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Everything posted by kipper

  1. kipper


    I loved the movie Prometheus it really makes you think how aliens would try to do that
  2. I keep thinking about doing the mail order dna testing but Im a little afraid of what I might find out. Has anyone else done the dna test and got a surprise? I have always wondered if I might be related to some famous person I would hate.
  3. there is nothing worse than a cheap bastard who doesnt tip a waitress correctly
  4. kipper


    this sounds right to me too. If we are related to apes why arent they getting smarter too I think somebody else said once.
  5. kipper


    I used to feel that way too but not anymore. Not all are the same. It is just people who mess stuff up.
  6. I hate when people say Led Zeppelin 4
  7. over here we heard it was a good thing.
  8. on the news it said that people who use marijana in states where it is now legal are still breaking federal laws in the USA and be arrested and even lose their right to own guns. So I guess these new laws aren't all cracked up to be what people were being sold by the pro drug lobby.
  9. I hate when people say happy Valentimes day instead of happy Valentine's day
  10. I have a neighbor who goes out very late at night and walks down to the corner crosswalk and pushes the crossing button and comes back. He does at least 3 or 4 times at night and I can see him from my apartment window. He is about 50 years old and lives with his elderly aunt who has to be at least 80. Once he saw me looking at him out the window and he started acting like a golfer who misses a hole or somethng is the best way I can describe it. Like he was quietly yelling at himself. Then he started for the corner and came back without pushing the button but just stood next to the apartment building for at least 30 minutes and then went to the corner again. He really freaks me out and sometimes i feel like moving.
  11. Yes I am a little chubby but that is my own fault. To much junk food and not enough exercise but I have willed myself to be in better shape before and I know I can again. But it isnt addiction, it is just bad choices. Im sorry you feel that it was addiction that were your problems, but that is part of the problem if it means blaming something other than willpower. Dont take this wrong, but pedophiles and rapist claim they are addicted to and we cant excuse there choices they make. Personally I think the science want to make people believe they are addicted because they make money off of the cycle of indulgence. We can agree to disagree and I wish you the best of luck, but my sometimes poor eating and excercise habits are my own fault.
  12. a friend of mine as been searching his whole life for a woman who looks like Judy Garland.
  13. kipper


    I agree, I'm just not sure if the others are from other galaxies or other dimensions inside our world. I believe we all go someplace else when we die, I just don't know if that means everyone leaves? When will "all be revealed" as the song goes interests me.
  14. kipper


    sometimes I wonder who among us are from someplace else.
  15. I hate it when people say "I feel I am entitled".
  16. i dont believe there is such a thing as a addictive personality just people who willfully indulge themselves in risky behavior. Its not like was born yesterday but I have heard all of the excused by addicts. Legalizing drugs is only legalizing addicts, it helps nobody.
  17. Film- The Pink Panther TV show- I Love Lucy
  18. I would vote for Neil Diamond for this
  19. Im not convinced. Fact is most heroin addicts started as pot addicts and you dont have to be poor to be an addict, many rich rock and roll people have been both pot addicts and heroin addicts.
  20. I'm pretty poor by many standards. I have even been on the verge of homelessness and without work. I dont see how economics has much to do with this. Are people in calcutta more likely to be drug addicts than rich people in the Hamptons? I don't think so.
  21. people tell me I look like slightly chubby version of Burt Lancaster
  22. there is nothing worse than the sound of crying babies to the human ear
  23. I agree Steve, people knew opiods were addictive when they took them. In this country our epidemic is people who are not being responsible for thier own choices
  24. So then people were forced to abuse drugs ipman, is that what you are saying? people make choices, many of them are bad choices.
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