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Sathington Willoughby

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Everything posted by Sathington Willoughby

  1. Wow, that has to also be a contender for longest gif ever.
  2. Didn't even know this existed 'till I heard it on the radio yesterday. I like that they included some of the 'Shoobie-Doo-Wop's' from the album version.
  3. Apparently irony isn't one of your strong suits, among many, many other things. Making a typo in the very sentence you're deriding others for their grasp of English is just too good.
  4. Judging by the comments, not many want Castro to Rest in Peace, so...
  5. Sounds like you're one of those people.
  6. We also have a channel called Boomerang that airs old cartoons. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boomerang_(TV_channel)
  7. He's referring to a spat between taper 'Freezer' and some members over at The Traders Den a few years back. As far as your question goes, I suppose you never ventured much into the 'Ramble On' sections of the forum, especially before the removal of the political threads, where you could have seen many vile, racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, and general douchey posts from our own SteveAJones, amongst others. EDIT: Just came across another of his fine, upstanding posts here, if you want a small sample:
  8. http://southpark.cc.com/full-episodes/s20e08-members-only#source=fba639b0-ae4d-49b0-9d5d-addb27823f4b:879fd28e-c96b-4f9d-a437-e05c1bcf80aa&position=8&sort=!airdate
  9. Indeed it is. I got a copy on cassette on Ebay a few years back. Looks like there's currently about 30 for sale there, some vinyls, 8-tracks (lol) and cassettes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guitar_Boogie_(album) Full playlist on Youtube:
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