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Everything posted by kipper

  1. about 7 years ago i woke up to a strange smell in my apartment. went to the living room and there was a homeless man sleeping on the sofa. It scared the holly hell out of me and I called the police. The police said he climbed in through the kitchen window and had been arrested for the same thing before
  2. Im glad you would still find the man guilty of something but you are continuing to blame the prosecutor for the evil deeds this man did. This man was a problem waiting to happen. he refused to obey laws and it is a fact that the gun was stolen. He didn't buy the gun, and i don't believe somebody else stole the gun from a cops car and then just magically put it on that pier, crooks don't do that. This man was not a peaceful person, he stole a gun and then found the time and place to use it. Shooting at sea lions my ass. He showed no concern for people or laws and he killed a innocent woman. You excused his crimes as being no violent, but entering this country illegally is a crime too and if that one thing had been enforced, or the city of San francisco had followed the federal laws then this woman would still be alive today.
  3. I heard this case talked about on the radio and it said that in California second degree for murder can be charged when a person uses a gun to commit a felony and if during that felony somebody dies it becomes murder. The same as when somebody uses a gun to rob a store and something goes unplanned and a person is killed then that is murder. It was also said the jury could have ignored the murder charge and still came back with manslaughter so they why didn't they? This thug who ignored our laws and came back many times intended to kill something or someone so he should have been found guilty. The prosecutor is not the one who came back 5 times after being deported, stole a gun from a cop's car, and then went on a shooting spree that killed an innocent young woman.
  4. yesteday a police officer in California was killed by a man driving high on marijuana.
  5. I don't know you can say that when he admitted he was shooting at sea lions? I realize sea lions are not people but he was trying to kill them because he knew it wasnt a toy gun. And when you think of that how does the explanation of accidentaly shooting the gun work when he intended to kill innocent sea lions? I think the real question is why did a jury in san franciso let him go, was it because he is a illegal alien and they feel sorry for him? Why do we even have laws and borders and rules about shooting defensless animals if people are going to get away with that. Now we have a poor young woman who cant rest in peace because 12 jurors decided the man is a saint.
  6. Brady Bunch is the best show ever
  7. I saw on the news where a tourist was arrested in indonesia with dope and may go to prison for many years and his explanation was it was legal now in America. Are people really that dumb?
  8. The price of greatness is responsibility - Winston Churchill
  9. I was volunteering at the local food bank today and I got the biggest hug from a wonderful little girl. The kind of hug only a child can give.
  10. I know this is late but I was away for a long time and I was listening to the radio the other day and heard the father of Kate Steinle talking about the death of his wonderful daughter and I just wanted to wish his family peace this christmas and pray for his daughter to be at peace. This should have never happened and now the man who killed her is going to go free which I cant bellieve is happening.
  11. I haven't been following the news but hearing that my taxes will be lower next year is a real blessing right now. The meager money I will save actualy will make a differnce in the quality of my life.
  12. candy cane and chocolate chip ice cream yum
  13. I live in a old apartment building that has seen better days. I like the landlord but she is not keeping things up. The apartment above me has has some plumbing issues and I have had some backup which are gross but there has been this black stuff seeping behind my kitchen counter. Finally the landlady got a real plumber not her usual drunk handyman and he had to open up the wall. FULL OF MOLD and some sludge stuff. the plumber told me the apartment upstairs is worse with mold in a lot of areas. He said this need a special cleanup but the landlady is trying to find a cheaper work around. I now fear for my health but I dont have many options to move. I may have made a mistake but I called the city to ask questions and I gave the adress. Now the landlady is mad at me because the inspector may 'red tag" 4 apartments in the building there may be more. The city guy said I could call a county phone number for relocation assistance if the landlady would help relocate. Now Im really screwed I think. there is another two bedroom unit on the other side of the building vacant but it costs way more money then i can afford but two other single people who may need to move said to the landlady maybe we can all go there for how long it takes to fix the apartments but she said no way she doesnt want us messing it up because it has fresh paint and she is ready to rent it. how screwed it that? I dont know what to do and I dont know if I can even get my furniture out of the apartment. I may have to move toninght who knows. I will keep you guys posted. Sucks
  14. who is Rick Scott? Is he a jihadist?
  15. i dont think what I said is unlikely. there are millions of people with hateful ideology just not all of them murder. for example people who hate LGBTQ people dont all abuse them, but they still hate them. I was speaking to where the ideology comes from is all.
  16. Ipman I am so glad to hear you sister in law was not one of those people who ended up being murdered. The fact is there are millions just like this one man who hate the world. They hate women, they hate gays, they hate all other philosophies including many of their own too. The inspiration for all of this comes from someplace doesnt it? I find it hard to even contemplate how any family has peace or how one can RIP when they are murdered in the name of something that is supposed to be about peace.
  17. so true apanther, Isis and all of the similar ideology has contributed way to much to this thread for years.
  18. Just watching the news. More about the ISIS shooter in Florida and also the official electoral count made official in congress and Joe Biden declared Trump the winner.
  19. seems so Strider. Now we hear the shooter was inspired by ISIS. When will this end? RIP to those souls just standing their with there loved ones waiting for their luggage in Ft Lauderdale.
  20. Florida seems to get way more than their share.
  21. does that include me too Strider? I happened to pick the better choice which was not necessarily the perfect choice but it was the better choice over that horrible entitled corrupt habitual criminal liar. I hardly see how my choice makes me a racist, sexist, commie stooge just because I didnt pick the worse of two things. RIP to the innocent people murdered today in Florida
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