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Everything posted by kipper

  1. I havent checked because i keep that area very neat
  2. I dont think the men are ever really at risk in the military. When was the last time one died in a war in the last 500 years? Most probably died of shame for all of the crimes.
  3. It is really cool isnt it? Reminds me of a movie poster from the '70s.
  4. Ive always wonders why Britain gets a pass today like they are squeeky clean and everyone looks at America as the bullies. I mean just look how badly England treated Ireland and how so many Irish died or had to come to America. Not trying to be political here and out of line but history is facsinating to me especially when you figure out the history we learn in school isnt the entire story.
  5. I felt old yesterday eating at a diner because I hated the music that was playing. I think you are old when young people start to really annoy you.
  6. I saw a documentary and one historian said the greatest result was to bankrupt the British and the french and transfer their wealth and power to other countries. He blamed the imperialism of the UK for most of the conflicts around the world. not sure if this is correct or not, but he said WW2 could be blamed on England and France for how they treated Germany after WW1. This guy also said Japan did what they did for the same reason, to protect itself from the european empires that had invaded asia for centuries
  7. was it really a sock? but I always wondered about the reason he liked to wear feminine clothing? in some ways he seemed to be appealing sexually to both men and women at the same time it with the images he was projecting. Not claiming that was his intention, but something I always noticed
  8. ^^^ but texas is the south not the midwest
  9. kipper


    maybe time exists in another dimension beyond our existence? Maybe time is only a temporary construct for us right now? Maybe trying to put our limits on what you call a construct do not apply? i just think you are limited only by a perception is how I was taught. If aliens came to earth their first impression might be that dogs were in charge because humans are the ones who pick up the dog poop.
  10. Do the palace dwellers even have a button? I thought they just spent all of their time playing polo and visiting their castles and stuff. arent the palace dwellers just about like our kardashian family but supported by tax payers? kind of a joke if you ask me
  11. the VW beetle the original honda civic the Renalt dauphine the Datsun 510 the chevy corvair
  12. there a just a lot of crazy people out walking around and nobody does anything until the kill somebody or worse.
  13. that sound like a midwestern thing. My aunt in Wisconsin will always say things like " I went to the Walmart" even when it isnt a specific one. Or she will say, "did you see I Love Lucy on the TV?"
  14. kipper


    he is the preexistent one that why he is the creator
  15. somebody from a 3rd rate nation tries to criticize the hand that feeds them and that is pretty funny to me.
  16. How funny is that you would say something bad about a guy who is a winner when you still have that very odd family who is always in all of the supermarket rag papers with the weird stuff they are always up to. You dont have to love him, he doesnt manage your country because if he did then he would fire that weird family in the big palace.
  17. he is doing a good job and he will be around for another 7 years so it will only get better still
  18. update on my weird neighbor I guess he got into an argument with a police officer and was maced. I heard this from another neighbor who saw the incident. A police officer was at another apartment making a burglary report and this weird guy just walked up behind the officer and started yelling at the cop who ended up macing the guy. Im telling you this guy is crazy and is going to do something. How do you get him observed by a doctor for mental illness? I called the police to ask about the incident but they wouldnt say anything. The guy was just maced and then the ambulance came and washed his face off and then the guy was allowed to just go home. I thik this guy is going to blow like a volcano and I dont want to be around when it happens. Moving again now would really suck.
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