnt made rules because these always get to personal insults. I think you are very smart but it is not that I am not hearing what you are trying to say I just happen to know Cuban people who really are not rich were not rich in Cuba before castro they didnt like Bautista either but they confirm that Castro was worse. And then Castro let Russia put rockets in Cuba to kill Americans. For me it is very simple and when people get in rafts and risk death to leave that says it all. Same as people leaving from the war in Syria and like happend a long time ago with boat people from vietnam. There were never rafts going to those places from America or Austrailia or Europe they were all coming the other way and I think you sort of brush that aside.
  10. i planned it that way
  11. OMG this made me laugh so hard that is so funny. Sadly some young person would probably like that band because today crap is king in music. my band would be Phil Collins -drums Steven Tyler - vocals Wolfie Vanhalen - bass guitar Yoko Ono - lead guitar
  12. I found 10 dollars on the bus this morning now I have 10 dollars more for my christmas budget. thank you Santa. but i do feel bad for whoever lost it so I will spend the money on somebody who has a need like a gift card for groceries.
  13. This is just silly. It doesnt matter why someone starts out if they end up being a brutal killer. I dont follow politics and history like you do but even I can see when a dictator is evil. And i think the british were smart enough to understand that our founding fathers were not evil and so England probably saw America as a good partner later on because we are not communists. just look at Venezuala and look what is happend there to a country that got ruined by castro's buddy. Communism doesnt work and even in Russia they figured that out too. Maybe Steve was right and I should not have started this thread because I had no idea that anyone would be a castro fan. I didnt want Castro to RIP for what he did to people. I dont want Bautista to RIP either if you ask. I dont want Hitler or Stalin to RIP. But for you to compare our founding fathers to Castro is pretty sad. I dont even put the English king in that group either because England was not evil for going against America just had a different view. Some people are evil though and Castro is one of them. Castro didnt just hurt rich people he took away peoples farms and small business and everything. if they complained he put them in prison and if their family left cuba castro punished the people who stayed. Did you know too that cuba is a place where people go to have sex with children? Cuba is like Thialand and some other places for that. Castro allows that to happen and that isnt right to exploit children and poor women it is so disgusting.
  14. This is way off track. CASTRO HAS DIED and that is good news. I know lots of Cubans and not many of them were rich in cuba you need to check your facts
  15. thanks for that support Apanther Some of the people who died at the Pulse escaped from repressive regimes only to be slaughtered by another kind of hateful belief system and then some people are going to focus on some Indiana politician who hasn't harmed anyone in reality. Pence can be wrong about his beliefs but he isnt a murderer.
  16. He is a evangelical politician from Indiana Walter we all know what his beliefs are but he as been honest about his opinions on that even if I disagre with all of that. Hillary said one thing, then she said another and then something else. Hillary didnt care enough to have a opinion other than where she thought the votes were which means she would say of maybe even do anything. But you would be against him just because of the party he is anyway. this thread is supposed to be about Castro. Its kind of disapointing to me that you are more upset about Pence than you were about Castro and his dictatorship. says alot.
  17. Thank you Rewati for adding some balance. You are right, it doesnt take a village, it just takes each person doing the right thing.
  18. Do you actually know any gay people who lived in Cuba under Castro? Unless gay people in Indiana were beaten jailed and humiliated openly in the streets by the army and some machismo idiot thug you have not done your homework. the only point where LGBTQ people in cuba began to earn some tolerance was when Castro decided it was good for tourism and only then and just in Havana and a few other cities. I dont see gay cubans protesting Rubio and Pence I wonder why. I do see them celebrating the death of a thug however. sorry to the forum, but I just hate being called a hypocrite because I am able to see a big difference between a Evangelical who I may not agree with and a dictator murderer.
  19. Yet another Islamic terrorist attack here in the USA today made me unhappy.
  20. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/11/27/don-t-forget-fidel-castro-s-brutal-oppression-of-gay-people.html
  21. this does not need to get political IPman. if Castro was trying to help his people he didnt do a very good follow up with that. when people risk death to swim to freedom then something is very wrong.
  22. I dont disagree with a thread for noteworthy deaths but RIP is the wrong term to use for people who dont deserve to rest in peace Steve. And what about noteworthy deaths that should have their own threads? When David Bowie died i really didn't agree that it should just be in the RIP thread along with serial killers and terrorists. When another member of zep passes (I hope not for a long time), but it will get its own thread too. some things are always going to be more noteworthy than other things and members here should be able to decide for themselves what that is and if Sam disagrees he will lock the thread or delete it or move it into another thread. If you make a obituary thread instead of Rip I will use that one steve. Thanks.
  23. I made the thread because it is a big news story like the death of Bin Laden. It doesnt belong in the RIP thread but I didn't make it to honor him just say he was finally dead.
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