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Everything posted by kipper

  1. so what are the statistics of scary looking clowns being the people who are usually rapists, burglars, child molestors, bank robbers and all of that? To me some of these people with the giant ear plugs and face tattoos are more scary than anything else because these creeps are really into this wierdness. and kids today so fat from drinking sodapop and junk food even if a clown was going to hurt them they couldn't run away anyway. Our whole society is full of scary weirdos anyway so who cares about a few more. I'm more afraid of these social justice idiots anyway causing havoc and beating people because they dont like a bumper sticker or a t shirt, those are really scary people to me. I ride the bus and I should know.
  2. October 15 1966 - Robert Plant - Listen - Birmingham,West Midlands,England/Cofton Country Club 1988 - Robert Plant - Now And Zen Tour - New Haven,CT/Veterans Memorial Coliseum 1990 - Robert Plant - Manic Nirvana Tour - Greensboro,NC/Greensboro Coliseum 1990 - Led Zeppelin - "Remastered" Two-disk released 1995 - Page & Plant - Unledded Tour - Auburn Hills,MI/The Palace in Auburn Hills 1999 - John Paul Jones - Zooma Tour - Boston,MA/Paradise Rock Club 2002 - Robert Plant - Strange Sensation - Birmingham,West Midlands,England/Birmingham Academy 2009 - John Paul Jones - Them Crooked Vultures - New York,NY/Roseland Ballroom 2011 - Jason Bonham - JBLZE - Las Vegas,NV/Aliante Station Casino
  3. Im glad to hear you can still say happy thanksgiving in candada. here at work we can only say "happy harvest" because I guess being thankful for good things is now offensive to some kinds of people.
  4. i like these scary clowns I wish there were more of them because people are just being stupid. scared of clowns but not some other kinds of dangerous people makes no sense.
  5. I saw a thing about Debbie Reynolds and i just think for a lady her age she is still so radiant with that big smile. she always seems so happy too
  6. i honestly dont think our government is smart enough to pull off something like this. if they had a plan they would screw it up and then 1000 people would write about it to make money
  7. Oh my I just had a Arnold palmer at Red robin yesterday and it was the first time because i didnt know what it was. this is weird.
  8. are those real? I could never do something like that, i see some at work who do their necks but on the face you must be a real fan?
  9. i found out today somebody doesn't like me enough that they called me a douchebag just because i stood up for something right
  10. Hi Deb, Hope you feel better soon? The link below isn't my work but it is a really nice history page provided by our webmaster. so I hope this helps get this thread going again. Kipper http://www.ledzeppelin.com/show/september-24-1971
  11. Its nice to see some of the people from the forum this way.
  12. I try to be kind to people as much as a I can. Especially old people or people who look homeless. I have known lonliness in m own life and nothing makes a lonely person feel better than just a smile and a hello.
  13. yes thanks for the thoughts you and everyone. THis was such a painful experience but I hope she gets counseling. She is such a pretty young girl and has had problems being from a broken home but being used by a man that way has to do so much damage to a young womans self being. They are finding more victims to this guy too. He is 29 years old and he targets teenaged girls from broken homes or who arent supervised. So far the youngest victim was 13 and there are a few 15 year old girls plus my neice. If he comes back to the USA he is probably going to end up in prison for most of his life.
  14. thanks for the good advice but my neice is on her way home now. the guy she ran off with the police are still looking for because they think he may have done the same thing to another underaged girl last year. The police and FBI know who he is and he was here legally on a work permit. But just like my neice that other girl was around 14 or 15 and he sweet talked her into having sex with him what a fucking asshole. But at least she is safe and on her way back home but who knows how this will affect her life having been raped by this older man. I guess the guy told my neice not to tell the police they had sex or he would be charged with rape which is why they want to catch him. He is from Russia and they think he went back there but if he ever travels back to the US they will arrest him according to the police and if he goes to England or Canada or France and he comes up on thier radar they said he will probably get sent to the US for trial which Im glad to hear that some countries dont tolerate this shit either.
  15. sorry I didnt see this before but i like this format much better. Having a link to the videos works 100% better for me because how my internet the page loads faster. I like your comment sections to because it is better than just some cut and paste stuff. I just read that Deborah had a tradgedy so now understand what happened to this thread for so long. I hope things are well for her now. but I think you should put more pages up to because they are really good Andy. thank for those contributions.--- kipper
  16. There were flowers on my doorstep from probably a neighbor who knew I have been going through a rough time. Good news is I have lost about 20 lbs in the last few weeks from worry and not eating. Although I now look 30 years older. But flowers made me feel good today.
  17. thank you everyone for the positive energy, this has been a terrible few weeks. the good news is we finally heard from my niece and she is alive but still not home. eventually the police finally got off their asses and did some investigations and talked to all of her friends who knew nothing, but after getting a tip from a woman who saw my neice from her description in a bar of all places said she was with a guy who a few people knew as a real scum of the earth type. The guy is around 28 of 30 years old and was working at the bar as a bouncer. When he left town last month my neice went with him to Texas and the police tracked him down by his cell phone but he has since skipped out possibly to Russia. my neice called my sister and said she okay but won't come home still and we are trying to find out where she is. Her call came from Texas and we just hope she is not with that guy. Makes me so angry I could kill that guy. what kind of animals do these things to chilren escapes me.
  18. my 14 year old niece has been missing since last thursday. She has been a bit of a problem child from a broken home so we are hoping she just ran off for a few day with a friend. What makes it worse is my sister took her phone away two weeks ago to discsiplin her so we are really worried now because there is no way to contact her. The police keep acting like she will turn up because last year she did the same thing but was only gone for two days but we knew her phone was on. But just wanted to share this because dont take your kids phones away find a different punishment. hoping for good thoughts from everyone.
  19. tonight was sci-fi night and we watched Silent Running one of my faves
  20. they were talking about this at work and I didn't believe it but it is true. Worst part is that the people standing behind are hand picked to be in the picture by the staff. what a slap in the face this is for families hoping their loved ones will rest in peace. a close friend of mine lost someone in that shooting and this just makes the pain so much more to hear
  21. I remembered what you said and then when I heard Hillary say this at the convention I felt vindicated so here is what she said. " From Baghdad and Kabul, to Nice and Paris and Brussels, to San Bernardino and Orlando, we're dealing with determined enemies that must be defeated. " Im not trying to fight but Im still dealing with the pain that happened in Orlando and I just hope people realize we are all in this together. RIP to all who are dying in the world because of hate
  22. anyone seen beyond yet? pretty good
  23. a small kindness from a total stranger less fortunate than I made my day.
  24. here comes the sun - george harison
  25. you can get e-coli from the lettuce you get at the store because apperently field workers like to take a shit in the fields while they work. If you just cook your meat thoroughly there won't be a problem. I love animals too but talk of them in this thread is really obnoxious after so much news of people being murdered by terrorists. It really shows were some people have sort of screwy priorities I think. Really sad for this forum that people do that.
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