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Everything posted by kipper

  1. Turner Classic Movie channel tonight with popcorn
  2. I heard on the news that Ringling Bros is cancelling all of their elephant shows and sending the elephants off to some farm. Such a shame as this was the best part of the circus when I was a kid. Now all the circus is will be clowns and high wire acts.
  3. kipper

    Oh CANADA!

    I adore Canada. I have a uncle who lives in Calgary and when I visit it's like going to a whole other country... hehe. I think Yogi Bera would have said it that way.
  4. OMG there was this great sale on Stouffer's frozen mac and cheese so I'll be eating that for a month. Yum!
  5. RIP to all the people murdered in Belgium. RIP to Gary Shandling.
  6. Today I just stayed in my pjs and watched movies. Tomorrow I have to go by more food because I am down to just popcorn and cheese wiz.
  7. I know, some people are just disgusting. It's like there are still hippies or something. There is one particular woman who rides my bus who is so bad that when she gets on about 10 people will get off.
  8. I actually got a seat on the train today and nobody smelly sat next me to make it even better.
  9. "Paper or plastic?" - Jimmy the bag boy
  10. I am having frozen mac and cheese for dinner with a glass of red wine.
  11. The scumbag gang member who lives downstairs was arrested early this morning and taken to jail. This made me happy. The guy beat up his pregnant girlfriend. I hope the baby is ok.
  12. We are losing rock and roll legends at an alarming rate now. RIP to George Martin
  13. So sorry to hear this. Please accept my condolences.
  14. I finally got my neighbor to move his junky motorcycle away from my window.
  15. I finally got time to do my laundry.
  16. I got a raise last Friday and today I am enjoying the brand of coffee I could not afford before.
  17. "Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way." - General George Patton
  18. I never thought about going into the future. I'd be afraid of landing at a Rolling Stones Concert 10 years from now.
  19. In my "opinion" they are evil because of what people use them for. I was asked my opinion, so I gave it, and why I stay away from things like that.
  20. You know devil stuff and pentagrams and all that evil vodoo stuff that is on the cards. Like that goathead demon picture.
  21. HOT and lots of sweaty people on the bus today. I hate summer.
  22. I would have shouted out to Julius Ceasar, "LOOK OUT BEHIND YOU BRO!"
  23. Tarot is like voodo. Not really facinating as much as it is evil in my opinion.
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