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Everything posted by kipper

  1. ipman who cares what her personality is her sister was hacked up by these savages who we all want to see dead. It is almost like you get hung up on silly side things when the point was most people wish manson dead. This evil man even has a swastica on his face he would have done just like Hitler if he had the chance to. I dont care if ms Tate is christian or not, that has noting to do with anything.
  2. poor walter didn't get his way and now he has to pout. You make me laugh walter. Laugh at you that is.
  3. Ipman, so then Obama is a rapist too because you can't prove that he didn't do it. I dont think logic works that way. RIP to the poor people in Turkey killed because they were celebrating New Years Eve and it upset the radical muslims.
  4. A smile today from a unexpected person made me happy today
  5. RIP William Christopher. You were my favorite character on Mash when I was a kid. Everyone needs kind gentle role models like Father Mulcahy was.
  6. his "actions" were that he raped a little girl Ipman. Trump never raped anyone so get over it. now that 2017 is here we need to let the politics of 2016 RIP too
  7. She was a beautiful person with a inner light that showed.
  8. Or how about somebody takes a lamp or something heavy to the current guy before he does even more damage? Is that what you want to see happen too? And in case you were not aware Bowie raped a little girl many years ago. Good people don't rape little girls Ipman. Are you having a bad day Ipman, why would you say what you just said otherwise? Putin is no Pol Pot and Donald Trump never raped a little girl.
  9. Now both are at peace together. They were both such pretty ladies.
  10. It was sad for me today to see a mother allow her daughter on the bus to cuss at a older man who was confused about which bus he was on. This younger little bitch around 13 called the older gentleman some cuss word in spanish for taking to much time and her mother who was at least 40 years old just sat there and said nothing. I stared at them both for about two miles and the younger bitch just kept saying to me "what, what". I said your mother should be ashamed of you.
  11. I was thinking about Carrie last night before I went to bed and I just had a feeling this was going to be the news today. So sad for her mother to outlive her daughter.
  12. Great party Steve! So who will be hosting the New Years bash? Next year is going to be a great year so I am ready to celebrate now.
  13. Over Christmas I saw my niece and she looked great. If you remember she was the one who was raped by some asshole and she was a mess. After months in therapy and also a stint in a rehab facility she seems to be doing very well but only time will tell.
  14. I was very unhappy to read in my news alert about what our leader did to our friends. So embarrassing that I had hope for that man at one point. What a rotten thing to do.
  15. So sorry to hear about this Freeyyaa. My condolences to you and the people of Russia. kipper
  16. sorry to hear that Kiwi. I hope you all get better before Christmas. Everyone at work has the flu so i have my fingers crossed I dont get it to.
  17. I was really disapointed by the way the main characters have been killed in the last two movies.
  18. RIP to the people in Berlin Germany killed by the Pakistani migrant who came to Germany earlier this year. How many does this make in the last 20 years? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Islamist_terrorist_attacks#2016
  19. no you are wrong. RIp or a memorial has nothing to do with how anyone voted.
  20. why is there a Donald Trump hat in that photo what id that supposed to represent? and the Brexit thing too btw, both Brexit and Trump were positive things and having that in a sad picture about all of those famous people who died this year just seems disrespectful to those people in my opinion.
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