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Everything posted by blindwillie127

  1. No shit! I guess people don't understand rock n roll. Androgyny and flamboyance has been a mainstay of rock n roll ever since the very beginning...Little Richard. It really is a bit shocking to see how prude folks still are in this day and age. The greatest thing about rock n roll was that if you did it right, you could be and look any way you wanted and do anything you wanted, and get away with all of it. Those were the days...must have been a blast.
  2. Me neither. In 1975 Mick Jagger was riding a giant inflatable cock onstage, Iggy Pop was pulling his dick out of his pants regularly, and Bowie was looking like a hermaphrodite. And, Hendrix was fucking his guitar and amps long before this time. Zeppelin pales in comparison in the "overtly sexual department" IMO. Anyways, they all look timid compared to what goes on in todays mainstream commercial world of music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxtIRArhVD4 Share on Facebook
  3. What I think it means, is that even if they did hear it prior to writing STH, it still did not matter. The reason I say this is due to what the jury unanimously came to the verdict on: "The extrinsic values of STH are not substantially similar enough to Taurus to warrant copyright infringement". When I look up the meaning of "extrinsic" it pretty much sums it up: "The definition of extrinsic refers to a non-essential part, or to something that is not really relevant to the heart of the matter". This jury has really impressed me! God bless em'.
  4. Anybody out there have a ball park figure on how much money might have spent by the plaintiff's to lose this case? Just wondering.
  5. Anybody ever notice how in 1975 Page was using his middle finger to bend strings as opposed to his ring finger whenever possible? If not, I suggest watching the solo to STH from Earls Court (particularly the first 20secs). Then, watch STH from TSRTS and you'll notice he never once uses his middle finger for bends. Both Page and Plant really had to muscle through that '75 tour. Its pretty damn impressive considering the circumstances at this time.
  6. The biggest problem with finger injuries is that they never seem to fully heal, and worst of all, become early candidates for arthritic conditions.
  7. Personally, I don't think Plant had the flu, I think that was just the sate of his voice at that time following throat surgery. What kind of flu lasts 3 months? Notice that in 1977 they 'did' postpone the tour for a month due to Plant's flu, probably because he really did have it. I would love to hear rehearsal's for the '75 tour, that right that there would tell you what kind of shape Plants voice was in, and I'm willing to bet it's no different from the bulk of the '75 performances. This is just my opinion....
  8. Page's playing was "in decline" before 1975? Sorry, but I could not disagree more. '73 was epic Jimmy Page the whole way through in my opinion. Also, you say that "Page's broken finger in 1975 lasted all of "2-3 weeks before he was playing normally again". You ever break your finger? I have, about 10 years ago and it still hurts, when it rains, when its cold, and if over exerted. I've been playing guitar for 30 years and luckily the broken finger was on my pick hand and not the frets. From my count, Page has broken/damaged fingers on his fretting hand at least 3 times, the thought of that makes me cringe.
  9. I remember an interview with Page pre-1980 and was asked what he thought of Rush, all he said was (and I quote), "fucking brilliant". It was probably in Creem Magazine around 1978. Im sure Bonham was very aware of Neil Peart as well.
  10. Prince is laying down some of the funkiest guitar I've ever heard here. One of my favorite clips of him for sure.
  11. How does an 8 minute epic piece of music (STH) get sued over a short intro, and a song that basically lifts an entire tune (see below) get a pass? Imagine the kind of havoc a lawyer with this kind of agenda could wreak? It would be endless....... Nah, doesn't resemble ZZ Tops La Grange, not at all.
  12. Mountain clearly took the music from Taj Mahal's Leaving Trunk and turned it into Mississippi Queen. They made a few changes, slowed it down, beefed it up and wrote new lyrics on top of it. And no, they didn't give credit to Taj, and shouldn't have. And, if I'm not mistaken, a chord progression cannot be copyrighted anyways, so to me, the Stairway lawsuit is just ludicrous.
  13. This one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKCwYfOvxBs
  14. Clapton/Bruce/Baker = 'a bunch of fucking cunts'. Regardless of that fact, I still love Cream, despite the 3 assholes in the band.
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